Talented Genius

Chapter 2565: Not guaranteed late festival

When Zhao Bingbing and Zhao Bing were dying from the sea, Ye Tianlong also took Bei Xiaobing to see Concubine Tai.

At the same time, an instruction was sent to Bei Xiaobing, an appointment from the National Police Headquarters, allowing her to temporarily take over Zhao Jun's position as the team leader.

Then, another secret order came over, and the headquarters asked Bei Xiaobing to lead a group of twelve people to protect Taifei around the clock for three months.

Seeing these instructions, Bei Xiaobing was slightly in a daze. No matter how simple she was, she could make a judgment. Ye Tianlong and the core members of the national police might be inextricably linked.

She was curious about Ye Tianlong's identity, but she wanted to ask but she shut up. She knew that Ye Tianlong didn't want to tell herself, so she had better shut up.

An hour later, the convoy arrived at the casino. Ye Tianlong introduced Bei Xiaobing to Tai Fei. Tai Fei was very happy that Bei Xiaobing had arrived.

After Bei Xiaobing and Tai Fei met, she took her mobile phone to contact the team members.

"Ye Shao, thank you, you have double insurance for me."

Taking advantage of this gap, Tai Fei poured a glass of red wine for Ye Tianlong, with a charming smile:

"I have the Interpol to protect me, like Bohu, they will have to weigh the influence if they start."

"The consequences of killing Interpol are ten times worse than ordinary bodyguards."

"Even if Elephant Fighting Tiger is really not afraid, the King Elephant who cherishes his reputation will not allow him to mess around."

She slowly pushed the red wine in front of Ye Tianlong, and brushed Ye Tianlong's palm with her fingertips, with an intriguing tease.


Ye Tianlong expressed his praise: "Yes, that's what I meant. They protect you, and the safety factor is much greater."

"But you still don't take it lightly. If you and your wife have nothing to do, you'd better stay simple."

"After all, no one knows if Xiang Bohu will lose his heart."

He reminded Concubine Tai that he would not worry about the calculation-savvy Elephant Fighting Tiger, as long as he kept his sense, the Elephant Fighting Tiger would be bound.

Ye Tianlong was worried that it was a drug-like attack, and it would be troublesome to squeeze the air.

Concubine Tai replied docilely: "Ye Shao don't worry, I will be careful."

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked lightly, and then the oriole strode in and the meteor came in and said respectfully: "Ye Shao, a lively confession."

"They are indeed the mercenaries of the Black Triangle. They came to Australia to attack Concubine Tai. The instigator behind it was Lady Nie."

"But they don't know where the Demon Nie is hiding, all of them are through the actions of Crazy Chen."

"But they also provided a piece of news, that is, another group of people went to Taicheng, and the person leading the team was Jiao Sanniang."

The oriole told Ye Tianlong's torture confession: "The target is likely to be Emperor Ma Qing."

Tai Fei was slightly surprised: "It really is Mr. Plum's person."

"I don't know what agreement they reached. Mr. Meihua is willing to be a sword like a tiger."

Concubine Tai has a touch of worry in her eyes: "A elephant fighting tiger gives us headaches. With Mr. Meihua as the backing, this battle is difficult."

Ye Tianlong sipped a sip of red wine and said, "No matter how hard it is, I have to survive."

"What's more, you have no other way to go. If you don't resist, they won't let you go. It is like fighting a tiger without leaving troubles."

"Gritting one's teeth, it may also blaze a trail of blood."

He turned his head and looked at the oriole: "Send a message to Emperor Ma Qing, telling him to be careful recently. In addition, I will inform Mai and kill the third mother Jiao."

The oriole nodded: "Understand."


Ye Tianlong's cell phone rang when the oriole was out to make arrangements. He nodded with Taifei, and then walked to the large terrace of the room to answer.

A long-lost familiar voice soon came from my ear: "Tianlong, how is it?"

Qin Ziyi.

"Zi Yi, long time no see."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I'm not bad, how are you doing? Is this person in charge of Southeast Asia still used to doing things?"

Qin Ziyi's calm voice came over: "After the three-month running-in period, it is now considered to be a hands-on, so it is not bad."

"The past few months have been so busy that I have always wanted to contact you but I have no time."

Qin Ziyi expressed an apology: "I feel that we are alienated."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Well, you will always be the black cat sergeant in my heart."


Qin Ziyi was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, and replied in angrily: "If you are not serious, if you talk nonsense, I will handcuff you."

Ye Tianlong laughed playfully: "Is it temptation to play with uniforms?"

"Play with your head."

Qin Ziyi was about to be mad at Ye Tianlong, then sighed and turned to the topic: "I will call you today, one is to retell the past, and the other is to remind."

Ye Tianlong chuckled, "Remind? What about Zhao Bingbing?"

Qin Ziyi didn't hide it, and replied very happily: "That's right!"

"I already know what happened, Zhao Bingbing and the others are indeed a bit arrogant, but you also made too heavy a move, so you just abolished them."

"There was news from the Australian City Hospital. Although their injuries were under control and did not continue to worsen, they basically bid farewell to the national police."

She has a more solemn tone: "The future can only be spent in recuperation, and it won't work for 100 meters."

"This is a good thing."

Ye Tianlong's face didn't have too many waves: "With Zhao Bingbing's character, let her stay in the national police, I'm afraid that more people will be hurt."

"Now that she is abolished, it can be regarded as killing her for the people."

"To be honest, the national police should give me credits, not credits. Even if they are credited, I don't care."

His voice was soft: "Because I have a clear conscience."

"I am worried that Zhao Dongfeng will retaliate against you."

Qin Ziyi said faintly: "Although he is only the former head of the National Police, the sixth in command of the National Police, his connections in the West are amazing."

"I know this."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said: "I've seen his materials. He is a model established in the West. The so-called record has also entered the history museum."

"The lives of one hundred and thirty-eight Chinese soldiers have been exchanged for his life's riches, clothes and jade food, appointing officials and nobles, and prosperous descendants, which the West praises."

He had no feelings for Zhao Dongfeng at first, but after deep understanding, he became contemptuous.

Qin Ziyi whispered: "Although I don't despise his character, but his resources are really amazing. After retirement, all the politicians from all over the world will come and go."

"Zhao Bingbing and Zhao Jun are both his relatives, a daughter and a nephew. If you hit them hard in one breath, he is bound to go crazy."

She gently reminded: "Zhao Dongfeng is not only conceited, but also protects his shortcomings. He will not swallow his breath, so you must be careful these days."

She looked at the report and photos from the hospital. Although the injuries of the two were under control, their spirits had plummeted, like walking dead.

When Zhao Dongfeng saw blood relatives like this, he would definitely take revenge by any means.

Ye Tianlong was very calm: "Zhao Dongfeng is indeed beautiful, but he should also understand that his so-called record has nearly 100 people in the same period."

"But among these outstanding soldiers, he is the only one who enjoys the highest honor."

"Do you know why? The reason is simple, he is the dog Mi Jun deliberately held up disgusting Huaxia."

He knows the nature of Zhao Dongfeng's existence: "So no matter how beautiful he is, he is just a dog."

"If I don't come to provoke me, I won't bother to move him, and wait for God to accept him."

There was a gleam in Ye Tianlong's eyes:

"If he wants to avenge Zhao Bingbing, then he won't be able to guarantee it late..."

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