Talented Genius

Chapter 259: Bet a game

Chapter 259

Zhao Keke's pretty face changed, and then he yelled, "Don't be foolish about dreams, I'm here to redeem someone today."

"190,000, let it go, or don't let it go? Let it go, you take the money, don't let it go, I will take the money."

Lei Jiuzhi's eyes lit up slightly: "What a strong horse."

At this time, Zhao Dadi and his wife had been escorted out. Although their noses and faces were swollen, there was nothing serious about them. They were immediately overjoyed when they saw Zhao Keke:

"Coco, did you save us with the money?"

"Let me just say, my daughter is so beautiful, and she works so hard, how can she not have money?"

"Brother Lei, am I right? Three hundred thousand, for our Zhao family, mean it."

When there was a trace of despair in Zhao Keke's eyes, Lei Jiuzhi snorted noncommittal:

"Your daughter did use money to save you, but it was only 190,000 yuan, which is far away from 300,000 yuan. Looking at you, I am afraid that I will never collect enough money."

"But I gave her a way. As long as she is willing to be my woman, not only will I not want the remaining 110,000, but I will also use the 190,000 as a bride price."

"But your daughter doesn't seem interested. As parents, shouldn't you enlighten?"

Upon hearing this, Mother Zhao patted her thigh: "Oh, Boss Lei, this girl is stubborn, I'll talk to her."

Mother Zhao smiled flatteringly to please Lei Jiuzhi, and then came to Zhao Keke and put on the appearance of educating children:

"Coco, Boss Lei is your blessing, why are you so stubborn?"

"You have followed Boss Lei, not only can you drink spicy food, but your parents can follow along."

Her eyes fell on the bag full of cash, shiny and glowing like a wolf:

"My parents are getting old, you should think about finding a place for the elderly for us."

"Boss Lei is tall and mighty, and he has a wealth of wealth. He is not only a good home for you, but also a good backer for your parents."

"Daughter, who is it not to follow? Instead of a scumbag who has no money, it is better to follow a gold master like Boss Lei."

Zhao Dadi also nodded: "Yes, my parents are for your own good, so you just listen to us, otherwise you will suffer..."

"Hurry up and agree, yes, hello, we are good, everyone is good."

Zhao Dadi straightened his back: "Father is the head of the family. You are absolutely right to hear me."

"To shut up!"

Zhao Keke's eyes were full of despair, and he was so angry that he smirked, staring coldly at his so-called parents, a little regretful for coming to save people today, and he should have set his heart.

"Good for me?"

Zhao Keke settled his attention and stepped forward and picked up 190,000:

"For my good, you gamble again and again? For my good, you repeatedly force me to borrow money? For my good, you make me committed to the boss?"

"Do you know who I hurt to save you two wastes?"

"I hurt my favorite man and stole his money to save you. My last bit of dignity was gone when I took the 190,000 yuan."

"From today, I don't even have the qualifications to love him. All of this is thanks to you."

Zhao Keke was almost crying. She didn't want to bother with them, but when she heard the wailing on the phone, she finally ran over.

As long as her parents promised not to gamble again and re-behave, she would definitely want to pay off the gambling debt, but in the end the two would push themselves into the fire pit. How could she not be sad?

Especially after taking Ye Tianlong's 200,000 yuan, Zhao Keke's heart was broken.

"I suddenly withdrew my intention to save people, Boss Lei, these two people have nothing to do with me. You want to kill or kill, whatever you want."

Boss Lei faintly said: "What do you mean?"

"They pay their debts by themselves."

Zhao Keke hugged 190,000 yuan: "I'll take this money back. As for the two of them, you can fix it to death."

Having said that, she held her head up tall: "I don't care about them anymore."

Zhao Dadi and his wife were startled first, and then yelled at them: "Zhao Keke, you are an unfilial daughter, how can you ignore us?"

"We are your parents, you will be struck by lightning like this."

"Hurry up and promise Boss Lei, or I won't recognize your daughter..."

Zhao Keke exhaled heavily, and the anxiety on her face completely disappeared. She gave up her parents completely, so she walked towards the exit.

"Do you think I am here, come as you want, leave as you want?"

Lei Lao Jiuyi licked his lips and pulled a tissue to wipe his hands: "Miss Zhao, would you underestimate me?"

Several fierce men blocked Zhao Keke's path, showing offensive and fierce light.

Zhao Keke's face tightened: "What are you going to do?"

"Either get out of debt or stay behind."

Lei Laojiu looked at Zhao Keke's tall body, he suddenly had an impulse, an impulse to take off her clothes, and then looked at her ruddy little mouth, his breathing became even more rapid:

"You don't recognize them as parents, but I won't let my debt rot."

"Boss Lei, your brain is flooded?"

At this moment, a voice came from the stairs: "Is it too disgusting to bully men and women in broad daylight?"

In the astonishment of Boss Lei, Zhao Keke and others, Ye Tianlong appeared wanderingly, ignoring dozens of macho men, and sat straight in front of Lei Jiuzhi.

Facing the nine fingers of Lei who was full of his own, there was no panic on his face, and he picked up the steak without changing his face.

"The steak is good, the meat is fresh and tender, the black pepper is mellow, but the heat is a little bit worse, it should be half cooked, then it will be perfect."

Ye Tianlong's relish look didn't make people feel hostile, but it was an old friend meeting.

Several hunks were annoyed when they saw this: "Boy, who the **** are you? Do you know what you are doing?"

Zhao Keke's eyes were hot, he wanted to shout, but he swallowed it back, his pretty face had a trace of shame.

Lei Jiuzhi's face was also taken aback, and then he gave his thumbs up and praised: "Little brother, regardless of friends or foes, I admire your courage."

"You can have such determination at a young age, the future is really limitless."

He waved his hand to stop the impulse of his subordinates, and took his own time.

Ye Tianlong bit the greasy steak: "Stop talking nonsense, I want to take Zhao Keke away. In addition, you will pay me 200,000 horses and horses."

There was no anger on Lei Jiuzhi's face, and even a dozen hunks were not angry. Instead, they raised a smile, seeming to hear the best joke this year.

"Little brother, are you sure that your mind is not flooded?"

Lei Jiuzhi also picked up a piece of steak and gnawed at it, with a little contempt in his eyes: "This is my site. I have number 30, you, one."

"No, to be precise, there are a few more burdens."

Lei Jiu's fingers clicked and snapped off the steak. The juice was splashing and his teeth were excellent: "How can I challenge me?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly, put the beef down, pointed at the close hunk and they smiled: "What age is it, are you still fighting?"

He got up and took six crystal dice, and then asked for a dice tube made of black iron: "I heard that Boss Lei used to be the king of gambling. Today is a bet."

Lei Jiu pointed his eyes slightly narrowed and smiled very playfully: "A bet?"

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