Talented Genius

Chapter 2551: Ascension

"Wu Fei, you are too lawless."

At this moment, in the VIP room on the 7th, Yuan Shazi looked at Wu Fei's group coldly, with a hint of sorrow on her pretty face: "Don't you know that the casino has a ban on military weapons?"

"Ms. Hara Sako, you are here."

Wu Fei flicked his long hair, got up from the chair with a cigar in his mouth, and then laughed without a smile: "A little thing, it's a big deal."

"It's really an honor for Wu Fei."

"It's just that you are preconceived. You have a bad impression of me, so you think I am wrong."

"Of course I know that the casino has a ban on armed forces, but there is a reason for us to act."

"This group of Manchurians won me seven games in a row, and won me more than 20 million. I felt that they gave a thousand, so I tried to teach them."

"Your casino's incompetence did not find that they were cheating. I will punish them for you. Not only do you not thank you, but you also think I don't understand the rules."

"It chills me too much."

Wu Fei looked heartbroken: "The dozen or so brothers who helped me withdraw their swords to chill, because they felt the blood shed in vain..."

"Blood spurts."

Tai Fei Jiao yelled: "When have we been out of thousands? The skills are not as good as people, so don't frame people."

"I won your 20 million tonight, all of them can stand the test with integrity."

"Miss, your casino is a famous casino in the world. As a result, I had a very unpleasant experience here."

"Not only did I meet shameless guests in the VIP room, but they also suffered a joint attack, and three people were injured."

"Casinos have different thresholds and improper security. I need the casino to give us an explanation."

Tai Fei's pretty face was cold and attacked Yuan Sako: "Otherwise I will file a complaint with the World Gambling Association."

"Bitch, what the **** are you talking about? Shame? It's you who paid the bill."

Wu Fei slapped the table and shouted sternly: "Say one more sentence, believe it or not, I will kill you."

Several beautiful female companions also joked, thinking that Concubine Tai was really ignorant of current affairs. In such a situation, he would challenge Wu Fei, and it would be a dead end.

The rest of the subordinates are also turbulent, pointing at Tai Fei and a few screams and screaming, making several Mangoss look solemn, and pull Tai Fei no longer talking.

After all, there are so many people on the other side.

"Miss, don't worry, she must be fair to you."

Yuan Shazi stepped forward and looked at Wu Fei: "Wu Fei, you said that they had a thousand dollars, you should show evidence instead of splashing sewage."

"At least, our casino didn't find any clues, and the monitoring was not unusual."

She said coldly: "If you can get evidence, I will not only blame you, I will chop off their hands and give you double compensation."


Wu Fei sneered noncommitantly: "Do you think these people who have come out of thousands will make you easily come up with evidence?"

"There is no evidence, then you deliberately made trouble."

Yuan Saiko's pretty face sank: "Wu Fei, you can take advantage of you usually. For the sake of Mr. Chen and Tiger Shark, I don't care about you too much."

"But if you hit someone tonight, I will never leave it alone."

She had a chill in her eyes: "I must maintain the rules of the casino."

Princess Tai yelled out: "I ask the casino to do things according to the rules, let them apologize in public, double the compensation, and punish the murderer severely."

"Madam, don't worry, I will tell you."

Hara Sako is polite and polite: "The casino will never shield offenders."

"Explain? Give what explanation?"

Wu Fei squeezed his cigar and spewed out a puff of smoke, with a touch of joking on his face: "A few of them pay a thousand to win me money, and I want to confess it? Absurd."

"Yuan Saiko, if you come to help me today, Wu Fei is extremely welcome and grateful."

"But if you are here to favor them, don't blame me for not giving face."

Wu Fei patted several burly men around him and said, "I have a good temper, but the brothers below are too bloody."

"Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, they don't know how many people who don't have eyes will be killed."

"I met a powerful nephew a few days ago, who seems to be the precious son of the deputy mayor of the inland, and the cow clamored to slap us in the face."

"What do you guess? My brothers swelled their faces and broke three of their fingers."

"So if you don't help us, then roll back from where to go."

"Tonight, I have to kill these Manchurians."

He stared at Concubine Tai with a wicked smile: "I want to circle this woman on the spot a hundred times."

Although Concubine Tai looks a bit of origin, Wu Fei has nothing to fear. Hong Kong City and Macau City are all his brothers' sites. Why are you afraid?

At this moment, it is no longer a face, but a naked threat!

"I don't care how you run wild outside, but if you make trouble in my place and attack VIPs, I won't just sit back and watch."

Yuan Saiko's voice sank: "You must pay the price tonight."

Wu Fei's yin and yang anger: "Pay the price? Do it? Then do it, and see if the casino will jump around."

Yuan Saiko sneered and asked, "Wu Fei, have you ever thought about the consequences of playing with fire like this?"

Wu Fei suddenly burst into laughter, stretched out his hand to stop the men who were about to move behind him, holding a cigar in his hand, and let out a little bit of raw yarn:

"You don't give face so much, then I don't have to be merciful."

"Yako Hara, I dare not move you nor can I move you. This is a fact, I don't deny it. After all, you are the person in charge of the casino."

"There are still a lot of magic swordsmen in the casino."

"But you can't move me either."

Wu Fei didn't care about Yuan Sako's cold expression at all, and the needle in Mianli screamed Yuan Sako:

"In addition to my acquaintances, I am also the brother of Yaoyang and the brother of the tiger shark gang leader."

He tapped his fingers on the table lightly: "Although I am not good for them, they also take good care of me. I am humiliated, which means they are humiliated."

When Yuan Sazi looked at him jokingly, Wu Fei stepped forward and smiled: "Besides, I still have three hundred brothers in my hand."

"So Harako, you'd better not show your face to me. We fell out and the matter became a big deal, and you and I might not be able to eat."

He reminded: "I have an accident, and you will have an accident."

Hara Sako sneered: "There is no fear."

Wu Fei smiled and said, "You can say so."

When he said this, he raised his disdainful mouth slightly, and the men and women behind him also looked contemptuous.

Those who are used to one person's victory as a chicken and dog ascend to heaven and dominate, how would they put a woman, Saeko, in their eyes.

A bald man still sneered with a finger shaking: "Yuan Sazi, don't shame your face, Fei has already given you enough face today."

"You are acquainted now. It's better to get out and let us concentrate on cleaning up the Man."

"If you're still chirping, don't blame us little rudeness."

"An Oriental lady is coaxing with us..."

He flashed Hara's finger frantically, "Be careful, even you cleaned it up."

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