Talented Genius

Chapter 2588: Attacked

"Miss Liu, thank you tonight."

At this time, Wang Haijiao, who had treated the wound a little bit, walked over, holding two checks in his hand and handing it to Liu Xiaoshi: "There are fifty million here."

"Thirty million, please transfer it to Bao Shao to compensate Jia Shao's medical expenses. It is also our kindness."

"I hope they have a large number of adults and stop worrying about us."

"The twenty million yuan is our thank you fee to Miss Liu. If it weren't for your help tonight, we would probably have broken hands and feet or even died."

"This little money is a little bit of our gratitude, and I hope Miss Liu will accept it."

Wang Haijiao handed over two cheques respectfully.

"Xiao Shi, don't push it away, accept it, otherwise Wang Shao will feel uneasy."

Before Liu Xiaoshi could respond, Ye Feifei took the check and stuffed it into Liu Xiaoshi's pocket: "This is what you deserve."

Wang Haijiao nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, Miss Ye is right, Miss Liu deserves it."

Liu Xiaoshi said in a flat tone: "Wang Shao is so kind, I will accept it and make a friend."

"Of course we are friends. After Miss Liu comes to Haicheng, I will give the highest courtesy."

Wang Haijiao laughed loudly, and then remembered something, so he brought an invitation and handed it to Liu Xiaoshi:

"This is an invitation for the opening of Tianlong Casino. It is hard to find one now. I happen to have one more here and give it to Miss Liu."

He smiled and added: "I hope Miss Liu will appreciate her and accept it."

"Thank Shao Wang."

Liu Xiaoshi said playfully: "However, I have already got this invitation."

"That is, although we are only Xiaohuadan, we are still eligible for casino invitations. Besides, who is Xiaoshi?"

Ye Feifei took Liu Xiaoshi's arm and smiled and said, "She and Bao Shao are so good, how could there be no invitation?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm confused."

Wang Haijiao was very embarrassed: "Banmen made an axe."

"It doesn't matter, Xiao Shi doesn't need it, it doesn't mean the others don't need it."

Liu Xiaoshi took the invitation from Wang Haijiao with a cold face, and looked sideways at Xie Zuiyi who was holding up the handbag:

"Zuiyi, you don't have a casino invitation?"

Xie Zuiyi was taken aback for a moment, and then honestly replied, "No."

She knows Jiang Ziran and Lei Jiuzhi, and she can go in and out of Tianlong Casino directly. Where would you like an invitation?

"Just know you don't have one, you hold this invitation."

Liu Xiaoshi faintly said: "Come with us the day after tomorrow. It can open your eyes and make you meet a few more friends."

Xie Zuiyi frowned slightly.

Ye Feifei shouted: "Drunk Yi, don't waste the opportunity."

Yang Shenghua also nodded: "Zuiyi, there are no outsiders here, don't be upright."

Just now Xie Zuiyi stood up and shouted, although there is no use for birds, but it shows a little bit of attitude, so I don't mind if she follows the light.

And with Xie Zuiyi's company, they can better set off them.

Ye Tianlong smiled playfully: "Zuiyi, they are so kind, just accept it."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Xie Zuiyi nodded, took the invitation and said politely: "Thank you Xiaoshi, thank you Wang Shao."

Wang Haijiao waved his hand to indicate that he was not polite. At this moment, he had no sharp edge, and the painful lesson made him temporarily clip his tail.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, a thought flashed in his heart...

While Ye Feifei and Yang Shenghua were chatting around Liu Xiaoshi, Jaski, who had wrapped up the wound, was looking at Bao Jinyi carefully:

"Sao Bao, is that Liu Xiaoshi really sister-in-law?"

"Look at her upset, or should I apologize to her and be beaten to calm her down?"

There was anxiety on his face, and if Liu Xiaoshi was really a slap in the face, he would have to suffer.

"Fart, what is she?"

Bao Jinyi's eyes stared: "I am not afraid of her, but to give Ye Shao face..."

Jaski said weakly, "Which Ye Shao?"

Bao Jinyi said so far: "I can call Ye Shao, besides the one who cut Feng Batian, who else?"


Jaski's legs softened and fell heavily under the seat...

Bao Jinyi ignored him, just lit a cigar:

"Slightly offensive tonight, I always have to make up for it..."


While Bao Jinyi was thinking about how to compensate Ye Tianlong, there was a huge crash in front of him, and Bao's bodyguard subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

The convoy strayed across the road.

Bao Jinyi raised his head and looked forward. At the intersection, two white cars were knocked into flight, their bodies collapsed, glass shattered, and rolled over ten meters.

Three or four gray-clothed men fell out, their bodies covered in blood, wailing.

Afterwards, the cars in the front and back of the white sedan stopped, the doors opened one after another, and more than 20 men in grey clothes got out and rushed to rescue the injured companions.

At the same time, more than ten people flashed out their machete murderously and surrounded the two jeeps that hit the car.

"Get off, get off!"

"How do you drive? Can't watch the traffic lights?"

"Get out of the car immediately, or you will be chopped off."

In the turbulent atmosphere of the gray-clothed man, Bao Jinyi recognized the origin of the other party, the son of the magic knife, he was slightly surprised that someone dared to provoke the magic knife.

Then Bao Jinyi saw four people emerge from the middle car. One of them was Chen Yaoyang, who was wearing a trench coat and leaning on crutches.

"Idiot, crashing into Chen Yaoyang's car is really reckless."

Bao Jinyi still knows Chen Yaoyang. After all, the latter is the most popular candidate for Shendaomen. He knows Chen Yaoyang's arrogant and domineering personality.

He didn't provoke others, they had already burned a high incense, and now, someone hit his motorcade, it was almost lifeless.

"Change the route, you go first."

The front was blocked, and it seemed that it would be difficult to solve it for a while, Bao Jinyi asked a dozen of Huayi companions to change their paths first.

He took the bodyguard and looked more curiously.


Just as Bao Jinyi retracted his gaze and was about to turn around, a sudden change occurred in the noisy front.

A man in gray stabbed a machete into the car, causing the person in the jeep to roll off quickly.

As the machete pierced the car window, a big furry hand stretched out and grasped the bright machete.

Five fingers pressed hard, and the machete cracked with a ‘click’.

The steel piece fell to the ground, leaving a blade in the finger.

With a wave.


The stabbed man in gray shook his body, and then fell to the ground, piercing the blade in his throat.


"Boom boom!"

At the same time, six car door bullets flew out, smashing the sacred knife door children surrounding the car, and seven or eight people fell to the ground in a series of screams.

Then, the six jumped out of the car, holding military thorns in their hands, and waving them on the way.


The six divine swordsmen who were struggling to get up, groaned, throat splashed with blood, and fell back to the ground again.

Six western men and women showed up gorgeously. Among them, the leader, with a lush beard, was all hairy, just like an evolving orangutan.

Their eyes stared coldly at Chen Yaoyang not far away.

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