Talented Genius

Chapter 2527: Fuck him

At this moment, at the left end of the alley, the convoy blocking the way is also mixed with a long Mercedes.

In the luxurious car, a burly black African man leaned against the seat, dangling a cigar and red wine, looking at the sealed alley with a smile on his face.

"Block him, block him, you must not let them run away."

Black Africans are very happy, watching the screen keep making noises, what could be more exciting than catching a turtle in an urn?

Opposite him, there were two well-dressed women, one in her forties and the other under twenty.

The older woman lost one eye, but she had a stiff body, shoulder-length hair, and thin fingers, but she had no lack of sharpness.

The young girl has a melon face, smooth eyes, and a slender figure. She looks almost like Liu Yifei, but she has a proud look and her chin is used to lift.

After seeing that the alley was tightly sealed, the black African looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him and smiled:

"Senior Ma, Mr. President said, as long as he can kill this **** Wei Xuan, he will help you shovel the Guo family from the Ma family."

"The Malaysian government does not allow the Ma family and the Guo family to kill each other, but it cannot prohibit us from attacking the Guo family."

"Mr. President called me and he will send 500 of the most elite gunmen to help the Ma family level the Guo family in one fell swoop."

"As a result, you will become the first race in the country of Malaysia, and when General Wengsha dies in the future, the country of Malaysia will be the world of your Ma family."

"Of course, the premise is that Wei Xuan died today..."

The black African dangled and said, "He is dead, so Mr. President can free his hand to help you."

Middle-aged woman, the second generation leader of the Ma family, Ma Xiangu, Ma Chunhua's aunt, is also the second master of the Ma family, the finale of this battle.

Young girl, one of Ma Xiangu's most talented and respected lover, Jia Lele.

Black Africans, President Temin's most important confidant, General Monto, chief of staff.

Ma Xiangu slowly straightened her upper body when she heard the words: "Don't worry, my father sent me to take action. That means the enemy is dead."

"But the general also wants to tell Mr. President, he must remember his promise."

Her eyes turned cold: "Whoever is sorry for the friendship of the Ma family will be unlucky."

The black African raised his wine glass and laughed: "The Eighteenth Madame and the Young Master are both guests at Ma's house. How can we forget the promise?"

"Senior Ma, take a rest first."

Monto spoke out to please Ma Xiangu: "Nourish your energy and recharge your energy, a battle will determine the universe."

"Isn't it just an African mercenary? As for the sincere fear?"

Jia Lele snorted: "Master, would you let me take a shot and see if I stabbed them to death?"

She glanced at the profile of Wei Xuan and Ye Tianlong, her pretty face was very disdainful, and she looked down on the two of them.

She used to select masters for the Ma family, and more than once turned over the so-called military masters, the king of soldiers.

In her opinion, those warlords are all inconsistent with their names, and they can only be kings and hegemons among ordinary people, and they cannot be compared with her martial genius.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to Wei Xuan.

Monto showed a trace of embarrassment, which was tantamount to criticizing him as a trash. Even a Wei Xuan would be a great teacher, but he didn't care about Ma Xiangu's face.


At this moment, the screen suddenly lit up, and several dazzling torches roared out of the restaurant and fell into the door of a recycling bin one after another.

The piles of paper and old mattresses burned, the fire was fierce, and black smoke was everywhere.

Blurred vision...

"Swish swish-"

When smoke billowed at the entrance of the recycling station and the view of the alley became blurred, Ye Tianlong and Wei Xuan were throwing the last three torches.

They lighted the items at the entrance of two shops in the alley, and then threw a torch onto the meter box on the corner.

This alley was in some ages, not only was the shop dilapidated, but the wires were also messed up. When the fire burned, it snapped and broke.

At this point, the entire alley was scorching flames and thick smoke.

Seeing that the alley was burning, the advancing enemy was slow, and the muzzle was slowly raised.

However, they did not attack immediately, but step by step, not only locked the shops on both sides, but also sent people to guard the door, not giving them a chance to hide.

They want to strangle the space between Ye Tianlong and Ye Tianlong a little bit.

Ye Tianlong and Wei Xuan took advantage of the last moment to carry out a few bottles of gas from the Chinese restaurant.

Wei Xuan had dissipated the anger, and his murderous aura made him calm down, like a sharp sword soaked in cold water, bursting with death breath at any time.

He even took two bottles of 50% liquor from the dining room cabinet.

He threw a bottle to Ye Tianlong, and twisted another bottle to drink.

"Come on, take two sips."

Although there were some signs of capsize in the gutter today, Wei Xuan was not at all afraid. He drank the liquor without delay, waiting for the enemy to move closer.

Ye Tianlong also poured a sip of white wine, feeling the pungency of his mouth, and then smiled to Wei Xuan: "Don't worry, we can't die."

Although the signal was missing and unable to communicate with the outside world, Ye Tianlong knew that Canshou had been staring at him in secret.

Canshou must have seen the current situation and must be contacting someone who can help, so as long as he delays for a while, the two will be fine.

"A few hundred people, if they weren't holding guns in their hands, there would be no difficulty in killing you and me."

Wei Xuan sighed and said, "But now they all have guns, and God has the final say to survive."

If you are not careful, a stray bullet may take your life.

Ye Tianlong took two cans of gas in his hand: "Don't talk nonsense, get ready to do it."

Wei Xuan raised his head: "How to do it?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "There is an extra-long Mercedes-Benz at the left end of the alley. People who come by this kind of car must be big people who feel cats and mice."

"Catch the thief and the king."

His voice sank: "Fuck him!"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's frantic words, Wei Xuan only felt a burst of blood surge in his chest, this blood was like a flame, burning his whole body's fighting spirit.

Wei Xuan laughed: "Okay, **** him."

"Stop talking nonsense, you left and right, do it."

Ye Tianlong shouted a word to Wei Xuan, then moved his steps and rushed out suddenly. At the same time, he slammed the opened gas bottle and hit the enemies on both sides severely.

Wei Xuan also flashed, the black gun raised, and the trigger squeezed.


Two bullets hit two gas bottles one after another, two loud noises, two groups of flames soaring into the sky, and countless fragments flying around.


The more than 20 enemies pressing from both sides had no time to dodge, so they were severely overturned by the air waves above their heads, and fell to the ground with a groan.

More than ten of them were still hit by the debris, dripping with blood and howling endlessly.

The black smoke is more intense.

When the other enemies saw this, they lay on the ground subconsciously, holding their heads to avoid the flying debris.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Tianlong threw two more gas bottles to both sides, slammed into the foot of the wall he had already locked, and then slid out of the ground.

He instantly narrowed the distance between himself and the injured enemy.


Ye Tianlong raised his hands, and two choppers flew out.

The two struggling enemies screamed and fell to the ground with knives in their chests...

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