Talented Genius

Chapter 2523: Is it necessary to fool you?

The man in gray is no one else, but one of Ye Tianlong's three little friends, Wei Xuan.

Ye Tianlong looked at Wei Xuan with complicated eyes, not only a little happy to see him in a foreign country, but also melancholy that the relationship between the two parties has long been useless.

Compared with Yanhuang's heroic and Han Di's calmness, Wei Xuan's feelings for Yan Fei were the most fanatical, and therefore the most resentful towards Ye Tianlong.

So when I met Wei Xuan here, Ye Tianlong couldn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend even though he was happy in his heart.

"Ye Tianlong?"

When Wei Xuan whispered, his right foot also swept up suddenly, quickly and urgently.

Ye Tianlong turned sideways slightly and avoided like a rabbit.

Seeing Ye Tianlong retreating, Wei Xuan took advantage of his momentum to put his dagger on, and suddenly swung out his dagger.

Ye Tianlong retreated calmly.

Wei Xuan quickly put it on, slammed the dagger again, and directly pierced Ye Tianlong's shoulder blades.

Facing Wei Xuan's sharp stab, Ye Tianlong flashed back again, his whole body flashed to the other side like a ghost.


After the combo failed, Wei Xuan didn't feel depressed. With a violent shout, the vigor in his body burst out and rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

Just stepping out, there was a shocking momentum, rushing forward.

A sword attacked and killed Ye Tianlong, and the whistling blade wind was extremely harsh.

Gungun strength condensed in this knife, it really looked like a blue dragon going out to sea, it was extremely powerful.

Facing the knife attacked by Wei Xuan, Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed a smile, he also took a step forward, and then punched out.


There are no unpredictable moves, no esoteric and complicated routines, just a simple punch.

But it was this unremarkable punch that directly penetrated the knife shadow and hit the back of Wei Xuan's hand.


With a loud noise, Ye Tianlong withdrew a step, and as always, understated, Wei Xuan stepped back two steps, the back of his hand was a little red and swollen.

"Sure enough it is you."

Wei Xuan did not attack any more, slowly lowered the dagger in his hand and stared at Ye Tianlong wearing a flat mirror: "Why are you here?"

Although he had just made three moves in one breath and had a head-on with Ye Tianlong, the left-handed gun never changed its direction.

Confronted with Canshou and did not give Canshou a chance to intervene.

This is also the main reason Wei Xuan felt that he suffered a small loss just now.

The hand did not move from start to finish, not because he was afraid of Wei Xuan's deterrence, but because he knew Ye Tianlong was enough to deal with it.

"My days are getting better these days, so I just wandered around. I just came here today to relax."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "It's you, you're almost going to be the president. You haven't come here for a long time, playing microservices and private interviews to empathize with the people?"

He didn't care about Wei Xuan's attack

"I come here, naturally I have something to do."

Wei Xuan didn't tell Ye Tianlong his intentions, and then joked: "I heard that you are very prestigious in China. You have a car, a house and a woman?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Fortunately..."

Wei Xuan's eyes were sharper: "You are really selfish. You have a lot of women, but you still hold onto Concubine Yan tightly."

When talking about Concubine Yan, Wei Xuan's body was covered with an icy breath, which made people very uncomfortable, and also made his hand tense.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Correct you a little, I have never held my concubine."

"If she finds happiness and has someone she likes, although I will be upset, I will still bless and not be angry."

He looked at Wei Xuan and added: "So you can't count your failure on me."

"In any case, your existence restrains the concubine."

A cold light flashed in Wei Xuan's eyes: "Without you, the concubine will definitely accept others, instead of closing her heart and lonely herself."

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders uneasily: "Then it's no way. Being handsome is destined by God. I can't help but let my concubine like me?"


The corner of Wei Xuan's mouth moved, and he almost shot Ye Tianlong, but as soon as he wanted to move, Can Shou took a step forward and put on a thunderous blow.

This suppressed Wei Xuan's actions.

Wei Xuan stabilized his emotions and recovered that indifference, then tilted his head and glanced at the residual hand: "This is your person?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "My brother, my hand."

Wei Xuan slowly lowered his muzzle, "Didn't you always dislike forming cliques? Why are you now protected by masters when you enter and exit?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "People will change..."

"People do change, but they will change again. It's not your excuse for killing innocent women."

Wei Xuan remembered something, raised the gun with a swish, pointed at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Why are you killing Li Fenghua?"

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly: "Kill Li Fenghua?"

"Don't pretend, Canshou has just admitted that he killed all the people in the yard."

Wei Xuan's rough cheeks became angry: "And the final positioning of Li Fenghua's mobile phone is this small courtyard."

"I also smelled blood."

"Ye Tianlong, even though we fell out because of the concubine sister, I still admire you very much, there is love and justice, and my own principles."

There was a look of contempt on his face: "But now you let me down."

"You kill even an innocent woman, are you still the red dragon back then? Are you still someone with a bottom line?"

"You are inferior to a beast, the concubine knows that you have become like this, and she will definitely regret saving you back then."

His hand holding the gun shook slightly, as if he wanted to shoot bullets at any time, but he never pulled the trigger. He knew Ye Tianlong's power.

"Kill Li Fenghua? Wait a minute."

Ye Tianlong stopped Wei Xuan's accusation, and then spoke clearly: "I will tell you three things. First, Li Fenghua is also my friend."

"Second, we did kill a group of people, but not Li Fenghua, but the enemy of Li Fenghua's family."

Ye Tianlong said proudly: "In other words, I saved Li Fenghua."

Wei Xuan was taken aback: "Did you save her?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Third, if you don't believe it, you can contact Li Fenghua."

"If you can't get through her phone, you can call her parents' cell phone."

Ye Tianlong tilted his head slightly: "Can't hand, contact Li Fenghua."

When Canshou nodded to contact Li Fenghua, Wei Xuan had already reacted from Ye Tianlong's answer, frowning and staring at the serious Ye Tianlong.

He seemed a little surprised that Ye Tianlong met Li Fenghua, and even more surprised that Ye Tianlong rescued Li Fenghua's family.

Later, Wei Xuan asked coldly: "You didn't lie to me?"

Ye Tianlong faintly said, "What can I lie to you."

"Do you think I fooled you to survive from your gun?"

Ye Tianlong smiled noncommittal, then his body shook and disappeared from Wei Xuan's face, like a flash of wind.

Wei Xuan's face changed drastically, and then his muzzle slanted and his dagger unfolded. While he was ready to go, he also blocked Ye Tianlong's possible attack.

Only when the muzzle was an inch short of pointing at Ye Tianlong's rushing position, Wei Xuan's wrist was gently held by one hand.

Full of power, hard to shake.

Half a beat slow.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You said, do I have to fool you?"

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