Talented Genius

Chapter 2946: Don't mess around

At the last light of the evening, Ye Tianlong rushed to the outskirts, the camp of Three Thousand City Guards.

Barbed wire, obstacles, sentry towers, machine guns, and helicopters make the camp a solid foundation.

On the opposite road from the entrance of the camp, twelve dark green jeeps stopped silently, and Wu Lingshuang and the 49 elites entered a dilemma.

Ye Tianlong got into Wu Lingshuang's car: "How is the situation?"

Wu Lingshuang was staring at the gate of the city guard through the drone, checking every car and personnel coming in and out, her pretty face was indescribably solemn.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance, she became happy, and then spoke with two frustrations:

"When I got the information you gave, I activated the informant in the city guard, and I found that there were a number of people from unknown origin in Tiger Wolf Camp."

"This group of people did not enter the system and did not have detailed files. Jin Sanqian just told Jin Qiangwei that this was a bounty hunter hired heavily."

"I asked the informant to find a chance to take a few faces. Although they have all dressed up in disguise, the facial recognition is still 70% similar."

Wu Lingshuang gave a judgment: "I suspect that those people are Jiang Yang thieves."

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly: "Can the city guard recruit people from unknown sources? Isn't it generally necessary to check for three generations?"

Wu Lingshuang took the topic: "The city guard is also divided into two parts. Ninety percent is organized. This requires three generations to be investigated. Most of them are officials and nephews."

"But there are other parts, such as the paparazzi and Tiger Wolf camp, there are no restrictions, just valuable."

Wu Lingshuang added: "Of course, their benefits and security are also average."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "It is easy to understand the establishment of a paparazzi. After all, it is necessary to know the information of three ways to lock the prisoners, but this tiger wolf camp..."

Wu Lingshuang smiled and explained further: "Because the city guards are faced with dangerous people, either martial arts masters or Jiangyang thieves..."

"So in order to reduce the casualties of the city guards and to better maintain the security of the capital, the city guards set up a tiger wolf camp five years ago."

"Specially recruit some reliable bounty hunters to work hard."

She cites an analogy: "Its existence is a bit similar to the foreign corps in Bahrain, that is, people who specialize in pioneering when there is a major danger."

The Foreign-French Corps is world-renowned. It is a regular army composed of foreigners. It is powerful in combat and is also a weapon for Bahrain to conquer the Quartet.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I can't think that Jin Sanqian still has this brain."

Wu Lingshuang twisted a bottle of soda water to Ye Tianlong: "The rumor is that Jin Xuejun who came back from overseas exchanges suggested at that time."

"However, for the sake of a double-edged sword, the number of Tiger Wolf camp has not been many in the past five years, and it has always been maintained at about 100."

"Jin Sanqian didn't attract much this time. There were only more than 30 bounty hunters, so it didn't attract the attention of others."

"Even my informants don't take it seriously. If I hadn't asked them to check the changes in the city guards, I guess they wouldn't find these bounty hunters."

She turned her gaze to Ye Tianlong: "I was reminded by you to pay attention. I didn't expect your mind to be quite delicate, and you will find that there is a problem with the city guard."

Ye Tianlong smiled bitterly. He didn't waste much energy. It was a gift that came with buying a house, and it was unintentional.

At the same time, he had a better understanding of Song Chunqiu's intelligence capabilities.

Ye Tianlong's conversation turned: "I found a problem with Tiger Wolf Camp, why don't you just go in and arrest people?"

"We also wanted to rush in and take them down, but we didn't have the legal documents, so we rushed in. It was easy to be screened."

Wu Lingshuang shook his head: "Whether it is the City Guard or the Ministry of Security, they have certain privileges. Those who break into the camp illegally can beheaded first and then played."

Ye Tianlong urged: "Then quickly report the arrest documents."

He originally wanted to say that he broke in, but seeing the machine gun of the guard tower and the bullet holes on both sides of the narrow passage, he dismissed the idea again.

Fifty people rushed into the 3,000-person camp with complete light and heavy weapons. If the other side ignored the siege, all fifty people would die in it.

"I have already reported it to my aunt."

Wu Lingshuang told Ye Tianlong: "Moreover, in order to avoid leaking the secrets, she also asked her aunt to bypass the high level of the city guards and take orders from the first ring of the capital.

"But so far there has been no response, saying that they are having an important meeting, and the secretary will not let anyone disturb."

She looked at her watch: "My aunt said that they will end at seven."

"The meeting ends at seven?"

Ye Tianlong also glanced at the monitor, a solemn expression on his face:

"It's only 6:10, and I have to wait an hour to dismiss the meeting, and then to get the legal procedures, I'm afraid it will take two hours, the night is long and dreamy..."

"We can't wait like this."

Ye Tianlong didn't like to wait in such a passive manner. Two hours had changed too much, and the safety department car had been parked for so long, I'm afraid it has attracted attention.

He took out his cell phone, connected to the computer of the Security Department, and then called up the construction plan of the city guard camp to check the specific location of the Tiger Wolf camp.

Fortunately, Ye Tianlong frowned as soon as he saw it. Tiger Wolf Camp is located at the corner of the camp. You enter the gate and walk to the end, a full five kilometers.


Almost as soon as the thoughts fell, two jeeps roared in again, and stopped beside Wu Lingshuang extremely fast. The door opened and three men and three women emerged.

The leader is Wu Junao.

Next to her was a woman in black, a professional suit with gold-rimmed glasses on her face. She was not young, but she was very intellectual.

But it also looks very strong.

Seeing this, Wu Lingshuang hurriedly pushed the car door down, with a touch of surprise on her face: "Aunt, why did you come in person? Have you got the legal procedures?"

"Secretary Jia, are you here too?"

She also greeted the woman in black: "Hello."

The woman in black nodded slightly and responded, but did not say anything.

Although Wu Lingshuang did not tell her identity, Ye Tianlong can judge from her proud expression that this is not a small character.

Wu Lingshuang asked again: "Auntie, have you got the legal procedures?"

For Wu Lingshuang at this moment, a legal arrest warrant is more important than anything else.

Ye Tianlong saw the embarrassment and sadness on Wu Junao's face, and instantly guessed that things were not optimistic.

"No formalities!"

Sure enough, without waiting for Wu Junao to respond, Secretary Jia took the topic: "You don't have real evidence. The above will not let you search."

Wu Junao also nodded: "They asked me to provide solid evidence. I said no, but I believe your intelligence should not be different."

"I am also willing to give you a guarantee. If no one is caught, I apologize to the city guard for review."

Wu Jun told the situation with a wry smile: "But they refused my request, saying that without evidence, they can't trespass into the camp, and they can't break the rules and bottom line."

Wu Lingshuang almost died of anger: "When is it now, what bottom line and rules are there, the prisoner should be captured first..."

"Captain, you can't say that."

Secretary Jia Liu eyebrows raised slightly: "Rules are rules. No matter what or anyone, they must act in accordance with the rules."

"Otherwise the whole society will be messed up."

"After all, you broke into the city guard camp today, and you dare to enter the Red Police base tomorrow for no reason. The day after tomorrow, you will have the courage to go to Yihuan for a stroll."

Secretary Jia stared at Wu Lingshuang with cold eyes:

"Hua Xia firmly prohibits this disorderly thing from happening."

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