Talented Genius

Chapter 2909: Who is it for?

"Starved to death, starved to death!"

After coming out of the hospital, Ye Tianlong did not immediately return to the Emperor Tianju, but ran to the Wu Family Mansion.

Wu Lingshuang happened to return to Beijing on a mission tonight. Ye Tianlong naturally wanted to cherish the rare opportunity to meet, so he came to the Wu Family Mansion as soon as possible.

The Wu family had already been familiar with Ye Tianlong for a long time, and they knew more or less what he had done, so his arrival made the peaceful Wu family lively.

Ye Tianlong greeted everyone, shouting that he was hungry, and asked Wu Ningbing to find something to eat for herself, and he and Wu Lingshuang would like me.

"Ling Shuang, look at you, you are thin and dark again."

Ye Tianlong looked at Wu Lingshuang very distressed: "In the past few days in Beijing, you have to make up for it."

"Tomorrow, I will ask the Prairie Restaurant to send you roasted whole lamb, and then let the Red Makeup Company give you Red Makeup No. 1."

Ye Tianlong exaggeratedly added: "If there is a holiday, then fly directly to the mountains, and take a breath of air, you can live a few more minutes."

Wu Lingshuang was a lot darker than before, but his proud temperament remained unchanged. He sat quietly there with a lotus in full bloom.

However, when asked by Ye Tianlong, her restraint was loosened, and she blushed and responded to Ye Tianlong: "I follow your arrangement."

"Dog men and women..."

When Ye Tianlong and Wu Lingshuang were getting along sweetly, Wu Ningbing, who was called to cook noodles, came back with his mouth pouting, and threw a bowl of clear soup noodles in front of Ye Tianlong:

"Your noodles, hurry up, don't talk about me if your teeth are sticky."

Wu Ningbing leaned on a bench and hummed, "Also, I want a copy of the gift you gave to my sister, otherwise I won't cook noodles for you in the future."

"What attitude?"

Ye Tianlong picked up the chopsticks, straightened up his face and taught a serious lesson: "Brother-in-law asked you to cook noodles, as if you were letting you have a baby?"

"And your side is too vegetarian, you can't even see the green onions. Is this for humans?"

He pushed the bowl: "Go back to the kitchen and cook another one, and you want tomato and egg noodles."

Wu Ningbing gave Ye Tianlong a white look and shook her slender white thighs: "I have to eat myself and cook, this lady has no time to wait on you."

Wu Lingshuang smiled and persuaded: "Tianlong, forget it, don't make it difficult for her. My sister can only cook white eggs since she was a child. It is too difficult for her to cook noodles."

"My sister loves me."

Wu Ningbing pursed a small mouth: "But it would be better for my sister to change to a brother-in-law. This brother-in-law is too disgusting and bullies me all day."

"Am I bullying you? I'm doing it for your own good."

Ye Tianlong rolled up a chopsticks noodles and hummed, "You said you are a big girl, and you can't even cook noodles. How can you get married in the future?"

"I'll just find a husband who can cook."

Wu Ningbing and Ye Tianlong have always been at odds with each other: "I want you to be nosy?"

Wu Lingshuang was very helpless with these two life treasures: "Well, you two don't make a noise. If you make another noise, you will wake up the old lady."

"Tianlong, go, while it's still early, I will take you to the night market to eat crayfish."

She pulled Ye Tianlong to the outside, and she could clean herself away from the battlefield.

Ye Tianlong naturally agreed.

Looking at the backs of the two of them going away, Wu Ningbing's pretty face was lost, and she slowly walked to the place where Ye Tianlong had been sitting, pouting her mouth, muttering to herself:

"Asshole, bastard, grandma is cooking the noodles this time, she has worked hard and has enough ingredients, but you don't taste a bite."

"What more tomato and egg noodles to eat."

"Then what tomato and egg noodles? Where is my homemade double egg and mushroom noodles delicious."

"I don't know good people, I hope you get out of the water."

After speaking, Wu Ningbing picked up the chopsticks and turned the noodles up. Two poached eggs were hidden underneath. The shredded mushrooms were also scattered, and the soup became rich.

The fragrance overflows...

"Want to surprise you, but you have no patience to wait."

Wu Ningbing bit into a bite of the poached egg, her eyes became a little more misty...

Ye Tianlong, who has always liked to fight with Wu Ningbing, naturally didn't know the mind of Wu Ningbing's little woman, and always regarded her as a carefree girl.

And now he only pays attention to Wu Lingshuang and the upcoming crayfish.

Fifteen minutes later, at the Third Ring Night Market, Wu Lingshuang pulled Ye Tianlong to sit down in a corner of a food stall, and then ordered two plates of crayfish and four dishes.

"Why come back to the capital so early this time?"

After Wu Lingshuang ordered the food, Ye Tianlong wiped the table, and then poured a cup of tea for her: "Didn't you say that you will return to Beijing at the end of the month?"

After Osman communicated with Big Beard, Ye Tianlong passed the line of Snake Country back to the capital and asked the Wu family to reconnect with Big Beard.

In view of the pervasiveness of the ‘Blood’ organization, the Wu family finally sent Wu Lingshuang to meet Big Beard. This was also the main reason for Wu Lingshuang’s disappearance for many days.

"The docking of Snake Nation is almost complete, and there are only some insignificant hand tails left."

Wu Lingshuang did not hide from Ye Tianlong: "However, there have been many dangerous people coming and going in Beijing recently, so I will come back to preside over the overall situation."

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly: "There are many more dangerous people in the capital?"


Wu Lingshuang's pretty face is more solemn: "In addition to the monitoring of the Beijing Security Department, the intelligence source also has the verification of'drops of blood'."

"In the past half a month, no, it can even be chased for more than a month. Many world-class assassins have touched the capital."

"They sneak in differently from the past. This time they are low-key like the ditch rat, and they lurks as soon as they enter."

"If you don't show your face, don't take action, don't make troubles, even the need for food, clothing, housing and transportation is reduced to a minimum. It can be said to be simple."

"It took all my energy to find one, and they ran away without saying anything, or committed suicide if they couldn't."

She added the last sentence: "This method not only covers up a lot of their whereabouts, but also makes it difficult for the Ministry of Security to effectively lock them."

Wu Lingshuang didn't say half a word, that was someone in the Ministry of Security deliberately indulged.

Ye Tianlong held his tea and asked, "How much information do you have? What kind of people came in?"

Wu Lingshuang said several names in one breath: "Zorro from Mo, the four-legged snake from India, and the plum blossom from Lu..."

"Intelligence shows that at least ten red-wanted criminals in the world have come to China. Although the cities smuggled in are different, the final destination is Beijing."

A gleam of light flashed in Wu Lingshuang's eyes: "So the current capital city is a bit dangerous."

Ye Tianlong frowned: "Although these people are not very skilled, they are all notorious guys. Why do they come to the capital?"

"What is the temptation for them to venture into the capital? And hide like a rat for a month?"

He knew that these Jiangyang thieves, because they were the focus of the world, either did not come out of the mountain, and once they came out, they would complete the task quickly.

Latent for more than a month without movement, it shouldn't be the style of these Jiangyang thieves.

"I am also suffering from this headache."

Wu Lingshuang was also pretty helpless: "Knowing what they are doing, it's a big deal with real swords and guns. It's a joy to die or alive."

"It's this kind of inducing but not tiring people."

"But when I come back, I won't let them lurch anymore. No matter how deep they are, I will dig them out."

Women have a sense of determination.

Ye Tianlong tapped his fingers on the table, his mind quickly turned his thoughts, still thinking of the recent situation in Beijing, suddenly, a flash of inspiration.

Will these people come for Rong Shengli's birthday?

At almost the same moment, Wu Lingshuang looked at the food stall not far away. A dwarf man was packing ten boxes of fried rice and carrying them away.

She subconsciously touched the gun: "Mo Guo Zorro?"

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