Talented Genius

Chapter 2969: Or disabled

"You are shameless, but my son still needs a face. It's a glorious thing to show up in a small matter?"

The beautiful woman in yellow willow her eyebrows upside down to teach Wang Mimi: "A lot of people, what about touching my son?"

"How can you confuse right and wrong like this?"

Without waiting for Ye Tianlong and Huang Gangqiang to speak out, Wang Mimi was very angry: "Obviously it is your son's fault, how come I am touching porcelain?"

"I originally thought that your son might have felt hesitant, but now it depends on your attitude, it is 100% indecent."

She tit-for-tat: "If you are blind, then adjust to the video."

The beautiful woman in yellow clothes was furious: "What happened to the child touching you? Haven't your grandma's been touched?"

"Does your grandmother have delusions? You look like a bird, because my son touched you to save you face?"

"Now it's time to count, what do you do if you beat my son?"

She was full of arrogance: "So young, being beaten by you, you must be injured physically and mentally. You must confess to my son."

The little boy was arrogant with his mother's support and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Ye Tianlong smiled, put a ball into his mouth, and watched the situation develop.

Huang Gangqiang frowned and stood up to protect Wang Mimi: "Obviously your son is wrong, you still bite someone back, do you still have a king's law?"

The beautiful woman in yellow clothes snorted: "Wang Fa? We are Wang Fa. If I don't give my son an explanation today, I will never let you go."

Wang Mimi shouted in a deep voice: "What do you want?"

"Kneel down, apologize to my son Jin Yinshan, and slap four times. What happened to me today has never happened."

The beautiful woman in yellow is arrogant and arrogant: "Otherwise, no matter what your origin, my Jin family will trample you to death today."

Ye Tianlong looked up with great interest: The Jin family? Some accidentally beautiful women in yellow clothes belong to the Jin family, wondering whether to calculate the old accounts with Jin Sanqian?

"Boy, do you know the Jin family? It's not the Jin family in the streets, but the five families."

"The Jin family is a top family, trampling you to death is the same as trampling an ant to death."

"If you don't kneel down to apologize, just wait for it to be done."

At this moment, the men and women who followed the beautiful woman in yellow clothes also shouted aggressively at Huang Gangqiang and Mi Mi, and scorned Ye Tianlong, the head-shrinking turtle.

Wang Mimi's anger was hard to dissipate: "I care about your Jin Family and Yin Family. In short, you are not right."

"Bad girl, dare to be tough?"

The beautiful woman in yellow screamed, and then rushed forward without warning, slapped Wang Mimi.

Wang Mi Mi raised his hands, just blocking the slap: "Why are you hitting someone?"

"What happened to you?"

The beautiful woman in yellow missed a hit, and rushed forward with shame and continued to do it.

The other women also helped out, grabbing clothes, hair, and arms.

"What are you doing?"

Upon seeing this, Huang Gangqiang hurriedly stepped forward to protect Wang Mi Mi, and kept opening the fingers of the other party with his hand. When the woman was fighting, he could only protect him and could not fight back.

A few scars soon appeared on his arm and face.

Wang Mimi's hair is also messed up.

"You bothered me."

When the opposing man wanted to help out, Ye Tianlong bit into the beef **** and yelled casually: "Ten seconds for you, how far and how far!"

He waved Wang Mimi and Huang Gangqiang back, then looked at the beautiful woman in yellow clothes and they added: "Get out!"

"Fuck your mother!"

When the beautiful women in yellow clothes frowned and stared at Ye Tianlong, they kept revealing the unruly Jinyin Mountain, and couldn't help standing up and shouting:

"What are you? What qualifications do you have to drive us away?"

"Do you know who we are? Do you know who my dad is? The district mayor pretends to be grandson when he sees it."

"You three fools, there are ghosts who can get out of here today."

He was very fierce: "My mother will not trample you to death, I will also kill you."

Ye Tianlong put down his chopsticks, took a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth, and smiled: "Step on us to death?"

Shocked by Ye Tianlong's expression, especially seeing his brutal face, Jin Yinshan suddenly shuddered:

"You...what do you want to do! I'm the nephew of the Jin family, do you dare to move me?"

He sternly said: "If you have the ability, try moving me? If my grandma doesn't kill you, it's not Jinyinshan..."

The beautiful woman in yellow also snorted: "Boy, don't be nosy, don't be self-righteous, there are many people in this world that you cannot provoke."

Several beautiful female companions also nodded one after another, looking at Ye Tianlong arrogantly, very disdainful of what he said just now.

The little boy stared at Ye Tianlong provocatively: "Bad son, don't dare to move me, just kneel down and apologize for what you just said, otherwise you will trample to death together.

"Move you?"

Ye Tianlong's mouth was cold:

"Why not dare?"

The moment the voice fell, a slap was slapped on Jinyinshan's face.


With a crisp sound, blood, teeth, splashing everywhere!

This slap was extremely loud and heavy. Jinyinshan was almost slapped away, teeth and blood vomited out.

The fiery pain on his face made Jinyinshan's whole person bewildered.

"Asshole...you dare to beat my son?"

The beautiful woman in yellow reacted and was so angry that she rushed forward and yelled, "I want you to know the consequences."

The other comrades also roared forward and half surrounded Ye Tianlong.

"as a result of?"

Ye Tianlong did not retreat but approached the beautiful woman in yellow clothes, his mouth was extremely cold:

"Song Donghua was broken by me, Kong Polang was stabbed three times by me, and Rong Siyue was broken by me. I have nothing to do."

He patted the cheek of the beautiful woman in yellow clothes: "What can you do to me?"

The audience fell silent for a moment.

Whether it was the raging Chinese-clothed men and women, or the yellow-clothed beautiful women and children, their expressions changed when they heard Ye Tianlong's sentence.

Obviously, they had heard of these things, and they immediately realized who the kid in front of him was, for fear that it was Ye Tianlong who was rumored to make a big fuss for the Rong family birthday.

Although they had never seen Ye Tianlong before, they had only heard some of them, but they also knew that he was a huge master, and the methods were extremely harsh.

Even Rong April and they all suffered, and they couldn't please.

The beautiful woman in yellow took a step back and asked without giving up: "Are you Ye Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong didn't respond, but just took a seat again, waving his finger to speak:

"You guys, kneel down, apologize, slap yourself four times, and **** off."

He was very indifferent: "Otherwise, break your limbs and throw it out."


When the beautiful woman in yellow heard this, her pretty face changed instantly.

Her dignified Jin family never thought of capsize in the sewer.

Her son was beaten and made her angry!

Slap yourself and make her humiliate!

She has never been so humiliated since she was a child.


Thinking of this, the beautiful woman in yellow does not care about Ye Tianlong's identity, angry as if a little lion, conditioned reflex wants to go wild.

At this moment, an older man stepped forward to stop him, and he arched his hands at Ye Tianlong and smiled:

"Ye Shao, Mrs. Jin has eyes but no knowledge of Taishan, Young Master Jin is young and ignorant, and I ask Master Ye Shao not to remember the villains and spare them once!"

As he said, he pointed to Jinyinshan on the ground with a blushing face: "Moreover, the slap Jin Shao received should be enough to withstand!"

His words are full of friendship, and he clearly knows Ye Tianlong's power, but when they fall into the ears of the beautiful woman in yellow clothes and others, their pretty faces change.

They wanted to say something, but the older man shook his head to stop it.

There was a sneer at the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth:

"I said! Kneel down, apologize, slap in the face."

"Or, beat the disabled..."

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