Talented Genius

Chapter 2961: The last craziness

The return of spring?

Rong Guang and Rong Xueli were both slightly startled when they heard Jia Mingzhu yell these four words.

Rong Guang reacted first, and shouted sharply, "Is the Baoming Pill that Wang Gobi brought with him?"


Rong Shengli did not respond, just stretched out his arms to look up at the sky, a burst of bean-like noises, and then came clearly!

Then, a harsh clicking sound sounded, as if his whole body bones were integrated.

Then, a stern and cold wind burst from Rong Shengli's body instantly!

"Spring is returning to the earth, it really is spring returning to the earth!"

Jia Mingzhu yelled subconsciously, and then his eyes flashed with blazing heat: "Yes, Rongguang speculated that it should be correct, Wang Gobi's hands are fake."

"The real spring back to the earth is still in the hands of the old guy."

"How can you, such a selfish person, give the life-saving pills to Ye Tianlong?"

Jia Mingzhu looked at Rong Shengli and laughed wildly: "The life-saving pills you gave him must have harmed him. You want Ye Tianlong to die in your heart."

"Rong Shengli, I looked up to your humanity and thought you wanted to add Rong Susu and appreciate Ye Tianlong, so I showed Bao Ming Wan to him."

"I should have thought about how you, who only loves yourself, would let Ye Tianlong slap her face and forbear it?"

"I should have thought that Ye Tianlong's blood relationship is not worth mentioning to you compared to Rong's parents."

At this moment, Jia Mingzhu couldn't explain his inner emotions. He was a little pleased that Rong Shengli was ruthless against Ye Tianlong, but he also felt that the old guy was indeed inhuman.

Rong Shengli did not respond, but he breathed out a long breath, and then his whole body returned to normal.

However, Rong Xueli found that the wounds on his body and the toxins on his face were all under control, and even the pain seemed to be reduced by three points.

"Give him a story?"

Rongguang also figured out a lot of things at this time, and looked at his familiar but unfathomable father with a wry smile: "I understand what it means now."

"In order to deal with Ye Tianlong, you forged a spring back to the earth. This life-saving pill must contain invisible raw materials for killing."

"In order for Ye Tianlong to accept and feel your kindness, you not only asked Wang Gobi to **** him, but also gave him a moving story."

"Although I don't know what the story is, I have never believed that Ye Tianlong can be tempted."

Rongguang speculated about the setting of Rong Shengli: "At least it can ease your relationship with him."

When Jia Mingzhu and Rong Xueli nodded subconsciously, Rong Shengli also flashed a smile: "Sure enough, he is my good son, he knows my routine well."

"Thank you father for the compliment."

Rongguang's emotions were unspeakably complicated, and then continued the topic just now:

"As long as he treats you a little better, plus Susu confirms the importance of Baoming pills, Ye Tianlong will treasure Baoming pills."

"Whenever he needs it, he will take it without hesitation."

"In this way, this century-old genius is abolished, and the future crisis of the Rong family is resolved."

There was a hint of appreciation on Rongguang's face: "Father is a father, with a profound layout and invisible murder. I have been studying for forty years and I am still inferior."

Jia Mingzhu's eyes flashed with a cold light: "If I guessed correctly, the story you gave, I guess even Wang Gobi has deceived."

Rong Shengli felt the broken ribs and responded frankly: "If you don't lie to Wang Gobi, how can you lie to Ye Tianlong?"

Jia Mingzhu looked at Rong Shengli with cold eyes: "You don't worry that if Ye Tianlong sees through it, Lao Wang will be broken into pieces?"

"But also, how can anyone who can sacrifice his wife, son and daughter care about the end of an old slave?"

Jia Mingzhu recovered three points of calm: "I finally recognize you."

Rong Shengli wiped his eyes: "Just recognize it, lest I always deceive you. In fact, I just hide myself."

"I can be regarded as recognizing human nature. In this world, I really can only rely on myself, and none of the rest can fully believe it."

"Wife, son, grandson, I gave you so much, but still unite against me, to kill me..."

The old man sighed towards the sky: "It's the greatest irony in life."

Jia Mingzhu yelled: "All the betrayal and separation of relatives are all your own sins."

Rongguang looked at the time and said, "Auntie, don't talk nonsense with him, take advantage of his severe poisoning and slaughter him quickly."

Rong Shengli let out a burst of laughter: "Of course she wants to kill me, but she wants to delay it."

"In your aunt's cognition, after taking the spring and returning to the earth, the whole person will lose power."

"The fighting spirit and skill will dissipate with the disease and pain."

"Spring returns to the earth, spring returns to the earth, that is, everything returns to the moment of recovery of all things, good and bad, all return to the original point."

He broke Jia Mingzhu's thoughts: "Your aunt wants to watch me fall down and be slaughtered like a three-year-old baby."

"It's a pity that she won't know that before this spring returns to the earth to dissipate all the personal power, there will be a burst of personal potential."

"At the beginning, Master Miaozhen even mixed it with Heavenly Medicine, and violently rushed to the Ten-Rank mark, but it was a pity that he finally took his life."

He looked at Jia Mingzhu jokingly: "So your procrastination is naive. Not only can you not wait for my death, but you will also let me wait for reinforcements."

At this time, Rong Guang's ears moved, his face changed slightly, and a patrol had already come to Rong's house to inquire.

"kill him!"

Seeing his mind being pierced by Rong Shengli, Jia Mingzhu completely changed his face, and then gave an order and swung his sword towards Rong Shengli and rushed to the past.

Zhao Junbao and the others all attacked together.

"Since you have chosen to betray, then I will send you all to die!"

Rong Shengli took a step forward, and the whole person became crazy like a demon: "Kill."


Zhao Junbao was the first to kill in front of Rong Shengli, a long sword, and another sword breaking the mountains and rivers.

Jianguang masterpiece, the momentum is like a rainbow.

"Good job."

Feeling the fierce killing intent, Rong Shengli smiled slightly, but this smile, endless gloom, endless terror!


Just as Zhao Junbao was about to get closer, Rong Shengli suddenly moved, as if a ghost flashed away.

When he appeared again, it was already behind Zhao Junbao!

"Be careful!!"

Jia Mingzhu and their faces changed drastically, and they issued warnings to Zhao Junbao.

But Zhao Junbao only felt that he had stepped into hell, and his whole body was cold.


As the wind screamed in the back of his head, Zhao Junbao instinctively dodged to the side, and at the same time, a sword stabbed from his armpit.

Quick and ruthless.

However, at this moment, a thin palm, like lightning, grabbed his neck.

Then, a snap!


As a cracking sound rang, Zhao Junbao's whole body instantly stiffened, and the long sword that he pierced was also stagnant in the air.

The neck was snapped off.

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