Talented Genius

Chapter 274: Three gifts

Chapter 274 Three Gifts

Lady Knife wanted to speak, but was abruptly suppressed by the pain of the wound.

Ye Tianlong walked slowly in front of her, leaned down and looked at the expressionless face: "I said, you can't kill me."

The corner of the knife lady's mouth trembling slightly, she said with great difficulty: "Aren't you afraid of poison?"

There was a bright smile on Ye Tianlong's face: "Brother was bitten by poisonous snakes a lot when he was young, and there are a lot of toxins in his blood."

"No amount of toxins, no matter how ruthless it is, has no effect on me. The poisonous smoke you release is like a cloud. Don't even think of dragging them to bury them. You can't die."

While talking, he took out a few pills, let Liang Zikuan melt the pills into water, and detoxify one by one.

Liang Zikuan executed it quickly, and it didn't take long before the comatose Feilong children woke up, and they were all right after retching a few times.

Ye Tianlong waved his finger: "Tie her hands and feet, heal her, don't let her die, she is still useful."

The corner of Sister Feng's mouth moved and brought Feilong's children to tie Lady Knife with five flowers, Liang Zikuan ran to Ye Tianlong and asked:

"Brother Ye, who is this woman, so tricky?"

If it weren't for Ye Tianlong's presence, he would have slashed Lady Knife with hands and feet. Liang Zikuan would be frightened and angry at the thought of an arrow that almost killed her.

"This person, you should know."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and touched Lady Dao's face, a high imitation mask fell off instantly, revealing a more indifferent face.

Liang Zikuan and Sister Feng lost their voices in surprise: "Lady Dao?"

Feilong children rushed up, knives and guns lined up, and their guards became more tightly guarded. They obviously recognized this as the general of the Axe Gang.

Ye Tianlong waved his hand gently: "Don't be nervous, she is seriously injured now, and within ten and a half months, she can't kill even a chicken."

Sister Feng nodded: "Come, take away, heal her, don't let her die."

Feilong child dragged the knife lady away.

Half an hour later, the eagle gathered all the servants and guards, and asked them to expose their hair and forehead one by one, looking for counterfeiters like Lady Sword.

Soon, Eagle and Sister Feng found a servant and a guard. They instinctively wanted to resist, but they were chopped to the ground with a knife.

Then, Eagle and Sister Feng checked the entire main hall again, confirming that there were no opponents' spies before they stopped.

After dealing with all this, it was one o'clock at noon. Liang Xiucai, who drank the medicine and slept, hosted a banquet for Ye Tianlong in person.

Eighteen dishes and three bottles of good wine make the food in the Feilong Gang hall fragrant.

"Brother, you are really an honorable person to my Liang Xiucai."

At the wine table, Liang Xiucai personally poured Ye Tianlong a glass of brandy: "I have stored this wine for more than ten years, and I have been reluctant to drink it."

"But you are my benefactor, noble person. Today, I will show you and share with my brothers. I hope that our friendship will last forever and never deteriorate."

Liang Zikuan, Eagle, and Sister Feng also raised their wine glasses: "Brother Jingye."

"Everyone is polite."

Ye Tianlong touched the four of them, and then drank it in one sip. It turned out to be a good wine: "With a little effort, don't worry."

"What kind of effort is this? This is all about life and death. Without you, we would die without a place to be buried."

Liang Zikuan poured another glass of wine for Ye Tianlong: "It is not an exaggeration to say that you are our noble and benefactor."

"Look, when you came, you first resolved my father's condition and improved his health, then took down the axe to help the general knife lady, and unearthed two imposters. It's so kind."

Eagle and Sister Feng nodded: "Brother Ye is indeed the benefactor of the Flying Dragon Gang."

They interrogated two spies just now, and they got in to cooperate with Lady Sword after Liang Xiucai got sick.

The purpose is to poison the backbone of the Flying Dragon Gang one by one in the future, so that they lose their due combat power, and finally win the main hall together, so that the crow can easily swallow the flying dragon industry.

The two also informed that the Axe Gang would take another action against the Flying Dragon Gang in the past two days and cannibalize the three most popular and popular places in the Flying Dragon Gang.

The other party's scheming is insidious, and if it succeeds, the Flying Dragon Gang must fall apart, so the Eagles and the others are sincerely grateful to Ye Tianlong.


At this time, Liang Xiucai snapped his fingers: "Brother Ye, verbally saying thank you is almost meaningless, I will give you something."

The Flying Dragon quickly came out with a small box, opened it, and placed three things inside:

One is a flying dragon token, cast in black wood, carved with dragons and phoenixes, the workmanship is very exquisite, and the other is the armor thin as silk, light and strong.

There is also a red room book.

"This is a flying dragon token, the highest authority symbol of the flying dragon gang, and it is similar to a dragon head stick."

Liang Xiucai took the Flying Dragon token and gently stroked her finger: "Feilong children must not only respect me, but also unconditionally obey them."

"Although I am not a big man, I am still somewhat authoritative in front of the three thousand flying dragon children. Brother Ye will take it, so there will be less trouble in the future."

"And when Brother Ye needs manpower, he can directly use it to mobilize his cousins."

Ye Tianlong was slightly startled. He didn't expect Liang Xiucai to give such a valuable thing to himself. I didn't know, but he thought that Liang Xiucai would pass it to him.

Before he refused to speak out, Liang Xiucai picked up the silver armor again and threw out with a smile: "This is the emperor silkworm armor. I got it by accident twenty years ago."

"I lived on it nine more times when I worked hard. It was invulnerable to swords and guns, and it was very tough. I gave it to Brother Ye a little bit of heart."

"After all, Brother Ye is rolling, one more piece of armor is a little safer."

While speaking, Liang Xiucai took Uncle Ying’s axe and slashed it at the Celestial Silkworm's protective clothing. With a bang, the chair behind it was cracked, but the Celestial Silkworm's protective clothing did nothing at all:

"Of course, the protective clothing can withstand swords and guns, but Brother Ye still can't carry it hard, after all, the body has a limited bearing."

Ye Tianlong secretly cried that it was really a treasure, much lighter than body armor, but the effect was not weaker than body armor.

"This is a piece of land."

Liang Xiucai picked up the red book again and opened it in front of Ye Tianlong: "The location is very good. It is in the Central District, opposite to Disneyland."

"If it is developed into commercial housing, economic hotel, and food street, it will definitely be a huge source of money. I didn't use it because of limited ability."

"In the middle ring, every inch of land is rich in gold, and it is also the territory of the Axe Gang and the Tiger Wolf."

Liang Xiucai saw it thoroughly: "I went there to build that piece of land. Even if they didn't join hands to destroy it, the benefits would be eaten up by them 80 to 90%, so I kept it."

"Today, it is the most suitable gift to Brother Ye. You are not a member of the gang, and operating that piece of land will not be conspicuous."

Hearing this, Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "Fang Master Liang, no, this gift is too expensive, I can't accept it."

"Three small gifts are not expensive at all, they are insignificant compared to the ones made by Brother Ye."

Liang Xiucai insisted on Ye Tianlong's acceptance: "If you don't accept it, I won't dare to deal with you in the future. If I owe favors, I have no place to show myself."

Sister Eagle and Sister Feng also asked Ye Tianlong to accept it: "Yeah, Brother Ye, accept it."

Liang Zikuan simply stuffed things into Ye Tianlong's arms: "Big Brother Ye, what are the mother-in-laws doing? Everyone is their own, why are you polite?"

"Besides, if you don't accept it, these things are also left, violent and violent."

Liang Zi raised his face broadly: "Use everything to the fullest, it is their value, Brother Ye, take it."

"This kid said something useful."

Liang Xiucai laughed loudly: "If you don't accept it, I will let it go, violating the heavens. I don't need tokens and armor, and the land can't develop. It doesn't make any sense to put it in my hand."

"And for this unfilial son, I am worried that he will be holding it for evil, so if you don't accept it, I will only lock it up."

Eagle and Feng sister once again advised Ye Tianlong: "Brother Ye, accept it."

Seeing everyone so persistent, Ye Tianlong looked helpless and had to accept three gifts: "Well, then I would like to thank everyone for your kindness."

Putting on the armor, holding the house book, and holding the token, Ye Tianlong felt rich all night.

At the same time, a thought flashed in his mind, if Liang Xiucai accidentally died, wouldn't he be the most powerful person in the Flying Dragon Gang?

PS: The brothers who walked past gave a thumbs-up,

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