Talented Genius

Chapter 2549: chance encounter

Ye Tianlong thought about Zhao Ditian's intentions for an hour, but couldn't figure it out, so he finally decided to put it down temporarily.

After getting permission to enter Beijing, he went to the capital to ask what happened.

Later, he received a call from Yuan Shazi, she wanted to visit Ye Tianlong at the Magic Sword Garden and report the recent situation of the casino by the way.

Ye Tianlong thought for a while and told Yuan Shazi to be waiting at the casino, and he would go to the casino to take a look.

How can I say that Xue's Casino has become his industry, and Ye Tianlong always needs to take the time to talk about it, so he greeted the gods and left.

The car was driving on the road, and the sea breeze slowly came in from the window, making Ye Tianlong relaxed and happy, but he frowned again when he thought about Chen Yaoyang.

Ye Tianlong asked: "Orientale, when will Xue Yifeng come to Australia?"

"I guess it will arrive tomorrow."

Huang Que hurriedly took the topic: "Actually, he finished the handover with Aunt Wa yesterday, but he waited for the Moutai puree to be delivered, so it was delayed for two days."

Ye Tianlong smiled helplessly: "This guy, he drinks Maotai and eats lake fish all day, and his life is more chic than ours."

"Mr. Dai said that Xue Yifeng is just like this. Everyone buys a house, a car, or a plane, but his assets are all used in Moutai and wine cellars."

The yellow bird briefly described Xue Yifeng's behavior: "The manor of more than 30 acres next to the West Lake and six buildings are almost all used to store Moutai."

"However, he did not lose out because of food and drink. The price of his stored Moutai has risen sharply over the years, and his assets have almost doubled."

The oriole smiled and said, "Of course, no matter how much it rises, he is not willing to sell it, and drink it himself."

Ye Tianlong sighed: "It's a good fate to be hit right."

"It is rumored that he has Emperor Maotai, the Emperor of Han Dynasty born in 1992, with a market value of more than 10 million."

The oriole joked: "I don't know when he will open this bottle of wine, and then he will have such a small glass."

Ye Tianlong couldn't help but praised after hearing this: "This life is really what a husband can ask for?"

The Oriole's conversation turned: "Ye Shao, Xue Yifeng is good at being a good player, and he is a good drinker. Wouldn't it be a bit risky to let him lead the magic knife gate?"

"After all, Shendaomen has 8,000 children, involving six major casinos, Xue Yifeng may not be able to handle the relationship well."

There was a hint of worry in his eyes: "Moreover, Chen Yaoyang's stings will definitely make trouble."

"Don't be fooled by his wine."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "If Xue Yifeng doesn't have a little ability, how can he become the four masters of the Qin family? How can he stay with Mr. Dai for a long time?"

"Moreover, Mr. Dai has now retired. Xue Yifeng will continue to stay in West Lake. It is useless, I am afraid he will really become an alcoholic."

"So it's better to let him come to Australia to preside over the overall situation."

"Furthermore, if it wasn't for him to come to Australia City, then who should be sent to control the magic sword gate?"

Ye Tianlong sighed with emotion, revealing his desire for talents. The site is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more places to be secured, and he is especially eager for talents.

"That's true."

Oriole pinched her fingers and said, "Old Cao and Di Kuangtian need to stay at the base camp. Shangguan Xiaozhi, Chen Xiufei, and Feng Jiutian complete the North-South unification."

"The white shark, the black tiger, and Ouyang Jinyue guard the ground."

"Dinosaurs control the dragon, Han Qinhu is in charge of the tiger division, Dalmatians are in charge of the dog camp, Tianmo is used to loneliness, and Mai revitalizes the lone star."

"The hand can protect you..."

The oriole sighed softly: "Counting it down, it is true that Xue Yifeng can only take on the responsibility."

Ye Tianlong thoughtfully: "After this matter, let Bailihua select a group of people from Longmen to train."

While talking, the car gradually approached Xue's Casino. No, to be precise, it is now called Tianlong Casino, magnificent and magnificent.


Just as the car was about to enter the hotel, an Audi suddenly rushed out of the car and bumped into the back of Ye Tianlong's car, and then hurriedly stepped to a stop.

Canshou did not care about the damage of the car, turned the steering wheel, got out of the Audi at the fastest speed, and then ran across the roadside.

At the same time, the oriole pushed the door out, with a short gun hanging down in his right hand.

Whenever something goes wrong, the two will block and evacuate as quickly as possible.

Cooperate with tacit understanding.

However, the oriole's short gun was quickly recovered, because the Audi door opened, revealing a beautiful and familiar figure.

Long flowing hair in a shawl, tight-fitting t-shirt, denim shorts, slender legs, delicate facial features, very pure and artistic.

While looking at the rear of Ye Tianlong's car, she repeatedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, I drove a bit fast."

"I'll leave you a number, how much will the car repair, I will pay at that time..."

Hearing the familiar voice, Ye Tianlong was also taken aback, glanced at it, smiled and pushed the door down: "Miss Xie, hello."

The delicate girl was startled at first, then recognized Ye Tianlong and cheered: "Ye Shao."

The delicate girl is not someone else, it is Xie Zuiyi, a contracted singer of Tianlong Entertainment, and an artist that Ye Tianlong wants to cultivate.

"Long time no see, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said hello: "Why, come to the Australian city to play or perform?"

Although he hasn't paid much attention to Tianlong Entertainment recently, he still knows a little bit about Xie Zuiyi, and everything goes smoothly, and he has gradually become famous in the circle.

But because of her temperament, Zhao Yaoyao wanted her to hold a concert or make a major production heroine several times, but Xie Zuiyi declined.

She hopes to spend two years to polish, play some small roles or be a concert guest first, accumulate experience and then play the heroine or hold a concert.

Xie Zuiyi hopes that his efforts are worthy of the audience's votes.

Zhao Yaoyao was not angry about this, but respected her more and was willing to give her two years to grow up, and Tianlong Entertainment's resources could last two years.

Ye Tianlong also admired her. He always wanted to meet and never had a chance. He didn't expect to meet him, but it was the situation now.

When Xie Zuiyi saw that it was Queen Ye Tianlong, he relaxed and raised a smile: "Yes, Ye Shao, it's been a long time."

"I didn't expect to meet Ye Shao here, and come to have such an'close' contact with Ye Shao."

Later, she felt that her metaphor was wrong, and Qiao's face blushed and added: "I came to Australia to take part in the filming."

"I took a female third role in a Jianghu drama, and I was in a hurry to shoot today."

"Because the original shooting location has changed, the distance has been increased by half, which disrupted my schedule, so I drove a bit faster."

Xie Zuiyi was very embarrassed: "Ye Shao, sorry, I ran into your car..."

"It's okay, a little thing."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand and smiled: "Well, you have to rush to film, I won't tell you the old things, and when you are done, call me."

"I will be in Australia City these days."

He waved to Xie Zuiyi to go busy: "We'll get together again then."

"Thank you Shao Ye, I will invite you to dinner another day."

Xie Zuiyi slapped a spirit, waved to Ye Tianlong vigorously, then got into the car and stepped on the accelerator: "Ye Shao, goodbye!"

"Drive slowly."

Ye Tianlong yelled out: "Life is more important than drama..."

Audi ran away before speaking, and soon disappeared into the traffic.

When Ye Tianlong shook his head, not far away, a nanny car quietly dropped down the window, with a pair of spiteful eyes staring at the turning Ye Tianlong.

After that, he turned his gaze to the direction where Xie Zuiyi was leaving, and his savage face gradually became clear.

Xiao Rihan.

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