Talented Genius

Chapter 252: What a big play

Chapter 252 What a Big Play

At night, in the Mingjiang Riverside villa area, a piece of light shines on every corner, as well as the billowing river in the distance.

Although the area composed of sixty villas is not a gathering place for top powers, it is not a residence that ordinary people can expect.

The price of 200,000 square meters is enough to discourage 80% of Mingjiang people. Those who live here are not corporate bosses or professional managers.

Liu Yongcai, Wang Dawei and Lin Chaoyang live here. The location is not the best, but the three villas are connected in a row to take care of each other.

At ten o'clock in the evening, diagonally across from the three villas, an extended Mercedes Benz was parked in the dark. The black paint overlapped the night, which was very unnoticeable.

Inside the car, Ye Tianlong was leaning on the seat, eating a strawberry ice cream with relish. He glanced at the monitor screen, then looked at Bai Libing beside him and asked:

"Bingbing, you said you took me to do big things, what big things? I have eaten five ice creams, and there is no good show."

"Liu Yongcai's villa, what's so good about it? Could it be that there is gold or corpses hidden in the back garden?"

Bai Libing next to him was proficient in debugging the monitoring machine, and his expression was as cold as the anti-Japanese female spy:

"It is not important to hide anything. The important thing is to achieve your nasty purpose and kick Liu Yongcai out of Huayao Group, so that your goddess Lin Chenxue can cover the sky in Huayao."

"Tsk, what are these words?"

Ye Tianlong gave Bai Libing a white look: "With one hand covering the sky? Chenxue doesn't care about these powers. She just doesn't want to be restrained by others. Every day Liu Yongcai is demolished, and internal friction will cause serious losses to the company.

"Besides, Liu Yongcai counted me seven or eight times. This time it is my turn to seek justice."

Bai Libing sneered: "Chenxue is so affectionate."

When Ye Tianlong was stunned for a while, she then changed the conversation:

"I don't care what your purpose is. In short, if I help you achieve your goal tonight, your security company must recruit me and give me the power and opportunity to recruit 30 people. I will also be the deputy captain and only obey you. leadership."

Ye Tianlong put a mouthful of ice cream into his mouth: "Although I don't know why you came in Tianlong Babu, but I promised you, I will definitely do it."

"Don't worry, after Liu Yongcai stepped down, I will recruit you to join the company immediately and provide you with a one-story rental house as a dormitory with a budget of 1 million."

He was indeed surprised by Bai Libing's motives as a security guard. After all, she had more and better choices, but if she agreed, she would not find excuses to shirk.

He also glanced at Bai Libing. This woman seemed to particularly like uniforms. Today she is wearing a black suit again, which looks very cold and proud.

The tall figure under the uniform suit is really indescribable, and Ye Tianlong's mind flashed the words of uniform temptation from time to time.

At this moment, Bai Libing glanced at Ye Tianlong, and said without much emotion: "I want four million."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Four million? Thirty people cost four million. Wouldn't it be too dark?"

The village committee only grants nine million yuan a year, which is half of Baili Bing's expense. It really hurts.

He habitually bargained: "You thirty four million, dinosaurs three hundred and five million, so it's easy to get angry."

Baili responded coldly: "I will make you worth the money."

"Well, anyway, I recently made a lot of money, two million is two million."

Ye Tianlong turned his eyes to the screen. The four screens happened to lock three villas and roads, but there was still no one at the moment:

"The worst of this villa is 400 square meters. The price is less than 100 million yuan. Liu Yongcai was born and raised. He is the vice president or the second generation. It is not unusual to live here."

"But Lin Chaoyang and Wang Dawei, these two guys, are real foreigners who have been kidnapped and deceived. Maybe where did they get so much money to buy this villa?"

Bai Libing seemed to have already figured out the details of his opponent, and his voice was cold and replied: "To tell you the truth, the owners of these three villas are all Liu Yongcai."

"Ten years ago, he paid 200 million yuan for demolition and relocation. He bought three villas here in one go. It was cheap at the time, and a villa only cost more than 30 million yuan."

"Wang Dawei and Lin Chaoyang are his pig friends and dog friends, or the pawns he arranged in the company, so they are allocated a villa for free."

"As long as Wang Dawei and Lin Chaoyang like it, these two villas can live in them until they die. Of course, the property rights still belong to Liu Yongcai."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Liu Yongcai will really win over people."

"Is there really a free lunch?"

Bai Libing joked lightly: "Liu Yongcai gave two people a free villa for three purposes. One is to facilitate the three people to gather or move around, and to better communicate and take care of them."

"The second is to win the hearts of the two and let them make better money for themselves. Wang Dawei and Lin Chaoyang can be regarded as Liu's lucky boys."

Ye Tianlong nodded slightly: "The analysis is good." Then he asked: "How about three?"

Bai Libing did not respond directly, but pointed his finger at the screen: "Third, the answer will be known soon."


While talking, an Audi VII drove over from the main road, and then drove into the middle villa with its lights on, Liu Yongcai's home, the door opened.

Seeing Liu Yongcai coming out, with a Cuban cigar in his mouth, with a driver, an assistant, and two bodyguards around him, he looked very pretentious.

At almost the same moment, Ye Tianlong caught that not only the door in the middle opened, but also the second floors of the villas on both sides were lit up.

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong saw two beautiful women peering, with deep grudges in their eyes, just like Pan Jinlian who dropped the stick.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the information. On the left was Lin Chaoyang's woman, and on the right was Wang Dawei's concubine.

He seemed to figure out something, his eyes narrowed slightly: "It's interesting."

"The good show hasn't started yet."

Bai Libing attacked Ye Tianlong unceremoniously, and then used the computer to skillfully tap the keyboard. Soon, she cut into the camera inside the villa and was able to see Liu Yongcai's actions clearly.

Ye Tianlong even discovered that there were three pictures about the bedroom, facing the big bed.

Then, she opened another program, and a dozen numbers were also displayed on the screen.

Ye Tianlong can identify one of them is Liu Yongcai's number.

"It seems that you have done a lot of homework in these two days."

A hint of compliment appeared on Ye Tianlong's face: "Not only did he install the camera in the bedroom, he also checked all their mobile phone numbers."

Baili joked coldly: "Just know, don't think that the monthly salary is too high."

Ye Tianlong asked again: "What are you doing in Fire Phoenix?"


Bai Libing directly blocked Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong shut up.

"You can sleep for a while."

Bai Libing looked at the time: "When I close the net, I will call you."


Just as Ye Tianlong was about to nod his head, two Toyota cars whizzed to the door. Not long after, Liu's bodyguard opened the iron door.

The two cars drove in quickly, and then they ran across the front of the main building. Ye Tianlong tapped a few fingers on the keyboard to zoom in.

In the field of vision, the car door opened and four Dongying men and women came out, one of them, fifty years old, without hair, like a fierce wolf.

Ye Tianlong's eyes jumped and killed in an instant: "Wolverine?"

At almost the same moment, the hairless Dongying man slowly turned around and stared at the Benz in the shadows.

His gaze was like a long knife, slowly pressing against Ye Tianlong and their throats.

Bai Libing suddenly felt a touch of suffocation.

The next second, Wolverine walked towards the car.

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