Talented Genius

Chapter 2486: Arithmetic

Fifteen minutes later, Ye Tianlong showed up downstairs with Ding Liuyue and the others, and then got into a RV prepared by Feng Group.

Ye Tianlong held Ding Liuyue's hand tightly, warming her and comforting her, then looked up at the smoky floor, looked at the oriole and asked:

"what happened?"

There was a doubt in his eyes: "How can the hotel catch fire?"

"do not know."

The oriole sighed softly: "The situation is still unclear, and the cause of the fire is also unclear. The only thing I know is that there was a sudden fire in the four tool rooms."

"Brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners, etc. are all on fire, and there is a strong smell of gasoline."

"The hotel staff couldn't turn it off for a while, so I told you to leave the room."

The oriole also looked at the noisy hotel: "But it can be judged that someone set fire, otherwise it is impossible for four rooms to catch fire at the same time."

"It's for sure that someone deliberately set fires, the hotel management is first-rate, and the fire protection system is in place. It's impossible for people to set fires."

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes: "But what makes me most strange is that we are on the 13th and 12th floors, all of which are guarded by the Dragon Buddies."

"Although the tool room is far away, but suspicious persons appear, they should be able to see."

He expressed his doubts: "I saw that we should put out the fire as soon as possible, and shouldn't wait until the smoke billows to startle."

The oriole whispered: "That's suspicious."

"Neither the bodyguard guarding the floor where Ye Shao was located or the Dragon's Ministry protecting the Ding executives did not find anyone approaching or sneaking in."

He has already asked this question: "So when the fire came out of the tool room, he was at a loss."

Ye Tianlong's eyes condensed: "The children of the Dragon Division didn't notice, that can only explain one problem."

The oriole was taken aback: "What's the problem?"

Ye Tianlong's voice was low and deep: "The enemy who set fire is very powerful, so powerful that the children of the Dragon Division cannot find it."

Ding Liuyue showed a touch of surprise: "The enemy is very powerful? But what is the purpose of such a powerful enemy?"

"The enemy didn't hurt you and me, and even let you and me reach the ground safely, they set off that fire. What's the point?"

The woman was puzzled: "Should I set fire to give a warning? It is a warning, and I should leave a name, now there is nothing..."

The oriole nodded: "Ding is right. If the enemy comes at us, why didn't you and Ding receive the slightest impact?"

"Unless there are big people on the remaining floors, we are just being affected."

He once checked the residents around Ding Liuyue: "But as far as I know, the residents on these four floors have no background, and there are no fights."

"This fire will never burn for no reason."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flickered: "Mr Ding and I are not targets, and the rest of the residents have no background. I think there must be someone more interested in the other party."

"Contact Xu Qing and others immediately to see if they are down!"

He struck a spirit: "Come down, let them come here immediately."

Xu Qing and Ding's executives are not important to outsiders, but they are a weakness for Ding Liuyue.

Ding Liuyue's eyelids twitched and quickly picked up the phone to contact.

"Miss Xu and the others should be fine, eight children of the Dragon Division, protecting six senior Ding executives, enough to deal with..."

The oriole subconsciously took the topic, but soon she was shocked again, as if thinking of something:

"A powerful enemy?"

Ordinary enemies can be dealt with naturally by the Dragon's children, but the Dragon's children may not be able to protect a powerful enemy that quietly sets fire.

At this time, Ding Liuyue shouted anxiously: "The phone can't get through!"

The oriole also picked up the phone and called the dragon body bodyguard who was protecting Xu Qing. He quickly changed his expression: "What, didn't you see Miss Xu and others?"

"Ye Shao, the children of Longbu reported that after the fire broke out, they rang the doorbell to notify Xu Qing and them to evacuate."

"They escorted four Ding's executives to evacuate, but Xu Qing and the five others did not respond."

"But no one responded when I rang the doorbell. They thought Xu Qing and others were too drunk to sleep, so they kicked the door in to see what happened."

"As a result, there is no shadow of them in the room."

"The children of Longbu initially thought that Xu Qing and others heard the fire alarm and followed the evacuees to go downstairs in advance."

"The surveillance was brought out, but it was discovered that Xu Qing and the others never went out."

The cardinal said what he knew: "The Dragon Buddy went back to the room and searched, but found a small thing on the pillows in the bedroom of five people."

Ye Tianlong's eyes were cold: "What?"

The oriole did not speak, but just called up the picture that was just sent by the dragon's child, opened it, and zoomed in.

Without waiting for Ye Tianlong to speak, Ding Liuyue was surprised: "Bargaining chips?"

In the enlarged photo, it is the casino chip, which is shiny and shining with attractive luster.

"Guo Jimeng!"

Ding Liuyue quickly reacted and shouted: "It must be him, he kidnapped Xu Qing and the others."

"In the afternoon, I told Guo Jimeng that he could only compromise with me because he didn't have as many chips as me, and he wasn't as heavy as me."

"Unexpectedly, he would take slanderous means to capture Xu Qing and the others."

Ding Liuyue was very angry: "Tianlong, if you want to save Xu Qing, you must not let her have trouble."

"Don't worry, she will be fine."

Ye Tianlong looked calm: "The Guo family can only pray, Xu Qing and the others will be fine."


At this moment, a call was made to Ding Liuyue's mobile phone. Ding Liuyue glanced at her, shaking her body and whispering: "Guo Jimeng!"

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and took it and pressed the hands-free button. Soon, a gloomy laughter came out:

"Ms. Ding, good morning, I called pretendingly to ask you an arithmetic problem."

Guo Jimeng smiled and hid the knife: "Four executives and one girlfriend, how much are they worth?"

Ding Liuyue couldn't help but shouted: "Did you kidnap Xu Qing and the others?"

"President Ding, I'm here to ask questions. We don't need to waste time on things that are not important."

Guo Jimeng's tone was triumphant: "Four executives and a girlfriend, do you think it is worth two hundred billion?"

Ding Liuyue shouted angrily: "You are shameless."

"Do you feel more than that?"

Guo Jimeng's laughter became sharp: "Yes, how about adding that after the stock market opened today, Guo's share price rose by forty points?"

"Ding can make the Guo family's stock price drop by 30 points in a day, so it is not difficult to rise back to forty points."

"President Ding, what do you think?"

"Four high-level executives who have been carefully trained for many years, a girlfriend who can block bullets and knives, what are the mere hundreds of billions?"

Guo Jimeng said slowly: "If you have no money, you can make more money, but if you die, you can't resurrect."

Ding Liuyue said word by word: "Guo Jimeng, you really don't want to die."

"Stop talking nonsense, at eight o'clock in the morning, Xinxing Golf Course."

Guo Jimeng's voice sank: "Come here with the contract and come alone..."

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