Talented Genius

Chapter 2518: Ma family son-in-law (four more)

Who made you sit down?

As soon as the voice fell, the audience couldn't stop silent, no one thought that at this time, there were still people who disobeyed Shentu Yuanqing.

When Li Changjin looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise, Li Baiwan and Xu Meili were so excited that Ye Tianlong was finally about to make a move.

Ye Tianlong was able to slaughter the Guo family of the new country. Although Mr. Mei Hua and the local horse family were strong, they might not be afraid of Ye Tianlong.

Everyone slowly stepped aside so that the earring youth could see Ye Tianlong.

Shentu Yuanqing looked at Ye Tianlong not far away, with a cold smile on his face: "Boy, what did you say? I didn't hear it, you say it again."

"You just came in and begged for mercy. Maybe I can save your lives and let the police deal with you scumbags."

Ye Tianlong leaned on the seat and drank with a wine glass: "Unfortunately, after you came in, you repeatedly made me unhappy."

"Especially when you sit down, I am very upset."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of red wine: "What are you? Dare to be equal to me?"

He was the only one sitting in the audience, and Shentu Yuanqing was seated, looking like he was sitting on an equal footing.

"court death!"

The smile on the earring youth's face closed, and he said coldly, "Boy, if you want to die early, I will fulfill you."

"I don't know how many trash like you are trampled to death in a year."

He pointed at Ye Tianlong: "You are dead."

"In this case, then I can only kill you and clean the action team."

Ye Tianlong shook his head and sighed lightly, as if he had no choice but to: "Then I'll take the Ma Family and Mr. Mei Hua."

"Boy, do you know what you say?"

A strong man in black costume with a height of 1.8 meters, a muffler gun flashed out of his right hand, he slammed Ye Tianlong's head forward, and roared murderously:

"I shot you down with one shot..."

Before he pulled the trigger, Ye Tianlong's eyes condensed and his sharp sharpness was revealed. He opened the barrel of the gun with his right hand, and buckled the belt with his left hand.

An overlord holds the tripod.

He directly lifted the one hundred and eighty catties above his head, and then slammed it against the smooth and dazzling coffee table not far away.


The large coffee table shattered, and the man in Chinese fell into it miserably, covered with glass **** and blood stains, and he forgot to shout in pain.

The members of the Li family also had their mouths open, but their throats were deep and bottomless, and they could no longer make a sound.

The smiles of Shentu Yuanqing's group quietly disappeared, and their eyes were full of surprise. It was surprising that Ye Tianlong was so fierce.

Lan Lan was shocked and stomped again and again.

Not only will Ye Tianlong and the Li family be finished, they might even implicate themselves.


The five Chinese-clothed men were stunned at first, then as if they were shocked.

With an unusually neat movement, they surrounded Ye Tianlong who walked in front of Shentu Yuanqing, and put their right hand on the gun at the waist at the same time.

"Yo, it's crazy."

Shentu Yuanqing burst into laughter when he heard the words, leaned forward slightly, approached Ye Tianlong and looked into the latter's eyes: "Move my brother? It's crazy enough."

"It doesn't matter who you are, it looks like you did have two, but it moved my brother, and moved me by the way."

"No, I'm sitting here today, if you have the ability, move me to see."

Having said this, he moved his face to Ye Tianlong, angrily and mockingly: "Come, move me."

He dropped the gun on the table, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Ye Tianlong smiled softly, with a gentle and elegant smile: "Okay!"


The next second, he grabbed a durian and patted it directly on Shentu Yuanqing's face.


Shentu Yuanqing, who was too late to raise his gun, let out a scream, resounding through the entire courtyard, durian so many thorns, this shot, half of his face was ruined.

Blood is flowing.

Shentu Yuanqing also instinctively raised his face, wanting to stay away from the durian.

He wanted to avoid, Ye Tianlong certainly wouldn't let him go so easily. He pulled Shentu Yuanqing's collar and slammed the latter on the table.

"Why go? You haven't finished it yet?"

While talking and laughing, Ye Tianlong grabbed the durian and patted it three times in one breath, beating Shentu Yuanqing to his head.

The audience was shocked!

Even Li Baiwan and Xu Meili were stunned. No one thought that Ye Tianlong would dare to wreak havoc on Shentu Yuanqing like this, and it was in full view.

Those Chinese youths were also in a trance, as if they had suffered this kind of horror scene for the first time, and for a while they forgot to come forward to help.

But Lan Lan opened his mouth wide to scream, but he just couldn't shout.


With Ye Tianlong's last blow, the durian cracked with a muffled noise.

Shentu Yuanqing's head was battered and his face was still pricked by a few short thorns.

The whole yard was completely dumbfounded, violent, and **** shocked their eyeballs.

"Kill them!"

Eight youths in Chinese clothes roared together and instinctively pulled out guns from their waists.


Before they took their guns at Ye Tianlong, the right hand of the left hand was raised, and Ye Dao flew by with a sharp bang.

The eight youths in Chinese clothes didn't have time to pull the trigger, they saw the leaf knife flying around like a butterfly, and it disappeared in a flash.

A smear of blood sputtered out, and the eight gunshots staggered, their eyes protruding, and then fell to the ground one by one.

Do not look down.

The yard was instantly filled with gunpowder and blood.

Li Baiwan's eyes widened again, and they looked at this scene in disbelief. They didn't expect Ye Tianlong's men to be so powerful.

Blue eyelids throbbed, and she felt uncomfortable. She didn't want her to choose to fail. She especially hoped that Ye Tianlong would be defeated and the Li family would be destroyed.

Shentu Yuanqing also had a slightly stagnant expression. It seemed that he did not expect that such a swordsman would destroy the seven people's gun damage with a single blow.

At the same time, the oriole broke the necks of the black-clad men.

Ye Tianlong looked at the bleeding Shentu Yuanqing with a sneer: "On this point, I want to kill people?"

He picked up a gun and slowly approached Shentu Yuanqing.

"You said, dare I move you?"

Ye Tianlong poked Shentu Yuanqing's forehead with his muzzle.

Shentu Yuanqing shuddered, and finally recovered, with a fine sweat on his forehead.

Lan Lan, standing behind Shentu Yuanqing's side, was in a trance, then trance.

The blue that regards Ye Tianlong as the role of running dragon, it is difficult to accept that Ye Tianlong is so powerful.

Ye Tianlong was a hundred times more powerful than she thought.

The crowd of Shentu Yuanqing, who was arrogant in her eyes, was killed one after another. Shentu Yuanqing was also ruined with half of his face, and his head was held up by a gun.

At this moment, Lan Lan finally understood why Li Baiwan and Xu Meili were so afraid of Ye Tianlong.

This is really a demon.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong put his finger on the trigger: "Anything else to say?"

Shentu Yuanqing pretended to be calm: "Young man, you have broken the sky. I am not only a policeman, but also Ma's son-in-law, Ma Chunhua's husband..."

"If you move me, you are against the whole country of Malaysia..."

He maintained the last touch of strength: "Let's do it for yourself."

"So much nonsense..."

Ye Tianlong interrupted Shentu Yuanqing, as cold as a murderous god, pulling the trigger.


Shentu Yuanqing's head blossomed and he fell straight to the ground...

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