Talented Genius

Chapter 2943: Kidnapping

Song Chunqiu is an old fried dough stick, and Ye Tianlong is also a wise man.

Song Chunqiu's words immediately let Ye Tianlong see the lack of the Ministry of Security.

These days, Wu Lingshuang was searching around the capital to search for Jiangyang Bandit. It is estimated that he would go through every corner several times, but he would not pay attention to the city guards.

In addition to both sides are the official weapon to defend China, there is also the same goal of both sides searching for Jiang Yang thieves, who dares to doubt brother units casually?

Therefore, as long as Jiang Yang thief hid in the city guards and someone in the city guards sheltered them, then Wu Lingshuang could hardly do anything even by digging three feet.

As for how the city guards could mix into Jiangyang Bandit, that was another question.

Ye Tianlong didn't ask where Song Chunqiu had come from. After speculating that it might be possible, he sent a message to Wu Lingshuang, and then took Wang Mimi to lunch.

Song Chunqiu seemed to know that Ye Tianlong had to deal with the matter, so he did not insist on a few polite invitations to dinner, and agreed to play golf together another day.

Looking at their backs, Manager Liu, who was a bit ditch with Song Chunqiu, moved forward and asked:

"Song Shao, who is he?"

He was puzzled: "Even if Young Master Kong and Young Master Bai bought a house, you only gave a 10% discount. Why did he give away ten sets directly?"

"The sixth in the capital, the Ye family, and Ye Tianlong."

Song Chunqiu's face has unspeakable self-confidence: "If you give it out today, there will be better returns in the future."

Manager Liu nodded as if he knew nothing, and then whispered: "Then I'm going to prepare the contract..."

"Go, it must be done properly, and it must be done in a low-key manner, and the owner must not be disclosed to the outside world. Ye Shao doesn't like publicity."

Song Chunqiu calmly issued an instruction, and then looked at the sweaty gorgeous supervisor: "Get her out of the way, so as not to be an eyesore."

Manager Liu respectfully responded: "I understand."

Director Yanli knelt with a plop, her face was ashamed. Not only did she lose her well-paid job, she might never be able to mix in this business again.

"By the way, what kind of power is there, no matter what temptation you take, you must keep her."

Song Chunqiu showed a sophisticated smile: "One more person who is related to Ye Shao will make our relationship with Ye Shao more stable."

Manager Liu responded again: "Understand."

Song Chunqiu didn't speak any more, just walked to the window and looked at the sky. It was a little gloomy and dark. He murmured four words: "The sky is going to change..."

"Liar! Liar! Liar!"

At this moment, after far from the center of the Summer Palace villa, Wang Mimi, who had been silent, became active, and hummed after throwing a few eyes at Ye Tianlong:

"You deceived my feelings of Wang Mi Mi."

"Why are you so funny?"

"Obviously I was so rich but I didn't say it, I didn't bring a few Rolexes with me, and I didn't have ten or eight to follow when I went out, which made me lose sight."

"If you were brand-name all over your body, with tens of millions of watches, millions of cars, and dozens of people crowded around, how could I be so embarrassed now?"

Wang Mimi complained to Ye Tianlong.

"Are you embarrassed now?"

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "Why didn't I notice it, but it was a little more aggressive."

Wang Mimi is righteous and confident: "Why not be embarrassed? I knew you were so rich, I would not laugh with you, let you see my crazy side."

Thinking that she used Ye Tianlong as a hanging silk, and, like Director Tian, ​​believed that Ye Tianlong could not afford a villa, her face couldn't help but feel hot.

It's too embarrassing.

"Don't let me see the crazy side, do you want me to see the lady side?"

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "This is very difficult for you, it's not as straightforward as it is now."

"Furthermore, it's not bad now. I made you 7.5 million commissions. You also became the deputy sales director..."

He encouraged the girl: "Your truth has been rewarded."

Wang Mimi's legs weakened, and he almost fell to the ground: "7.5 million...this money...how to spend it?"

This number is an astronomical figure that she can hardly imagine, and she is a little at a loss with so much money.

"At least invite me to lunch first."

Ye Tianlong touched his stomach and smiled: "A richer lunch."

Wang Mimi recovered his calm, smiling brightly and replied: "No problem, I can treat you to a big meal, but Brother Qiang should also be pulled out."

"One can let me return his life-saving grace, and the other is more lively."

"You wait a while, I'll call him out."

Wang Mimi smiled at Ye Tianlong, then picked up the phone to dial Huang Gangqiang's number, but couldn't get through, but didn't shut down.

"I can't get through, is this number useless?"

Wang Mimi looked at Ye Tianlong with a puzzled look: "Or did he have something to do without his cell phone?"

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly: "Is this impossible?"

According to the monitoring of the children of Quetang, Huang Gangqiang has stayed at home these days and has not gone out. It's just that the phone calls he made were not answered.

Ye Tianlong called the oriole again and asked Huang Gangqiang about his situation. He learned that he still did not leave the apartment today, but he did not draw the curtains either.

"Go, I'll take you to find him."

Ye Tianlong greeted Wang Mi Mi to get in the car and went directly to Huang Gangqiang's apartment to find him. One was to see if something happened to him, and the other was to let Wang Mi Mi contact him.

Wang Mi Mi got into the car without saying a word, obviously he had a good impression of Huang Gangqiang.


The jeep ran wildly on the road, and within 20 minutes, the car arrived at Huang Gangqiang's community and drove into the underground parking lot.


The underground parking lot of the community has very narrow passages, the entrance and exit are the same, and there is a turn, which will occupy the road accidentally when going uphill.

Therefore, when the handicapped driving the jeep was about to turn down, a black business car also rushed towards the other side, very fast, and squeezed towards the jeep.

Can't turn the steering wheel to make room for the opponent with the maximum ability, but the speed of the commercial car is too fast to turn the steering wheel.


With a crisp sound, the commercial vehicle and the jeep slammed into it. The license plate and bumper of the jeep were damaged, and the other's body also had three marks.

At the same time, because the commercial vehicle slammed the steering wheel, the front of the car and the wall knocked again, making the body unstoppable from shaking.

Just because of this collision, several people in the car collided with the seat, groaning, and the car door accidentally opened.

As soon as the car door opened, a sack turned over, still carrying a few traces of blood. Then, the sack opened, revealing a head.

Wang Mimi subconsciously screamed: "Ah----"

Ye Tianlong was about to cover her eyes, but found that it was not a dead person's head, but a living person, and it was the person they were looking for.

Huang Gangqiang!

"Brother Qiang?"

Wang Mimi shouted subconsciously, and then instinctively pulled the car door down.

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