Talented Genius

Chapter 2949: Give Way

More than twenty Jiang Yang thieves were all handcuffed by Wu Lingshuang.

Ye Tianlong didn't stay too much, and immediately evacuated as soon as he took the man down, moved quickly to leave the Tiger Wolf camp, and then approached the gate.

To be able to take down a group of people so smoothly today, in addition to the fact that the city guards have a home abroad, there is also the rapid action of him and Wu Lingshuang and others.

Even if the task has been completed, then we must withdraw from the camp as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.


I was just afraid of what would come. As soon as the eight jeeps drove to the gate, a dozen patrol cars roared and surrounded from the front.

Dozens of gunners with live ammunition followed.

Although they didn't shout out any cruel words or shoot, they still made people feel their arrogance.

They swiftly pressed against the Ministry of Security.

The car stopped, the door opened, and a man with a Chinese character came out.

Although he is not wearing a uniform, normal people can still judge from his strong aura that he belongs to the master in a high position.

Then, another woman in uniform was drilled out. She was brave and heroic, and it was Jin Qiangwei.

Upon seeing this, Wu Lingshuang pushed the car door down.

"Captain of Wuhan University, good evening! Long time no see."

When Jin Qiangwei glanced over Ye Tianlong with complicated eyes, the middle-aged man stepped forward with his hands on his back. He obviously knew Wu Lingshuang, and he smiled indifferently to the point:

"I don't know why your ministry is here?"

The middle-aged man's eyes have a sharper look: "The city guard and the Ministry of Security have always been well watered."

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, wondering who the middle-aged man was, so he asked the person next to him, and quickly learned that he was the second in command of the camp.

Vice Captain Jin Nicholas is also Jin Qiangwei's third uncle.

Wu Lingshuang calmly greeted the opponent's sharp gaze: "We received a tip that the tiger and wolf camp hid the gangster, so come and take a look."

"With the full assistance of your brothers, the Ministry of Security has fulfilled its mission and won a large number of suspected criminals."

Wu Lingshuang gave Nicholas Zujin face: "I will report this matter to the above in detail, and ask your brothers for a collective first-class merit."

"You arrest people, we have no objection, to maintain the peace in the capital, we welcome it even more."

Jin Ningfeng's expression became ruthless: "Just to come to the city guards to perform tasks, we must act in accordance with the rules of our city guards."

"There is no sound, no report, and there is not even a search warrant in his hand, and it even violates the password of not trespassing in the first ring of the capital."

He scowled and shouted, "Your unorganized and undisciplined behavior is no different from those bandits!"

Ye Tianlong sneered. This guy would really buckle his hat. He didn't mention his mistakes, but criticized the Ministry of Security for nothing.

"Captain Kim taught it."

Wu Lingshuang's expression remained unchanged, and she smiled faintly: "We must pay attention next time, and I will punish the above and be responsible for this violation of the order."

A touch of helplessness flashed across Wu Junao's face. Although he captured the culprit this time, he could offset most of the mistakes, but he couldn't get around the order.

"There is no such thing as this time and next time."

Jin Nicholas straightened his chest and stared at Wu Lingshuang: "Today you must disarm and hand over the person you arrested in accordance with the rules of the city guard."

"Wait for your boss to contact us, go through all the procedures and regulations, and pass the verification and approval of the city guards before you can take people back."

He also waved his hand: "Captain Jin, catch the culprit."

Jin Qiangwei hesitated: "Sanshu..."

Jin Nicholas shouted: "Execute the order!"

"Disarmed? Who gives you the power?"

Before Wu Lingshuang could respond, Ye Tianlong got out of the car and looked at Jin Nicholas who was stern and stern:

"Captain Jin, be kinder, I save you enough face, but you want to tear your skin?"

He stood in front of Nicholas Jin: "We haven't held accountability for the gangsters hiding in Tiger Wolf Camp, but you are conversely accusing us of arresting people?"

"Thousands of brothers from the Ministry of Security were busy day and night, and didn't even sleep for a few hours, just to dig out these gangsters to maintain security in the capital."

"As a result, they leisurely hid in the tiger wolf camp and were sheltered by your city guards, wasting the manpower and material resources of countless brothers."

"Moreover, this group of bandits will surely cause catastrophe in the future, when the city guards and the Jin family will have countless heads falling to the ground."

"The Ministry of Security found out in time and saved you. Not only did you not appreciate the Ministry of Security, but you blamed us for not following the rules?"

Ye Tianlong yelled: "Are you worthy of your conscience? Are you worthy of your duties?"

When the voice fell, not only Jin Qiangwei stopped coming forward to catch people, but the other Jin family elites also looked embarrassed and subconsciously lowered their muzzles.


The awe-inspiring righteousness of Ye Tianlong made Jin Nicholas unable to stop talking, and then he stared at Ye Tianlong with a grin:

"The sixth in the capital, Ye Tianlong, really domineering and sharp."

"It's just that no matter what you said, we won't let you take people away today."

"If the Jiangyang thieves in Tiger Wolf Camp were our big mistake, then if we let people go indiscriminately, that would be the second big mistake."

"We can't make mistakes again and again."

Nicholas Jin made a cheeky sophistry: "Moreover, these people have not been interrogated properly, they may not be the gangsters you call them."

"The Jin family will take up all the responsibilities it has to deal with, but it will never allow others to deliberately plant the wrongdoing."

Nicholas Jin shouted again: "Qianwei, hand in your gun, arrest someone."

"It's impossible to hand in guns and release people. It's impossible in this life."

Ye Tianlong looked at Jin Ningfeng with a faint smile: "You are the second in command of the city guard and you know my name, so you should know my character."

"I know, but this is the city guard site!"

Nicholas Jin stared at Ye Tianlong, his tone of voice lowered, especially the word "Chengweijun", with a very strong tone: "I have three thousand people and three thousand guns."

"That's your person? Your gun?"

Ye Tianlong jokingly said, "It seems that the Jin family really treats the public house as a private treasury."

Jin Nicholas' face changed: "Don't button your hat!"

"Without further ado!"

Ye Tianlong's eyes are a little bit more bitter: "You only have one way to get gangsters, that is, let's let go of a battle, let us die, and win or lose."

Jin Nicholas looked at Ye Tianlong, whose face showed killing intent, first angry, then surprised, and finally solemn.

This is a lunatic!

"Ling Shuang, take someone away!"

Ye Tianlong smiled indescribably deep, staring at Jin Nicholas whose face was uncertain: "Who dares to stop us, let's kill him."

Before the words came to an end, Wu Lingshuang was the first to pull the trigger, and immediately the rest of the people were also loaded with bullets, and the sound of metal crashing one after another.

Jin Qiangwei's body shook, and they instinctively clenched their guns.

The atmosphere was suddenly tense and ignited.

Jin Ningfeng's eyelids kept moving, his face getting more and more ugly, seeing Ye Tianlong approaching, he finally moved away slumped:

"Give Way……"

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