Talented Genius

Chapter 2734: he came

At nine o'clock in the evening, Notre Dame Hospital is also the best hospital in Nanhan.

After a month of recuperation, Wen Zitao recovered a certain degree of freedom in his hands and feet. Although he could not move flexibly, he could use some strength.

This improvement has also revived his animalism.

"roll roll roll."

In a hysterical roar, Wen Zitao turned over and lay on the hospital bed, and then yelled at the little nurse who was half-pushing: "It's not interesting."

The handsome little nurse contained a touch of grievance. She wanted to cry but didn't dare to speak out, so she could only grab her clothes and leave in tears.

Moustache was busy making the little nurse go faster, then took out a cigar by himself, lit it, and put it into Wen Zitao's mouth.

"These goods are really low-level."

Wen Zitao opened his mouth and took a cigar: "If it is not used to vent, I don't want to touch them, and I have no sense of conquering achievement."

I want to play a scene of bullying men and women, but every time I push them half-and-half, I can’t tell who is going to be on whom?

"It's a pity that Qiao Chu and Bao Zhilan are dead, otherwise it would be a pleasure in life to tame those two fierce horses."

Wen Zitao regrets that the two women jumped off the building and died.

"It's okay. After another two weeks, Wen Shao's injury will be better. Let's go to Snow University for a stroll. There must be something that suits our appetite."

Mustache made an idea: "No more, I will accompany the young master to Huaxia for a walk. Huaxia is vast and rich in resources, and the streets are full of beautiful women. There is always something suitable."

There were four or five friends, friends and friends in the room, and they all nodded in agreement: "Shao Wen is handsome and handsome. Once he shows up, the whole nation is crazy."

"It makes sense."

Hearing Hupengouyou's flattery, Wen Zitao smiled excitedly: "I will go to Huaxia another day for a stroll..."

Speaking of China, he subconsciously thought of Ye Tianlong, frowned, and said, "Have you found Ye Tianlong's bones?"


The mustache shook his head vigorously: "The four search teams searched for half a month, but they found nothing but a pile of ashes."

Wen Zitao was uneasy: "I didn't find it—"

Another chubby young man said: "Shao Wen, don't think too much, Ye Tianlong must be smashed into scum, and he can't die anymore."

"Forty-eight shells go down, plus the Mi Army helicopter loaded with ammunition, let alone a master, Iron Man will be wiped out."

"It's turned into ashes, no matter how powerful the search team is, it is impossible to find Ye Tianlong."

Moustache and they laughed, and they obviously believed Ye Tianlong was dead.

The mustache also pointed Jiang Shan's analysis: "Think about it, if Ye Tianlong was still alive, why didn't he show up this month?"

"He is so awkward, once alive, he would have avenged the Qiao family and Bao family, and he would have supported the Pu family long ago."

"As a result, both Qiao Bao's graves were two meters away, but Ye Tianlong didn't even see any shadow."

"So he must be dead..."

Mustache touted Wen Zitao: "Huh, if you offend less Wen, he must die."

The others also agreed, believing that Ye Tianlong died on the top of the mountain.


At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a team of black-clothed bodyguards swarmed in, all with guns and live ammunition, led by a white-haired old man.

The bodyguard in black came in and quickly dispersed, guarding the door and window, and scanning downstairs with alert eyes.

Well-trained and tense.

"Uncle Bird, why are you here?"

Seeing the appearance of the white-haired old man, Wen Zitao subconsciously shouted: "Aren't you protecting my dad?"

This is his father's ultimate bodyguard. He has followed the Wen family for thirty years and protected his father almost all the time. So Wen Zitao was surprised to see him appear.

"Master, something happened tonight, it's serious, but I don't have time to explain it to you now."

The white-haired old man closed the door with his backhand: "I just want to tell you that you must follow me right now, back to the official residence of the Wen family."

"This is what your father and mother mean."

He asked someone to bring a wheelchair: "You wear a thicker dress, and then go to the hospital rooftop with me, and there will be a helicopter on the rooftop to pick you up."

Mustache and their expressions were solemn: "Uncle Bird, what happened?"

Wen Zitao also jumped his eyelids: "Yes, Uncle Bird, what's wrong?"

"If you don't make it clear, how can I follow you?"

"It's an eventful season. Although I believe you are a human being, it is hard to guarantee that you will be threatened."

Wen Zitao expressed his stubbornness: "So either let me know something, or ask my parents to call me, or I won't leave."

In the hospital, there are at least a dozen people with a mustache to protect themselves, and follow the bird to the rooftop to board the plane. There is no one who is in danger even pushing a wheelchair.

"Mrs. Wen is inconvenient to call you because he is worried that the call will be located, and Mr. Wen is dealing with an important matter and has no time to contact you."

Seeing Wen Zitao's vigilance, Uncle Niao revealed some news: "Shao Wen, tell you the truth, Ye Tianlong is not dead, he is still alive."

Wen Zitao and Mustache lost their voices in surprise: "What? Ye Tianlong is alive? Didn't he get killed?"

Moustache saw emotionally that his calves were trembling.

"We also think he was blown to death."

There was a solemn look on Uncle Bird's face: "Unexpectedly, he survived, and he returned with a strong force."

"He went to your grandfather's house at the first stop."

Uncle Bird's expression was indescribably sad and angry: "Mr. Jin and Yigan's men were all killed."

"What? My grandpa died?"

Wen Zitao was stunned, and then shivered all over his body: "Quick, quick, go home, go home immediately."

Moustache and they slapped their spirits, and then hurriedly packed things...


At this moment, there was a scream from outside the door. It was rapid, stern, and painful, but it disappeared soon.

Then, there was a sound of leather shoes knocking on the ground, not hurriedly, but very clear, like a reminder.

Uncle Bird and their faces paled instantly.



Wen Zitao knelt down uncontrollably, his face as gray...

Moustache frothed even more desperately.

Uncle Bird and their tongues were dry, and the six of them pulled out their guns and pointed at the door without a word.

Once pushed away, they shot without mercy.


The door made a crisp sound, and a knife shot in from outside...

Among the fragments of the sky, Uncle Bird watched the knife light into his chest...

The gun was faster, the knife was faster, Bird and the others only had time to pull the trigger twice, and then they fell to the ground with blood on their chests.


"Little Wen, good evening."

In the **** ward, a familiar voice sounded: "You and I meet again."

Wen Zitao's whole body is cold, really Ye Tianlong...

In half an hour, a large number of police officers poured into the hospital with live ammunition and opened the door of the intensive care unit, all stiffening.

Birds and the others, as well as a gang of friends, friends, were killed!

Wen Zitao and Mustache did not die immediately, but were infused with an overdose of paraquat...

Although the toxicity of paraquat is slow, it is unstoppable. Once the human body exceeds the standard, it can only slowly feel the organ failure and die in pain...

Wenzi burst into tears, his eyes showed regret for the first time...

Two hours later, the principal of the Pak’s Zheng and his four cronies, who were heavily protected, were cut into two pieces by Ye Tianlong in the study...

Three hours later, the leader of Army A, Jin Baojia, who is also the son of Jin Xuanlong, was pierced by Ye Tianlong's sword just after arriving at the airport...

All parties are horrified.

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