Talented Genius

Chapter 2557: Future possession

After playing golf, Ye Tianlong didn't eat breakfast with Tiger Shark, but got into the car and went back to Tianlong Casino.

On the way back, Ye Tianlong's mobile phone vibrated, and two pieces of information poured in one after another, one of which was from the oriole. He had arranged manpower to find mercenaries.

There is another, Zhao Wenguang's reply. He deserves to be the prince of the Black Triangle, and he recognizes the guy who burned half of his cheek at a glance.

Crazy Chen.

The Black Triangle is a master of many battles, the Vietnamese, seemingly thin, but in fact fierce, born desperate, like a mad dog.

Whether he is a member of the list hired by Lady Nie, Zhao Wenguang hasn't ascertained yet, but he is indeed not in the black triangle these days.

And the old bills he owed to the bar and the hotel were all paid, almost half a million dollars, from this it can be inferred that he should have taken on a big task.

Zhao Wenguang reminded Ye Tianlong that he had really met a mad dog, and he had to make a heavy hand. Thunder striked him to death, otherwise it would be troublesome to be bitten.

After reading Zhao Wenguang's information, Ye Tianlong sent the information to the Oriole again, asking him to be careful when looking for it to avoid casualties.

Putting down the phone, the car happened to come to the door of Tianlong Casino.

After getting off the bus, Ye Tianlong was about to walk into the casino, and another text message poured in.

Ye Tianlong looked at the information, then turned around, did not walk into the casino, but came to the Friday restaurant diagonally opposite.

Before entering the restaurant's gate, Ye Tianlong raised his head slightly and swept a few "Spider-Man" across the glass wall, whispering that life is really not easy.

The workers came so early to wash the walls.

Afterwards, he went straight to the fourth floor, passed through the crowd to a table in the corner of the hall, and saw the woman sitting by the window at a glance.

Concubine Tai wore a short one-piece dress today to bring out her charming figure and slender thighs, which can be seen proudly from the neckline of the skirt.

The simply dressed woman is still coquettish, with a sense of life's tenacity, which makes her look a little more wild.

"Wang Hao, good morning."

Ye Tianlong first instinctively relaxed his movements, then walked slowly to take a seat in front of Concubine Tai: "Let you wait a long time."

"you are welcome."

Concubine Tai looked at Ye Tianlong and smiled: "I just arrived too."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "I thought you would go back in the morning, but I didn't expect you to stay in Australia City and invite me to have breakfast so sincerely."

"If you didn't hand me over and made you owe me a love, why didn't I have a bottom in my heart, how dare I go back?"

Concubine Tai turned her head to look at Ye Tianlong, with a nice smile: "Or you still want me, so I'm relieved."

Ye Tianlong smiled awkwardly: "Don't worry, I promise to help you, I will definitely help you."

He waved to the waiter to come over and ordered a fried noodle and mushroom soup.

Tai Fei ordered a fruit salad and a glass of milk.

"Ye Tianlong, you are really a strange person."

After ordering the meal, Concubine Tai smiled faintly: "Last night I wanted to talk about friendship with you and asked you to support me, but you asked me to take off my clothes."

"When I made up my mind to trade with you, you rejected my dedication and you were willing to help me get to the top."

With a dazed expression on her pretty face: "What do you want? Why can't I see it at all."

Concubine Tai's emotions towards Ye Tianlong were very complicated, with expectations, anger, and doubts. This also made her curious about Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong didn't cover himself, she replied generously: "It's very simple, I deliberately humiliated you, I want you to retreat."

"With any woman, facing my abrupt request, she would refuse without hesitation, or even scold me as an asshole."

"In this way, the idea of ​​asking me for help will cease, and it won't be stalking me."

"Unexpectedly, in less than three minutes, you would overcome the psychological barrier."

He was very depressed and let him go: "If you can't let you retreat and see your body again, I always have to fulfill my promise."

"That's it."

Concubine Tai suddenly realized, and then she bloomed with a touch of coquettishness: "You are really cunning. You sent me humiliation. Fortunately, I didn't fool you."

"It cannot be said that you were not fooled, but your ambition is indeed not small."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Your high-level desire is so strong that you can betray your body. This is also one of the main reasons why I promised to help you."

"Only if one person desires to be in position, she will overcome all difficulties and climb up, so the probability of success increases by 30%."

He made an evaluation of Tai Fei: "I believe that as long as you are given the opportunity, you will bloom with the greatest value."

If Concubine Tai herself is not crazy about her superiors, no matter how much support Ye Tianlong does, it would be a waste of energy, so she gave Ye Tianlong confidence last night.

While making fun of him, Ye Tianlong felt the change in light, squinted his eyes and looked at the glass window, and saw a few "Spider-Man" appearing in the sky.

On the glass, drops of water and bubbles continued to fall, Ye Tianlong shook his head secretly, these "Spider-Man" were too unprofessional.

"thank you."

Concubine Tai felt at peace for two more points, and then smiled meaningfully: "You are willing to help me. You can take advantage of me last night."

"Why did you run out of the bathroom again?"

"Are you not in good health, or are you worried that I will tell Tian Mei?"

Seeing that this man would not offend him by shouting, Taifei teased Ye Tianlong intentionally or unintentionally, hoping to give back to the psychological struggle last night.

You know, her entanglement between shedding and not shedding is no less than the suffering of life and death.


Ye Tianlong laughed, and then leisurely replied: "The main reason is that I am worried that if I eat you, and then things are not done, you will hack me to death."

"So I will keep you for now."

"When you truly become the first lady of Manchester, it will not be too late for me to collect this debt."

Ye Tianlong looked at Concubine Tai seriously: "And possessing the first lady is far more fulfilling than a princess."

Tai Fei smiled, winking like silk: "Really? I thought I was not attractive enough."

"When I become the first lady, come and ask me..."

"Okay, I am waiting for that day, I will take the initiative to dedicate myself to see if you have the courage to take me."

After what happened last night, she still recognized Ye Tianlong's character, and believed that her husband would be in the position in the future, and Ye Tianlong would not touch herself.

With this recognition, Tai Fei played with fire presumptuously, preparing to make Ye Tianlong'birth is better than death'.

Facing Concubine Tai's tenderness, Ye Tianlong laughed loudly: "Let's wait and see."

While talking and laughing, the meal was brought over, and Ye Tianlong picked up the knife and fork to eat the fried noodles, but when he was about to drink the soup, he saw the reflection in the soup became bigger.

He raised his head subconsciously and saw a ‘Spider-Man’ slip onto their heads, and a flat-headed worker wearing a mask swept his left hand in the bucket.

In the next second, a firearm flashed in his hand.

Ye Tianlong screamed: "Be careful!"

He threw down Taifei.

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