Talented Genius

Chapter 270: Carrion beetle

Chapter 270

Seeing Ye Tianlong's arrival, Liang Xiucai smiled and squeezed out: "Brother Ye, meet again..."

He wanted to struggle, but he coughed, and his upright body fell down again. Ye Tianlong hurriedly sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to take his wrist:

"Bang Master Liang, you are sick, don't move, I'll get your pulse."

Liang Xiucai stopped coughing and replied with a smile: "I'm troubled Brother Ye."

Ye Tianlong quickly pulsed Liang Xiucai, his brows wrinkled unconsciously, and then his expression became solemn.

The Eagles had never seen Ye Tianlong like this before, and they couldn't help but pull in their hearts: "Brother Ye, what happened to the body of the Gangmaster?"

Ye Tianlong did not answer directly, but stared at Liang Xiucai and asked:

"Are there frequent headaches, dizziness, rotation of vision, nausea, vomiting, etc.?"

Liang Xiucai's eyes lit up and replied: "Yes, you are absolutely correct."

Then he added another sentence: "The doctor said, I am food-inhibiting, which causes the stomach upset, so I can take care of it for half a month!"

Ye Tianlong put his finger on Liang Xiucai's waist again, and jabbed it seven or eight times, and then asked:

"Sometimes there will be weakness on one side of the limbs, or inability to move, unstable holding, and accompanied by muscle cramps and soreness, such as falling asleep and numb half of the body?"

Liang Xiucai grabbed Ye Tianlong: "Brother Ye, how do you know?"

Sister Eagle and Sister Feng were also extremely shocked. This is something they didn't know: "Fang, do you have tingling limbs?"

Liang Xiucai nodded: "Sometimes, it's just that I started to feel that it was because of the ghost press phenomenon, so I didn't tell you."

He turned his head to look at Ye Tianlong: "Brother Ye, you are better than the doctor. You are all right. What kind of disease is this? Can it be cured?"

Ye Tianlong was thoughtful at first, then smiled faintly: "This disease can only be cured by two people, and one of them is me."

Having said this, he laughed loudly, avoiding answering what the disease was, and waved his hand:

"Uncle Eagle, help me prepare a tube of silver needles and alcohol."

"I want to give Master Liang acupuncture immediately."

"Sister Feng, help me buy some Chinese medicine by the way, boil it into concoction and bring it in."

He gave orders, "Remember, you will do these things yourself."

Eagle and Sister Feng nodded together: "Yes!"

Ye Tianlong immediately wrote down the specifications of the silver needles, and the prescriptions to be brewed for the two of them. Eagle and Sister Feng immediately took people to prepare.

Ye Tianlong checked Liang Xiucai again for this gap, and also reviewed the doctor's diagnosis and medication.

"Brother Ye, I bought things."

Half an hour later, Eagle and Sister Feng came back one after another. Ye Tianlong asked Sister Feng to boil medicine directly in the room. Soon, the room rose with a strong fragrance of medicine.

Ye Tianlong took out the silver needle that Eagle had bought back, and after disinfecting it, he pinched a slender bloodletting needle and began to treat Liang Xiucai.

When Eagle and Feng Jie saw Ye Tianlong's technique, they were even more convinced in their hearts.

"Pump pound!"

Ye Tianlong held the needle in his single hand, and without hesitation, he pierced the needle on Liang Xiucai's fingertips, piercing it in with soft force, and asked the eagle to help squeeze the blood out.

After piercing his left hand and then his right hand, Ye Tianlong stopped until he pierced all ten fingers to squeeze out the blood bead the size of a soybean.

With ten fingers connected to the heart, Eagle and Sister Feng thought it would be very painful, but Liang Xiucai just snorted without much pain, making them admire Ye Tianlong even more.

Without a certain technique, how could this be the result?

After the ten fingers were pierced, Ye Tianlong put a needle under Liang Xiucai's earlobe and the sole of his foot, each releasing almost ten milliliters of blood.

After tossing for almost two hours, Ye Tianlong took the silver needle back and threw it in alcohol to disinfect it slowly.

Sister Eagle and Feng were surprised to see that the alcohol was red with blood stains at first, then turned light black, slowly melted away, and had a faint smell.

The two subconsciously shouted: "Poisonous?"

Liang Xiucai also looked solemn: "How could this be?"

"Bring me the medicine."

Ye Tianlong also asked Liang Xiucai to bring the boiled Chinese medicine over, and told Liang Xiucai to drink it all at once: "Don't stop, and don't be afraid of being hot."

Liang Xiucai looked at the black Chinese medicine and the unpleasant smell and frowned. He knew that drinking it was a painful thing, but he knew that Ye Tianlong would not mess around, so he picked it up and drank it without hesitation.

There was a gurgling sound in my throat, a large porcelain bowl of Chinese medicine, I drank it in less than half a minute.

Liang Xiucai threw the bowl on the table and smiled with a touch of her lips: "Brother Ye, after drinking, what should I do next..."

Before she finished speaking, Liang Xiucai's face changed, her abdomen closed, her lips closed, and her throat squirmed, as if she was drinking and drinking.

He subconsciously covered his belly and mouth, and looked uncomfortable as a pregnant woman was overwhelmed.

The eagle and Sister Feng stepped forward together: "Helper, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Tianlong pulled the two away and shouted: "Get out of the way!"


As soon as the voice fell, Liang Xiucai opened her mouth and could no longer control her. A jet of black water spouted from her throat.

This water column was at least three meters away, leaving long traces on the ground. Because I hadn't eaten for many days, all that was sprayed was the Chinese medicine that I had just drunk.

After Liang Xiucai vomited for one round, she felt her abdomen and began to vomit for the second round...


Liang Xiucai vomited seven times in a row and completely emptied the contents of her belly, before she leaned her head on the bed, panting for breath.

At this moment, he was like a dying fish, his eyes turned white.

And where he pierced the silver needle, black beads the size of a bean also penetrated.


Eagle and Sister Feng stepped forward to support Liang Xiucai and greeted them with great care. They were relieved to see that he was okay, and then they looked at Ye Tianlong again:

"Brother Ye, what is going on?"

Ye Tianlong did not speak, just let someone take a long pair of tweezers and pull it from the ground for a while, picking up a black bug, and faintly said:

"Hammer beetle."

The eagles were all shocked: "Hammer beetle?"

"Burial worm, that is, corpse worm."

Ye Tianlong asked someone to bring a transparent glass jar and put the bug with the long tail.

Not only did the black bug not languish in the jar, it was alive and well, crawling around. With centipede-like feet, Sister Feng got goose bumps all over her body.

If you don't think it has utility value, Sister Feng really wants to rush up and trample it to death: "Is it a corpse-eating thing?"

"Aren't fly eggs or maggots that eat corpses?"

The eagle called out several servants to clean up the scene, and one of the middle-aged women made Ye Tianlong take a look, feeling that the other party's temperament was a bit unique.

But he didn't care too much, his attention was more on Corpse Chong and Liang Xiucai.

Several servants cleaned up quickly and mopped the floor twice, then retired respectfully.

The middle-aged woman also stared at Ye Tianlong's back, with indescribable sharpness.

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