Talented Genius

Chapter 2594: Dissatisfied

When Chen Yaoyang asked the golden basin to wash his hands, Ye Tianlong was sitting in the wooden building in the magic knife garden, feeding the gods a bowl of Chinese medicine.

This bowl of medicine is like the water of life, it moisturizes the god's dry body, and the whole old face quickly becomes a touch of vitality and ruddy.

"God, the body can still support."

Ye Tianlong put the empty porcelain bowl aside: "As long as you don't work hard, you can still enjoy a few more months."

"Thank you, Shao Ye, you have a heart, a dog life, it makes you bother."

The goddess smiled: "Don't worry, I will heal my wounds well, and I still have to watch the magic sword gate grow stronger."

"Most definitely."

Ye Tianlong smiled, then waved to the outside: "God, let me show you someone today, Xue Yifeng, my brother."

"Also the next master of the Sacred Sword Sect."

The **** was taken aback, and then he smiled and said, "That's the brother you said...who likes to drink Moutai very much and has no wine?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Exactly."

Following Ye Tianlong's gesture, Xue Yifeng walked in from outside, and he changed into a magic swordsman costume, showing his vigor and spirit.

He looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "Ye Shao!"

Ye Tianlong smiled and introduced: "Xue Yifeng, this is the god, the master of the magic sword."

Xue Yifeng turned to face the god, sweeping away the image of Luo Tuo, full of energy: "Good morning god."

"Brother Xue, you are welcome, everyone is your own, come, sit, sit."

Although it was the first time for the **** to see Xue Yifeng, at first glance, he knew that Ye Tianlong had not made a mistake, and he was definitely a good successor.

Full of enthusiasm and vitality, with infinite fighting spirit and strength in every move, this is the fresh blood needed by the magic knife gate.

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "God, I only recommend candidates. As for the appropriateness or inappropriateness, you will ultimately decide."

He gave the gods the respect they deserve.

"Of course it fits."

God Lord looked at Xue Yifeng and smiled heartily: "Brother Xue is definitely the best candidate."

Xue Yifeng replied respectfully: "Thank God for the praise."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "God, it's just the first time you saw him, why do you think he is the right master?"

"Three reasons."

The **** sits upright: "First, Ye Shao recommends. I believe in Ye Shao's vision. Second, Brother Xue shows infinite fighting spirit and vitality."

"The third and most important thing is his self-discipline."

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "Self-discipline?"

The gods looked at Xue Yifeng appreciatively: "Ye Shao said that Brother Xue will not leave his hands with wine, and he will not be happy without wine, and talk about three catties of Maotai every day.

"But in order to see me, he not only didn't have a jug in his hand, but he didn't smell alcohol on his body, indicating that he hadn't drunk for at least eight hours."

"A person who is addicted to alcohol, who can resist alcohol addiction at important moments, how amazing is this determination and self-discipline?"

"Based on this, I can rest assured to hand over the Sacred Sword Gate to him..."

There was comfort in his eyes: "I also believe that Brother Xue will surely take the magic sword door to glory."

Xue Yifeng half-kneeled on the ground when he heard the words: "Thank you God for your praise. Xue Yifeng bowed his head and died."

The gods laughed, and then his voice came out loud and loud: "Come on, hold a meeting."

Following the command of the **** master, the entire magic knife gate moved quickly, and all the twenty-four backbone members received the meeting information.

An hour later, the round table in the hall of the Magic Sword Garden was filled with 23 men and women in grey clothes, all of them radiant and full of energy.

Ye Tianlong discovered that compared with the decadence of half a year ago, the backbone of the Sacred Sword Sect had simply changed, and now it can be said that it is Chunfeng proud.

This time, except for the seriously injured Chen Yaoyang who was still in the hospital, all the others were present.

Everyone knows that every conference is a great event.

"Everyone, there is a very important thing for calling everyone to the meeting today."

Seeing that the familiar faces were almost all in place, the gods sat up slightly, then waved the crowd to be quiet: "That's the successor."

"Everyone knows that my body is dysfunctional, and I may die at any time."

"I can die, but the Sacred Sword Sect cannot be without a master for a day, and Ye Shao manages everything, so it is impossible to preside over the daily affairs of the Sacred Sword Sect.

"So we need a new principal to lead everyone."

God’s rare rejuvenation: “Only in this way, the Sacred Sword Gate will not be scattered and can go higher and farther.”

When the voice fell, the hall suddenly became noisy, and everyone was talking about it. Although this matter has been mentioned for a long time, it is a formal occasion this time, and everyone is curious:

"I don't know who is going to let the gods come to the top?"

"Chen Yaoyang? Or other brothers?"

"As long as the **** decides, we will all support it."

Twenty people were discussing and looking around, Ye Tianlong caught their gazes, although they shouted that it didn't matter, they all shot a vigilance.

Obviously they are worried that the new owner will harm their own interests.

The **** asked everyone to calm down: "These days, I have been worrying about the candidate, and I also thought about Hall Master Chen, but in the end I felt that he was not suitable."

"Ye Shao came to Australia in the past few days. After knowing my worries, he recommended someone to me."

"I watched it and communicated, I think he will become a new master."

He made a gesture: "Master Xue, say hello to everyone."

Xue Yifeng came up from behind, standing beside the god, like a spear.

He watched everyone say indifferently, "Xia Xue Yifeng, please take care of me."

As soon as the voice fell, the backbone of the magic swordsman was in an uproar, watching Xue Yifeng talk:

"Who is this? Isn't this a kid from the Swordsman Sect?"

"Yes, so young, with a spear on his back, looks like a martial arts movie."

"Although it was recommended by Ye Shao, the **** nodded, but he can't see what he has. How to be our boss?"

Everyone talked about it, and then more than 20 people turned their eyes on the face of a man with a Chinese character face, apparently asking him to protest on behalf of everyone.

The man with a face with Chinese characters coughed, drank a sip of tea, and then looked at Ye Tianlong and the gods to speak:

"Ye Shao, God, first of all declare that I have self-knowledge. I have never thought about being a sect master, let alone opposing the ability to occupy it."

"I also believe that Ye Shao and God's eyes, after all, are you who walked out of the quagmire with the magic sword door and have today's glory."

"If Ye Shao is the master, we promise to agree with both hands and feet."

"But this brother Xue, one is not a child of the Swordsman, two is not capable, and three has no record."

"Let him be our sect master, we will see Ye Shao and the gods face respect, but the other brothers may not support it."

He exhaled a long breath, looking very helpless: "Ye Shao, god, you might as well choose someone from the gang, even Chen Yaoyang."

The others in the lobby all echoed: "Yes, it's not good for the magic swordsman."

Before Ye Tianlong could speak with the god, Xue Yifeng slowly walked towards the man with the face of the Chinese character, his voice was low, with a hint of majesty:

"Master West, the Australian city is booming during the Spring Festival this year."

"In the first quarter of the past, the profits of the venues under your jurisdiction were 100 million, and the casinos you entered distributed 500 million in dividends."

"According to the rules of the sacred sword gate, pay seven and leave three. The sacred sword gate should pay at least 400 million yuan. How much do you actually pay?"

He watched Hall Master West say indifferently: "Two hundred million, that is to say, you have withheld two hundred million privately, and you also split it into 36 accounts and remitted it to Xia Island."

Hall Master West's face changed drastically, cold sweat on his forehead instantly...

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