Talented Genius

Chapter 2913: Incomprehensible style

Ye Tianlong didn't intervene in Zorro's interrogation too much. In addition to his limited energy, he also believed in Wu Lingshuang's strength.

So Ye Tianlong told him that if he needed to look outside himself, he would never go deep into Zorro's group.

While waiting for the result of Wu Lingshuang's interrogation, Ye Tianlong was not idle, and called Zhehua and Yunduo.

Promoted by Ye Tianlong,'Hold it up' and'Yunduo Takeaway' merged. After the two parties reached a consensus, they directly changed the name to Tianlong Takeaway.

The merger of the two platforms not only saved billions of dollars, but also began to monopolize the China market. Almost only Tianlong takeaways remain in cities above the third tier.

The rest of the food delivery companies stubbornly supported them, but they still couldn't bear the wealth of Tianmen.

Although Shi Bing only had 30% of the shares, the cake became bigger, and the addition of the Prairie Restaurant and Chenxue No. 1 still made her worth rising.

Tianmen's 10 billion share purchase not only eased the financial difficulties and pressure of public opinion, but also allowed it to fully impact the China market.

Several taxi-hailing apps tried to raise funds and joined forces to resist, but they still couldn't bear the crush of Bilibid, and finally had no choice but to accept the acquisition of Beep Group.

The unification of Beep taxis has begun to impact traditional taxis.

Shi Bing's value skyrocketed overnight.

On the second day of Zorro's arrest, Shi Bing asked Ye Tianlong to go to the Jingcheng Golf Course to play golf. Ye Tianlong did not refuse and went happily.

It was just that the car drove halfway, and then Canshou stopped and looked at the front and shook his head helplessly: "Ye Shao, there is a traffic jam."

Ye Tianlong, who was reading the trade war news, looked up in surprise when he heard the words: "What kind of car is there before six o'clock?"

"It seems to be a strike!"

Canshou probed forward and glanced forward: "Many taxis parked on the side of the road with banners, as if protesting against the existence of online car-hailing."

Ye Tianlong put down his phone and leaned out from the skylight to examine it, and found that Canshou was right. The taxi went on strike.

This strike not only affected road traffic on both sides, but also caused a backlog of many travelers.

They had no choice but to change to online car-hailing services, only to find that the strike of taxis directly put online car-hailing services at the peak of travel early.

In addition, many taxi drivers have conflicts with online ride-hailing drivers, causing guests to be unable to travel on time, so the traffic is a bit chaotic.

"These taxi drivers are right or wrong."

Ye Tianlong retracted his body and gave a wry smile: "They should protest against the money, not the ride-hailing driver. The money is the bulk."

After deducting the cost, taxis have to pay another 5,000 yuan a month, but online car-hailing is not used, so the source of the income gap is clear.

Canshou smiled: "True taxi drivers don't go with each other. These strikers are just pawns of traditional operating forces."

"Compared with the few thousand dollars of a taxi driver, the hundreds of billions of money behind the power is even more crazy."

"So they won't let online ride-hailing cars touch the cake that has been eaten for more than half a century."

Can Shou hit the nail on the head: "No matter what the general trend, I will resist desperately."

"Incisive, it seems that Shi Bing has powerful enemies, and they can crush her."

Ye Tianlong stretched out, thinking about increasing support for Shi Bing, and then slightly tilted his head: "Change lanes. It's better to go around in circles than to stay here."

Canshou nodded, changed lanes to squeeze out, and then remembered something: "By the way, Tiger Shark and the others have also come to the capital, just like the first hall masters conference."

"Rely? Hall Master Conference? The first one?"

Ye Tianlong heard the words in a daze. Although he did not interfere with the trivial affairs of Longmen, he was still stunned when he heard the words: "And come to the capital?"

Canshou nodded: "Yes, Guan Siying and Xue Yifeng are here, and Chen Xiufei and Feng Jiutian are also present, but there is no publicity."

"This is enough publicity."

Ye Tianlong still wanted to ask who held the call, but he suppressed this idea, and it was more important to resolve the matter than to stop it: "Notify them before noon today."

"Leave the capital as quickly as possible, go back to each house, and find each mother. If you really want a hall master meeting, you can choose Xinguo and Malaysia."

"The capital is too sensitive..."

He is worried that if this continues, in the near future, the world's first underworld convention will be held in Beijing, and that will blow up the sky...

Canshou nodded: "Understood, I will contact Master Chen and Master Feng later."

An hour later, at the Beijing Golf Course, Ye Tianlong was swinging his club on the course, stretching his bones and feeling the charm of the golf hole.

"Ye Shao, thank you for your accomplishment!"

Shi Bing also held the club and followed respectfully. A woman in a white shirt and white dress, coupled with a pair of sunglasses, was extremely youthful and fashionable.

"Your matchmaking and fulfillment completely changed my life."

"From now on, Shi Bing is Ye Shao's person. If Ye Shao wants me to live, I will give birth. If Ye Shao dies, I will die."

Shi Bing's smile was very coquettish, and he directly declared his loyalty to Ye Tianlong: "Going through water and fire, although old-fashioned, it is Shi Bing's voice."

She expressed her gratitude to Ye Tianlong not simply to express her gratitude, but to tie herself and the unicorn on Ye Tianlong's boat.

It seemed that she had given herself to Ye Tianlong for free, allowing Ye Tianlong to take advantage of both human and wealth, but the insider understood that Shi Bing made a lot of money.

Being able to hug Ye Tianlong's thigh, Shi Bing's future life is definitely not a tens of billions platform, and he can become a top 100 billion tycoon at any time.

If you can't hold it, you may not be able to cross the next hurdle.

"President Shi..."

At this time, the female secret looked nervous, holding Shi Bing's mobile phone in her hand, and it seemed that someone had broken in.

Shi Bing stopped with a wink and told her not to disturb herself.

"Shi always gave me and the unicorn?"

When the female secret was helplessly holding the phone while whispering, Ye Tianlong pretended not to see this scene, and replied with a laugh:

"This is no longer a simple free lunch, but an extremely luxurious free feast. I am a little afraid to say anything."

It's easy to eat, but difficult to spit out.

"Can I understand this way..."

Shi Bingjiao laughed: "Ye Shao doesn't know how to make a mouthful. It's not that he didn't dare to eat this great dinner, but he didn't know how to eat it?

After that, she stepped forward a few steps, bends down slightly, showing her waist and legs to the extreme, showing Ye Tianlong a perfect arc.

"Shi Bing can tell Ye Shao that everyone is a family. Ye Shao can eat whatever he wants, and he can eat whatever he wants."

Shi Bing looked back and smiled, and there were a lot of charms: "As long as Ye eats this dinner, Shi Bing will be happy."

Naked seduce.

Ye Tianlong looked at the woman who was bending down, a playfulness evoked at the corner of his mouth, and then slowly walked over.

He pressed against Shi Bing from behind and held her soft hand.

"President Shi is so kind, but if I push back, isn't he too confused about the style?"

After speaking, Ye Tianlong slammed his waist and slammed his club.

The white ball goes into the hole.

Simply, neat.

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