Talented Genius

Chapter 296: Robber

Chapter 296 Robbers

"What do you look at? Which beauty attracts the eye again?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong in a daze, Wu Lingshuang twitched Ye Tianlong's arm: "Let's go, make a quick deal, and invite you to dinner at noon."

Ye Tianlong came back to his senses, smiled, and followed forward, but there was a slight dignity in his eyes. There must be a gun on the commercial car just now.

Moreover, firearms are not regular, but self-made. This can be judged from the smell of gunpowder. It is impossible for military police to carry self-made firearms because they do not need them.

Such an analysis shows that the people on the commercial vehicles are either thugs or killers.

His head hurts a bit, but he still remembered the license plate number, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jiu Shu, asking him to help inquire

"Why are you walking so slowly? You are not afraid of being hit and killed if you are walking and playing with your phone?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong dragging, Wu Lingshuang's pretty face was dissatisfied, and then he pulled him to the largest Niuliufu Golden Shop in the middle.

Uncle Jiu didn't reply immediately, so Ye Tianlong stopped thinking about the business car just now, and even joked about thinking too much.

Two minutes later, Wu Lingshuang led Ye Tianlong into the Niuliufu Gold Shop.

Thousands of square meters, the doors and windows are clean, and the floor is bright. There are more than 30 customers in the store sitting and shopping.

The sales lady is serving them diligently, and several shop assistants serve them, showing enthusiasm and quality.

The customer is God, and he is especially visible at this time.

"Sir, miss, can I help you?"

A young woman with a beauty that can score eight points, asked Wu Lingshuang and Ye Tianlong through the bright golden cabinet, she was obviously a person with rich sales experience.

The difference between the two was obvious at a glance, but after a second, her eyes were completely fixed on Wu Lingshuang's face, with a strong smile.

She judged from the expressions on their faces that Wu Lingshuang was the protagonist.

"What is the heaviest gold ornament in your place?"

What surprised the young woman was that Ye Tianlong walked straight up and asked with a rich wealth: "It's the most valuable gold jewelry."

The sales woman was taken aback, but she didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so domineering, and then quickly reacted and said excitedly: "Yes, there are."

Ye Tianlong is still proud: "How big? How heavy? It's light, I don't want it."

"The heaviest one is the Zodiac, one weighs ten kilograms."

The sales lady's breathing became short: "There are golden bulls, golden pigs, and golden monkeys, plus the processing costs, less than 2.6 million."

"Although it is a bit cumbersome to pick up, it is also a good gift for someone. In the past six months, customers have bought it almost every month, and some local tyrants even bought the entire zodiac."

She also flattered: "Sir, you are from Shuibei Village, come one?"

"One? This year seems to belong to the monkey family. Monkeys like to be lively. One is enough. Sixty birthdays. Six monkeys, sixty kilograms. This is the right time."

Ye Tianlong was very happy. He looked at the sales lady and shouted, "Hurry up and get a sample. It's not bad for money."

Six monkeys?

The sales lady almost fainted with excitement, and then hurriedly called people to prepare samples.

Wu Lingshuang almost vomited blood too: "Is there anyone who buys things like this? Just ask the heavy and valuable ones without looking at them."

Ye Tianlong took the opportunity to lean on Wu Lingshuang, feeling the firmness of the opponent:

"Trust me, your 60-year-old elder never cares about styles and designs. He only cares about the weight of gold, so let the gold shop come out with the most valuable things, which is the best gift."

"People like gold jewelry."

Wu Lingshuang wanted to slap Feiye Tianlong: "I don't like gold mines."

She regretted taking this upstart as a military advisor.

Ye Tianlong sneered: "Deceive yourself and others, a golden necklace, a golden monkey, for free, you can only choose one, which one do you choose?"

Wu Lingshuang was speechless, and then he said in a low voice: "How do I buy? What should I buy? You treat me like you, a nouveau riche."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the price of gold: "Ten kilograms, 2.5 million, you don't have the money?" He didn't believe it: "Your Ferrari is ten million."

Wu Lingshuang said coldly, "I borrowed it."

Ye Tianlong stared at her: "Really no money?"

Wu Lingshuang snorted: "One hundred and eighty thousand, not one million."

She really didn't have that much money herself, even if she had, Wu Lingshuang would never buy it.

At the 60th birthday banquet of the elders, I offered 60 kilograms of golden monkeys. What kind of laughter was that?

"No money? It's okay. I'll give you a way. As long as you work hard, you can buy sixteen monkeys."

Ye Tianlong's voice rang up and down, as if it could give people infinite confidence: "It depends on whether you dare!"

Wu Lingshuang was taken aback, with a hint of curiosity: "You tell me?"

Ye Tianlong deliberately lowered the volume of speech, with a trace of mystery: "I have a **** photo and video of a beautiful woman in my hand. Let's blackmail her."

"She is not only a Bai Fumei, but also a teacher who teaches youth and preaching. She is world-famous and her shadow is where there is internet."

"A mere twenty million is like a play to her."


"Aoi Sora."

Wu Lingshuang almost vomited blood: "Get out!"

At this time, Ye Tianlong's cell phone rang, and the message from Jiu Shu had only two words: deck.

Thinking of the commercial car just now, the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth couldn't help but pull Lin Chenxue to leave, only to hear a loud "bang" outside.


There were shouts from outside, followed by a few dull gunshots and the work of soil guns.

Then, a piece of glass at the gate of Niuliufu suddenly shattered, scattered all over the place, clanging non-stop.


Suddenly, there was a scream, and the gold shop was silent, but in a moment, there were a few more screams.

The gold shop was in a mess, and the alarm bell screamed sternly

"The gun... the gun... the shot was fired."

The people outside Jinpu rushed around, rushing from left to right, like a headless fly

The sales girl reacted quickly and shouted: "Don't panic, squat down, don't move, don't go out, it's dangerous outside."

It's okay if she didn't shout, a few customers panicked with fright, and rushed to the door in a panic, trying to grab the door and flee.

There were two more gunshots, and a man lay down on his back, covered in blood.

The other men and women screamed in unison again, lying on the ground holding their heads, shivering like a shofar.


When the gunshot sounded, Ye Tianlong changed his cynicism, and immediately pushed Wu Lingshuang to a corner of the counter, blocking her body in front of him.

Wu Lingshuang looked at the thick shoulders with a hint of compliment in his eyes. Although this kid is strange, he is unambiguous at the critical moment.

Wu Lingshuang felt a sense of security, a sense of security that he hadn't experienced for a long time.

It's just that Ye Tianlong's next words almost angered her again: "Miss Wu, you are an official family, and I am a commoner, you have to protect me."

After speaking, he turned around, slipped behind Wu Lingshuang, and touched her waistline, "I will definitely give you a pennant afterwards."

Wu Lingshuang wanted to have a gun to explode this greedy guy and fear of death.

Later, Ye Tianlong laughed in a low voice: "You don't need to be too scared. The robbers shouldn't rob this place, they are just a mistake."

"They just passed by..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned to see that four tall men rushed in.

Satchel, dagger, soil gun, mask, standard robber.

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