Talented Genius

Chapter 2491: Slug killing


Hearing the middle-aged police officer’s question, Guo Jimeng pointed a finger at Ye Tianlong:

"He broke into my private party, broke my friend's hands and feet, killed my bodyguard, framed me for kidnapping, and threatened to kill me at ten o'clock."

"This is a violation of the laws of the new country, and it is also a challenge to the dignity of the police."

Guo Jimeng smiled warmly: "I would like to ask Officer Li to enforce the law impartially, and to bring justice to the wounded and the dead."

As Guo Jimeng's villain first filed a lawsuit, dozens of Chinese men and women also bite the bullet against Ye Tianlong, reprimanding him as a lawless murderer.

"Blood spurts!"

Ding Liuyue's pretty face was cold: "Obviously, you provoked first, and Ye Shaocai shot back."

Guo Jimeng smiled and didn't smile: "Does the provocation mean death? Anyway, people were killed by him, and there are all evidence and evidence, and Mr. Ding can't protect him."

"Mr. Guo, don't be too excited."

The middle-aged police officer carried his hands on his back and looked around with confidence: "The new country is a society under the rule of law, and no one can trample on laws and regulations wantonly."

"I will not allow criminals to offend the dignity of the law."

Then, he looked at Ye Tianlong majesticly: "You wounded and killed?"

When Ding Liuyue wanted to explain further, Ye Tianlong replied calmly: "Yes, I did it."

The middle-aged police officer's face sank, and he put on his official power: "In broad daylight, hurting people in public and killing people in public is nothing short of lawlessness and lawlessness."

"Come on, handcuff him, dare to resist and kill on the spot."

Following these few words, more than a dozen police officers stepped forward and raised their police guns at Ye Tianlong, full of killing intent.

Several experienced old police officers, with cold handcuffs in their hands, approached Ye Tianlong indifferently.

Guo Jimeng picked up the wine glass and sipped the red wine, his face was indescribably triumphant, and wanted to see how Ye Tianlong resolved the predicament.


At this moment, another white motorcade roared and smashed into the police car and parked in front of the crowd. The sign was all with the security bureau.

The door opened and a dozen men and women in uniform appeared.

"is her?"

When Guo Jimeng and the others looked up, Ye Tianlong also glanced, a smile appeared on his face, identifying who the leader of the team was.

Murong Jun's original lover.

Zhang Yi.


Zhang Yi, who was tall in uniform, walked over with her men, and showed her credentials to the middle-aged police officer:

"This is Zhang Yi from the Security Bureau, and I have been ordered to take over this matter."

She politely said: "Officer Li, you can leave with your men."

The middle-aged police officer frowned slightly: "Leave?"

Guo Jimeng and Guo Xiaohua also squinted their eyes, obviously smelling an unusual breath.

Seeing Officer Li staring at him, Zhang Yi said faintly: "Officer Li, do you have any questions?"

Guo Jimeng rolled his eyes and seemed to have figured out something: "Leader Zhang, it seems that Director Murong did receive a lot of money."

"The murderer in broad daylight, he still doesn't care about shelter."

He sneered: "You're a subordinate, it's best to relax, or you will be unlucky with him."

Officer Li's heart moved, his expression stern: "Leader Zhang, the wounding and murder is a matter for the police and has nothing to do with your security bureau."

Zhang Yi took out his mobile phone and sent a text message: "Is it under our control? I said it doesn't count, you say it doesn't count, it counts only if it is said above."

Officer Li was about to sneer, but when he heard the phone vibrate, he had to pick it up to answer. After a while, his face became very ugly.

The police chief ordered him to go away.

Officer Li was extremely depressed, but did not leave. After casting a look at Guo Jimeng, he stepped aside to watch the result while protecting Guo Jimeng.

Seeing Officer Li's head down, the people present were slightly taken aback. They could see that someone suppressed Officer Li, but they didn't understand why they were intervening in this matter.

Did he also take Ye Tianlong's money?

"A lot of people, hurting people, killing people, you are really brave."

After pacifying Officer Li, Zhang Yi came to Ye Tianlong's face, with a bit of displeasure and blame on her pretty face: "Do you really treat this as your home?"

"Let's go, I will take you away."

Zhang Yi gave a warning: "I just hope that there won't be a second time."

"Ten minutes left."

Ye Tianlong didn't get up, but faintly said, "Wait for ten minutes, then go."

"What else are you doing?"

Zhang Yi looked at Ye Tianlong coldly and couldn't help reminding: "If you stabb Louzi again, I can't help you, and Director Murong can't protect you."

She didn't like Ye Tianlong, although Ye Tianlong helped kill the male and female robber and saved her, but she also lost Cai Kang forever.

In her heart, if Ye Tianlong ignored her obstruction earlier, regardless of taking action against the male and female robbers, Cai Kang would not die.

"Let's go, cherish this rare opportunity."

Zhang Yi seems to be a master of Ye Tianlong's destiny.


It seemed that Ye Tianlong was about to retreat. Guo Xiaohua slipped and took a gun backhand, and shot Ye Tianlong in front of him.


The bullet fired.

Ding Liuyue subconsciously exclaimed: "No--"


Many people were frightened by this gunshot, and their eyes widened to see how Ye Tianlong died, only to witness a strange scene.

When the bullet was fired, Ye Tianlong also raised his left hand, which happened to block the bullet.

When shocking, the bullet slipped from his left arm, and there were no bullet holes or blood in his hand, only a faint mark.


Before the warhead slipped off the table, Ye Tianlong probed his right hand, holding the warhead between his **** and index finger, and smiled faintly.

"Browning, the 9mm bullet, is a good gunner..."

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked, and Guo Jimeng's cigars also fell.


Guo Xiaohua looked at the warhead and then at Ye Tianlong, unbelievable: "How is this possible? How is this possible?"

It was incredible. At such a close distance and the impact of the bullet, Ye Tianlong could not only block the bullet calmly, but also did not suffer any injuries.

This is too bad and too absurd.

Ding Liuyue whispered: "Tianlong, are you doing anything?"


When Ding Liuyue was about to check whether Ye Tianlong was injured, Ye Tianlong waved his right hand, and the warhead made a sharp sound and took Guo Xiaohua's eyebrows.

Guo Xiaohua's body was shocked, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid and block attacks, but she couldn't keep up with her speed.

He could only watch the bullet appear.


The bullet hit Guo Xiaohua's eyebrows.

Splashing blood.

Guo Xiaohua's pupils widened in an instant, staring at Ye Tianlong who was shooting, and finally his consciousness left him in shock.

He didn't seem to believe it, Ye Tianlong blocked the bullet and killed himself.

Just don't believe it anymore, he also lost his life, his body shook twice, and then he fell next to Guo Jimeng with a bang.

Blood is flowing...

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