Talented Genius

Chapter 2952: Spring earth

"The problem is that I am not yet thirty years old. I have not only reached the eighth rank, but also exceeded the ninth rank, which is about the tenth rank."

Hearing what Wang Gobi said, Ye Tianlong showed a playful look on his face, and then he took a sip from his teacup: "So there is no absolute in the world."

"Of course I know Ye Shao's Ninth-Rank peak skill."

Wang Gebi's smile became playful: "It's just that Ye Shao didn't have any doubts about why he could break through the eighth rank before the age of 30?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, wondering? What doubts? Does this need to be confused? It was just the words that came to his lips, and he remembered that he was a tester again.

Ye Tianlong also thought of Lin Chenxue's examination of himself, his genes were already different from ordinary people, and the breakthrough of martial arts could not do without genetic mutation.

Thinking of this, he was a little lacking in confidence.

"There are no eight ranks below 30. This is not a joke, but a judgment accumulated by the ancestors over hundreds of years."

Wang Gobi kept a gentle smile: "It's the same as if it doesn't grow watermelons, grapes, or mangoes in winter."

"I know you will refute me. In winter, you want to eat watermelon and watermelon, and you want to eat grapes and grapes."

"I don't deny that you can grow watermelons and eat grapes in winter, but don't forget that the words "off-season" are written in front of them."

"All this happened, but it is modernization today, and technology has forcibly changed their growth law."

His eyes flickered: "This is tantamount to changing fate as the ancients said."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Wang Lao compares the person who changed his life to an off-season watermelon. Wouldn't it be a bit too humble?"

Of course, in ancient times, watermelons in winter are really rare as those who change their lives.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Wang Gobi smiled: "No, we have always thought that people who can change their lives are the best in the world."

"However, you are a wise man. You should know that changing your fate against the sky is a double-edged sword. It makes you stronger and also leaves you with misfortune."

"The same is true for you, you are less than 30, and you have broken through the eighth, eight and a half, ninth, ninth and half, and ninth peaks."

"You seem powerful and unmatched, but in fact you also leave hidden dangers."

Wang Gobi's eyes were straightforward: "Either the body or the spirit will have corresponding side effects and will endure pain that is hard for ordinary people to imagine."

Ye Tianlong inexplicably remembered the nightmare of the old island and the hostility of the past few days. His body and mind were quietly changing.

"Moreover, there are two obvious disadvantages of changing one's fate against the sky."

Wang Gebi added the last sentence: "One is that life span is very risky, and the other is that it is almost impossible to touch the ten-grade realm."

"Even if you enter, it is a short-lived one, and will soon wither and die."

Wang Gebi smiled: "Your grandfather said that he would fight God for a lifetime. If you don't believe it or not, you will eventually come to the conclusion that the destiny cannot be violated."

Although Wang Gobi's words didn't seem to have much content on the surface, Ye Tianlong understood all of them without knowing why.

Then, he murmured in his heart again, that his breakthrough of Rank 8 was due to his genes. Didn't Mo also break Rank 8 when he was less than 30?

Is Tianmo also an external factor?

A joking flashed across Ye Tianlong's face, but suddenly he squinted slightly, remembering something long-lost in the desert...

Wang Gebi sighed: "Your grandfather knows many things I am sorry for you, including the experimentation when you were young. He felt guilt and self-blame from his heart."

Ye Tianlong snorted: "A light and fluttering sentence of guilt can erase my fear in the past? It erases my shadow for many years? Too naive."

It is absolutely impossible for him to forgive Rong Victory, whether it is for those innocents or the original self.

"He knows you won't forgive him, and he is not a person who values ​​forgiveness, but he still hopes to compensate you a little bit."

Wang Gebi straightened up and pushed the box over: "This pill calls Chunhui to the earth. It is your grandfather and Master Miaozhen's hard work for a long time."

An indescribable fragrance wafts in Ye Tianlong's mouth and nose, refreshing, and refreshing, as if he is in a mountain or lake, and one smell is good.

"Someday your body suffers an internal change, and your spirit can't hold it anymore. If you eat the spring back to the earth, it will eliminate all discomfort in your body."

Wang Gebi told Ye Tianlong the role: "You will change back to the physique and appearance you should have at this age."

Ye Tianlong sneered when he heard the words: "Spring returns to the earth? Isn't it just abandoning one's skills and becoming an ordinary person?"

"Are ordinary people bad?"

Wang Gebi smiled leisurely: "Compared to cruel death, it's plain and plain, isn't it worthy of happiness?"

"This makes sense...I accepted the gift!"

Ye Tianlong didn't refuse this spring back to the earth. Rong Shengli gave him a chance to make up if he wanted to make up. Forgiving or not forgiving is still the final decision.

Moreover, he has been scared to have nightmares for many years, so it is normal to accept a little from him.

Wang Gebi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this: "Ye Shaoken accepts it, I'm relieved."

"Pharaoh, ask a question, there is no 8th grade under 30..."

Ye Tianlong asked: "If you don't have mutations, take medicine, and grow up naturally, it's really impossible for a martial artist to break through the eighth rank before the age of 30?"

Before tonight, he took that sentence as a joke, but now he has more thoughts.

"The experience of the ancients, my observations for many years, and the data in your grandpa's hands, really don't."

Wang Gebi responded to Ye Tianlong very seriously: "The Dongyang Qiu Xiaozi, known as a martial arts genius, is actually caused by various drugs."

"Years ago, in order to cultivate top ten masters, Toyo continued to engage in small moves to encourage them."

"In addition to the cultivation of national resources, there is also the use of golden potions. Of course, they are hiding things from the outside world and Qiu Xiaozi."

"After all, this will not hurt the subject's psychology."

"Your grandfather always looked down on the golden potion of the Orientals, and always called it ten times the amount of stimulant, so he never paid attention to it."

He smiled and added: "Of course, this is just my opinion. Maybe this world really has an unworldly genius, who will become an eighth product before the age of thirty."

Although there is a little possibility left, everyone can feel that Wang Gobi disagrees.

"Thank you."

Ye Tianlong looked thoughtful, he believed Wang Gobi would not fool himself, but he didn't lie to himself, could it be that the eighth grade of Tianmo is also helping him?

He secretly shook his head, choosing to believe that Tianmo was talented.

At this time, Rong Susu's shout came from downstairs, asking him to take Wang Gobi down to eat.

Ye Tianlong stood up with a smile, and then slightly cocked his hand: "Old Wang, all are here, let's eat together."

"I was really hungry just now, but after talking with Ye Shao, I was full again."

Wang Gebi smiled and waved his hands: "I have completed my mission, so I should go back soon, you see, thunder is blasting, it's going to rain..."

"And your grandfather...no, old man Rong, waiting for me to go back to make medicine."

He sighed softly, "You know, he is poisoned and needs to be cleaned up slowly."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Rong Shengli has been weak and sick since he was a child, and he has taken more medicine than food, and his nose and taste are more sensitive than dogs."

"Do you think I would really believe that poisons can poison him?"

Wang Gobi was taken aback, then smiled, neither denying nor confessing, but bending slightly, leaving the bamboo building with a touch of approval...

At this time, the rain in the night sky fell...


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