Talented Genius

Chapter 2923: Who dares to touch my son?


The beautiful woman in purple was also taken aback, then her eyes widened, and she reacted and lighted Ye Tianlong's nose to coldly drink:

"What are you? What qualifications do you have to ask my daughter for justice?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Rong Weiwei just ordered bodyguards to besiege me. If I had two accidents, I would have been discredited and disabled by her order."

"Now I get back a little bit of money, a matter of course."

He smiled very calmly: "Madam is so wise, she can't protect her shortcomings, right?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong's face, Rong Weiwei was so angry that she couldn't wait to shoot this guy directly. It was arrogant, hateful, and helpless.

"Justice? With you wounding April, I can kill you a hundred times. You still want justice."

The beautiful woman in purple turned her head slightly to her daughter: "Weiwei, stand up and see if he dares to be fair?"

Supported by his mother, Rong Weiwei stood up and looked at Ye Tianlong provocatively: "Ye Tianlong, I ordered you to besiege, why?"

"I'm standing here, come to seek justice if you have the ability."

In Rong Weiwei's view, there are so many people in the audience, as well as the elders like mother and uncle, what can Ye Tianlong do?

The rest of the people also shook their heads. Without the real power elders of the Rong family at the scene, Ye Tianlong can ignore the movement of Rong in April. Now he will be more or less afraid...

You know, in addition to the Rong family background, the beautiful woman in purple clothes also has the lineage of the coastal chaebol Zheng.

Although the beautiful woman in purple clothes is about to divorce Rongzong, Rong Weiwei and Zheng will not be separated. They are a family of ethnic groups who have survived 300 years of wind and rain.

The ancestors of the Zheng family remain in the history textbooks and are still a positive image of national heroes.

If Ye Tianlong acted on Rong Weiwei, he would not only slap the Rong family in the face, but also indirectly offend the Zheng family. The consequences would be very troublesome.

"it is good!"

As everyone's thoughts turned, Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense, and slapped directly.


With a crisp sound, Rong Weiwei fell directly into the air and stopped after the three knocked over, five more fingerprints on her pretty face.

There was a dead silence in the audience, staring at Ye Tianlong dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he even dared to beat Rong Weiwei. It was really shocking.

The beautiful lady in purple and Rong Guang were also stunned, never expected Ye Tianlong to really make a move.


Before everyone could react, Ye Tianlong took two steps forward, opened his bow left and right, and directly slapped Rong Weiwei to the ground.

Later, he walked back and took out a tissue to wipe his hands.

"Do you dare to hit me?"

Rong Weiwei quickly reacted, holding her pretty face for a moment, then furious: "Ye Tianlong, do you dare to hit me?"

"Aren't you asking me to ask for justice? These three slaps are just to make you remember."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "But this is also for the sake of Mr. Rong. If it weren't for today's 60th birthday, you might end up like Rong in April."

Rong Weiwei was extremely angry: "Asshole——"

"Boy, you provoke me."

The beautiful woman in purple is also very angry. I have never seen someone so arrogant. She grabbed Rong Weiwei and let out a cry:

"Old Feng, abolish him."

The long-haired old man passed away in a flash, and immediately arrived in front of Ye Tianlong.

A sword to the east, Elder Feng, the bodyguard of a beautiful woman in purple clothes who has been close to him for many years, is fierce and sophisticated, and only kills a sword.

"Boy! You die!!!"

Before Rongguang could stop him, Elder Feng screamed, a sword flashed out of his sleeve, and stabbed Ye Tianlong without saying a word.


Quick and urgent, and extremely hot.

Not only that, but his strength has also been exerted to the extreme, and he has the confidence to stab Ye Tianlong into serious injuries.

Xing Tianjiao subconsciously shouted: "Tianlong, be careful!"

"Good job!"

Just when the short sword was about to touch Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong smiled faintly and stretched out two fingers.

One clip.


A crisp sound!

Elder Feng, who was about to drive straight forward like a rainbow, suddenly stiffened, his forward pace stopped abruptly, and the grinning smile on his face was completely frozen!

"Why... how could this be..."

His short sword was clamped by Ye Tianlong, and it was as stable as Mount Tai, making him unable to move forward even one step.

Then, with a click, the short sword shattered, and Elder Feng instinctively leaned forward.

Ye Tianlong still didn't move, but he slammed into Elder Feng's body with a flop between his fingers.

Elder Feng's eyes were wide and round, a hint of incredible color appeared in his eyes.

A stream of blood flowed from him, and then more and more blood was scattered all over the ground.


Ye Tianlong kicked and said, "I can't help myself."

Elder Feng snorted and flew out, falling to the ground in pain. He didn't die, but he stubbornly covered his wound and dared not move.

The sword blade that was not in the body was only one centimeter away from his heart. If it is slightly involved, he is likely to hang.

Elder Feng was very sad and angry, very unwilling, but also very helpless. Ye Tianlong was so powerful that he could not stop him with a single move.

Seeing that Ye Tianlong was so powerful, the audience was shocked again. They didn't expect that this guy who was imprisoned by the Taicheng people was really as good as the ninth rank.

"Boy! Do you...you dare to disuse me Feng Lao?"

The beautiful woman in purple was shocked at first, and then angry: "You deserve to die! You deserve to die for all your sins!!!"

She was about to lose her mind, she just wanted to trample on Ye Tianlong to avenge her daughter and old servant.

Rong Guang stretched out his hand to advise her: "Sister, he is Ye Tianlong. He is the guest invited by the old man. The consequences for him are very serious."

"And he is very skilled, you are not his opponent."

These few words are tantamount to adding fire.

Sure enough, the purple-clothed beautiful woman pushed her glory away: "Hit my daughter and abolish my old servant. Even the king and I will die."

At the moment, she yelled at the dozens of Zheng family bodyguards around her: "Take him down to me, dare to resist and shoot on the spot."

Hearing these few words, the surrounding guests rolled back and climbed back.

More than a dozen elite Zheng Family glanced at each other, then drew out their weapons, one by one, murderous intent splashed in each of their eyes, surrounded by Ye Tianlong!

"Swish swish-"

The speed of these people was reaching the extreme, and they immediately surrounded Ye Tianlong.

Shi Bing and Xing Tianjiao stepped forward subconsciously: "Tianlong, be careful."

"I really don't want to die."

While Ye Tianlong was lightly mocking, a slender figure swished into the arena like a **** soldier!

Then, a sword swung out, and the sky filled the sky with white light.


More than a dozen Zheng's bodyguards suffered a pain in their wrists, and then their guns fell on the ground, with a scream, they withdrew backwards, and blood continued to fall from their wrists.


Then came Zheng's bodyguard, who swept back with one leg, as fast as a meteor point.

More than a dozen Zheng's bodyguards were beaten up and fell to the ground, spurting blood and losing their combat power!

"Who dares to touch my son?"

Rong Susu stood in the middle, staring at the audience.

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