Talented Genius

Chapter 2824: Really dead

"Boom, boom—"

With the sound of gunshots, bullets continued to pour into the garden, and all the objects blocking their vision of the masked woman were cut off.

The corpses on the ground were also shot by them indiscriminately. They were beaten into blood and blood, and they were horrible, and they did not give the target any chance to pretend to be dead.

As Ye Tianlong expected, in addition to the forty-eight gunmen on the sea, there were also many enemies at the front door and on both sides, and together they killed the villa.

The women with masks advanced step by step, narrowing the enclosure step by step, crossing the fence, through the grass, and around the fire, slowly gathering in front of the building.

The gunfire gradually weakened, and the footsteps became smooth, only the twisted flames kept rising, blurring everyone's vision.

Nearly a hundred people calmed down inexplicably, but their weapons were still clenched, and thousands of bullets were ready to fire.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!"

At this moment, a voice yelled: "I am Han Di, I am Han Di of Crocodile Bank, I am here to kill Ye Tianlong too!"

"Now Ye Tianlong is dead, he was blown to death by you, don't kill me, let you take the lead and talk to me..."

When the masked women focused their eyes on the sound source, a tall figure appeared in the erratic white smoke.

Han Di held his hands high and knelt straight in front of the ruins, the fire light shining clearly on his face.

"I am Hanji, the Hanji of Crocodile Bank."

Han Di kept repeating his identity: "I am a friend of Prince Tais and a guest of honor to the Queen of England. I came to Oss to kill Ye Tianlong."

"If you don't believe what I said, you can call to verify my identity."

"Either the Oss royal family or the Queen of England can testify to me."

"I don't have a weapon in my hand, and I don't have a gun in my body, so there is no threat to you at all."

Han Di also tore open his own clothes to convince everyone that he did not hide his guns.

Hearing Han Ji's words, I saw him unarmed, nearly a hundred guns drooping slightly, but he remained vigilant.

At the same time, nearly a hundred gunmen narrowed their encirclement, and approached Hanji without any haste.

The woman in the mask narrowed her eyes, recognizing Han Ji's true face.

Han Ji hit the iron while it was hot and touched his forehead: "You can't kill me. I control the Crocodile Bank, which is one of the few underground banks."

"This bank has a lot of money from the rich and powerful in the world, including the British royal family and the people behind you."

"I'm dead, their money will be troublesome, and you will be troublesome too..."

He reminded them of the masked women: "We are friends, not enemies."

The woman with the mask continued to look sharply, but she always kept her distance and kept her muzzle in the front, not giving Han Ji a chance to attack.

Dozens of gunmen also stared at Han Ji, posing a shooting posture at any time.

"Are you their leader?"

Han Ji looked at the masked woman: "I am Han Ji..."

The woman with the mask coldly interrupted him: "Mr. Han, I know your identity, but I need to confirm with you now. Ye Tianlong is dead?"

Although she felt that Ye Tianlong would be so fierce with such a powerful firepower, but out of caution, she still needs to confirm it further.

Han Di exhaled a long breath, and pointed his finger at the villa that was blown into ruins: "I'm dead, I can't die anymore."

"When your rocket bombs just started to blast, he dodged it quickly, only blasting the hot spring pool into a pit."

"He saw you attack him with heavy weapons, so he hurried back to the house to hide and take weapons."

"The result has not been killed yet, and your two rockets blasted over and overturned this building directly."

"Following another round of bombardment, a fire burned the ruins."

"I've been guarding here all the time, just to see if Ye Tianlong was killed by the explosion, otherwise I would have sneaked away, so I won't wait for you to come and arrest me."

Han Ji told the masked woman of his motive: "After waiting for so long, there is no movement. It is estimated that the body is burnt."

"Da da da--"

The woman in the mask nodded when she heard the words, and then stepped back two meters and waved.

With this action, nearly a hundred people raised their guns with a click, pulled the trigger at the ruins, and thousands of bullets entered.

The masonry crackled, the debris broke, and the flames were extinguished a lot. The whole ruins collapsed by three points, and the living space was very small.

"Boom boom boom—"

After the three-wheeled projectile was fired, the woman in the mask made another gesture.

Six burly western men sprang out from behind, a grenade flashed out of their hands and threw them into the corner they locked.

When Han's underground consciousness was lying on the ground, the ruins exploded in a series of explosions, again exploding fragments flying across, destroying any existence.

Several corpses that were turned over by the bombing were immediately shot by women with masks.

The woman in the mask did not stop, and made another gesture. Two flamethrowers poured over, and the huge ruins were instantly enveloped by fire.

It is impossible for an ant to survive.

"He's dead, really dead."

Han Di, who was lying on the ground, yelled: "It won't die like this, that's the hell."

Nearly a hundred gunmen seemed to approve of Han Di's words, and a lot of killing intent disappeared from the muzzle, and it was clear that Ye Tianlong was too dead to die.

As for Ye Tianlong hiding inside, they didn't have the slightest doubt, after all, they didn't see Ye Tianlong all the way through the carpet.

Apart from hiding in the villa building, he has no hiding place, and Han Ji has no need to deceive them.

The masked woman nodded slightly, and then pointed her gun at Han Di: "Ye Tianlong is too lonely on the road alone, so please go and accompany him."

Han Di's face sank: "I am Han Di! I am the head of the Crocodile Bank! Can you bear the revenge of my three thousand brothers?"

The woman with the mask had a pretty face indifferent: "I will tell your men that Ye Tianlong killed you, and I killed Ye Tianlong to avenge you."

Han Ji yelled, "Shameless!"


Just as the woman in the mask was about to pull the trigger, the hot springs that piled up ruins suddenly exploded, and countless fragments flew around, while a brick blasted out.


The gunmen in the surrounding area had no defense at all. A dozen people were hit by the debris in an instant, screaming and flying out.

The woman with the mask was originally going to shoot at Handi, but saw a brick flying over, so fast and brutal, she didn't even have the idea of ​​avoiding it.


The brick hit her shoulder and threw her directly seven or eight meters away. She instinctively pulled the trigger and all the bullets poured into the air.

While groaning, she saw Ye Tianlong, who was not wearing clothes, approaching a gunman like a phantom, strangling the opponent's neck from behind.


With a crisp sound, Ye Tianlong strangled the opponent's neck.

At the same time, he grabbed the submachine gun in his right hand.

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