Talented Genius

Chapter 2534: Yelang arrogant


The two Weiss gunners who got out flew upside down, screaming halfway, because the throat was cut, and they stopped abruptly.

The thick blood suddenly burst out of Lao Gao, a **** breath, diffused,

Ma Baipao's killing intent became more and more intense, like a storm breaking the shore, and his backhand swept across.


The three Weiss gunners who raised their guns were extremely shocked to find that there was a huge gap in their chests, and blood poured out like spring water.

Afterwards, they fell to the ground groaning.


At this time, Wei Xuan raised his hand and shot two bullets.

Ma Baipao moved his footsteps to avoid calmly, then stepped on the soles of his feet, swept away, countless stones flew out, and the four Weiss gunners fell to the ground with a grunt.

Another stone flew towards Wei Xuan. Wei Xuan was too late to escape. He swept the stone with both hands and knocked the stone to the ground. At the same time, the corner of his mouth moved and his wrist hurt.

Then, Ma Baipao patted the car cover again, and the broken glass flew out, hitting the three Weiss gunners with blood.

In an instant, Ma Baipao overturned a dozen people.


"Old Ma!"

"Senior Horse!"

When Wei Xuan's face sank and was about to order random shots, seven or eight men and women jumped out, holding a hidden weapon in his left hand and a sword in his right.

Leading the team is a young woman with a delicate face and tall figure, but with sharp eyes, holding three throwing knives in her left hand.

It is Ma Xiayu, Ma Chunhua's cousin.

When she appeared, she stabbed to death three Wei's wounded with a single wave of a long sword, and ran to Ma Baipao for protection.

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

Ma Xiayu asked Ma Baipao, and then shouted to Wei Xuan: "Assault Ma's Garden, you will all die."

Ma Baipao also stared at Wei Xuan coldly, a flash of murder in his eyes.

After Ma Baipao escaped the explosion at the door, while letting people sound the alarm to prepare for a fight, he rushed to the checkpoint instead of retreating.

He knew in his heart that the other party played such a big explosion, it was definitely not thunder, heavy rain, and it was likely to attack after the explosion.

So he was ready to kill the enemy's head and resolve this crisis.

Moreover, he could only try to capture the thieves and the king at the moment, and more than 100 people were killed or injured by the explosion at the door, reducing the guarding power of the entire garden by half.

If you don't kill the enemy leader to turn things around, Ma's Garden is likely to be trampled flat, so he simply treats the wound and rushes to the final checkpoint.

It's a pity that he was still half a beat, the checkpoint has been broken, Ma Baipao can only rise up to kill and vent his anger.

"Scorpion, take someone to level the garden."

Wei Xuan tilted his head to the dozens of men surrounded by him: "I will deal with these guys."

A middle-aged man nodded, then retreated with a big hand, and charged towards the top of the mountain away from Ma Baipao.

On the way, fifty Weiss gunners formed into ten teams, and they were well-trained to attack the Majia guards.

The gunfire sounded, the screams continued, the blood on the top of the mountain became rich, and Ma Baipao showed endless killing intent.

However, he did not turn around and hunt down the Wei's gunman, but firmly locked Wei Xuan in front of him. As long as he was killed, the attacker would fall apart.

Ma Xiayu and the others chased out more than 20 meters and shot the hidden weapon in their hands, trying to stop Scorpion and them.

"Da da da--"

Only the two blocking Weiss gunners fired frantically, and dozens of bullets were ejected from their guns, strangling them to pursue them.

Ma Xiayu and the others could only roll and evade, and then stood up, but Scorpion and others were no longer seen.

The eight Ma Xiayu did not pursue any more, but turned back and scattered around Wei Xuan.

Instead of chasing the elite of Wei, it is better to take down the leader of Wei Xuan.

At this moment, Ma Baipao was staring at Wei Xuan and said, "Ignorant children, always use explosives and firearms, despicable and shameless."

He didn't shoot immediately, but felt another powerful breath in the car.

Inside the car, Ye Tianlong closed his eyes and rested, recovering his strength from the first battle in the alley.

Wei Xuan sneered: "Old man Ma, when you let five hundred people and Ma Xiangu cooperate with Monto to siege me, why didn't you say it was shameless?"

Ma Baipao's face sank: "You killed Ma Xiangu?"

"Dare to kill my aunt, I want to break your body into pieces."

Ma Xiayu was very angry: "Grandpa, kill this bastard."

Wei Xuan smiled noncommitantly: "Yes, I killed you. You didn't accept it? Even if you didn't accept it, you killed it."

"Boy, what are you?"

Seeing that Wei Xuan was so arrogant, Ma Xiayu sneered and shouted, "My grandfather kills you like a chicken."

"You can rush here to prove that the combat effectiveness is indeed good, but you should not provoke our horse family."

Ma Xiayu carried the long sword, showing a touch of pride: "You have never seen an eighth-rank master, you never know the horror of an eighth-rank master."

"My grandpa hits people like you, one hundred each."

"When my grandfather kills you, I will hold your head and kill all your friends."

She looked proud.

"is it?"

Wei Xuan smiled slightly, then his right hand shook, the black dagger flashed, his steps moved, and he took Ma Xiayu not far away.

"court death!"

Just as Wei Xuan rushed on his way, Ma Baipao's figure flashed, and he immediately arrived in front of Wei Xuan.

Wei Xuan roared, and the black dagger waved toward Ma Baipao with a sharp wind.

Ma Baipao just gave a fluttering palm.


With a crisp sound, Ma Baipao photographed Wei Xuan's dagger.

Wei Xuan's expression was abruptly cold, and his body shook violently, then his left hand also shook, and with a howling wind, he attacked suddenly.

Torn air flow blew between the two.


The palms of the fists immediately collided and shook out a fierce air wave. The fragments that were supposed to fall were once again shaken out by this air wave.

Wei Xuan's body trembled fiercely, and even though he used his whole body strength, he still suffered from head-to-head encounters, staggering back a few steps to stabilize his figure.

There was another trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Ma Baipao, who took a step back, frowned. It was a little surprised that Wei Xuan's instant explosive power was so terrifying.

But he didn't hesitate, his body bounced up suddenly, his toes like a steel knife, with a sharp momentum, he slashed towards Wei Xuan's head.

This terrifying kick was quick and cruel, and Wei Xuan didn't even have time to react, so he could only hold his arms in front of his chest.

"Boom boom!"

At the time Ma Xiayu and the others blinked, Ma Baipao kicked out a dozen feet like a machine, and Wei Xuan's face was gloomy as he kept running back and forth.

He felt his arm about to explode.


As Ma Baipao swept across the thousands of troops with the last record, Wei Xuan's arms hurt, and then his body shook, and his whole body flew out.

On the way, Wei Xuan twisted his body, abruptly stopped his flight, fell from mid-air, half-kneeled on the ground, with a touch of blood at the corners of his mouth.

There were a few cracks on the ground near his knees, showing how domineering and arrogant Ma Baipao took just now.

Wei Xuan was a little helpless. He had already fought a fierce battle in the alley. Both his energy and physical strength were overdrawn, and it was pure excitement to be in his current state.

This kind of situation can still be a battle against ordinary masters, but it is difficult to do anything against Ma Baipao.

Ma Baipao succeeded with a single blow, but did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it. The strong breath in the car gave him indescribable anxiety.

"I said, if you don't make a move, you don't know how good an 8-Rank master is."

Ma Xiayu did not feel the existence of Ye Tianlong, and sneered at Wei Xuan with contempt: "Now, do you know how small you are?"

"You are not enough to stuff my grandpa between his teeth."

The seven companions also focused on Wei Xuan.

They had never seen a Ninth-Rank and 10-Rank master, they had only seen Ma Baipao's invincibility, and they believed that Ma Baipao was heaven.

Wei Xuan and Tiandu do not know what to do.

"It's a pity, you could have become famous today."

Ma Xiayu watched Wei Xuan playfully: "It's a pity that my grandpa left the customs and made my grandpa angry. You are doomed to die miserably."

Ma Baipao was still silent, his eyes fell on the commercial vehicle, a young man sleeping behind the seat.

Hearing Ma Xiayu's sarcasm, Wei Xuan smiled nonchalantly: "Not necessarily..."

The arrogant Ma Xiayu sneered slightly, revealing his inner disdain: "Still pretending? Is it interesting?"

People always overestimate themselves, underestimate others, and don't know how many catties they are when they die.

Ma Xiayu looked at Wei Xuan proudly and said: "Tie your hands and give you a good death, otherwise you will be cut a thousand times."

At this moment, she looked down on the common queen, domineeringly overlooking Wei Xuan who wiped out the blood, as if controlling his life.

"Grandpa, leave this **** to us, we will slowly play him to death."

Ma Xiayu is full of arrogance: "You are an 8-rank master, kill this kind of person and lose your status."


At this moment, the car door was kicked open with a loud noise, and a voice came out:

"Only eight products, Yelang is arrogant..."

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