Talented Genius

Chapter 2974: completely annihilated

The lady in yellow clothes who has been silent covering her face: "Just forget about it?"

Jin Nicholas stepped forward and comforted his own woman: "Being stranded for now does not mean it's fine."

"My eldest brother and third younger brothers have to be busy recently. When we get the things we need this time, they will strengthen the Jin family..."

"We will calculate the old and new accounts with Ye Tianlong."

He straightened his face and exhorted: "But at this moment, absolutely can't conflict with Ye Tianlong."

The beautiful woman in yellow is very wronged: "We are the Jin family, I can bear the beating, and Ah Shan is also beaten, so can you? He is your son."

"You can't ask for justice for your son. How can he believe that you can protect him in the future?"

She was very angry: "I'm afraid he will be bullied again and hide himself to bear it."

Jin Yinshan also stepped forward and shouted: "Father, we knelt down to apologize and slapped ourselves four times. It was not only me, but the Jin family who was ashamed."

"Ashan, don't cry."

"Your father is inconvenience to avenge you, uncle seeks justice for you."

At this moment, another middle-aged man walked out of the hallway, eating a big apple, his skin was white, his cheeks were white, and his hair was white.

At first glance, it looks like Western whites.

It's just his whiteness, which is closer to a sickly paleness...

Jin Guanxi.

"Uncle San!"

Hearing that Jin Guanxi was willing to avenge himself, Jin Yinshan immediately ran away from his father, threw himself into Jin Guanxi's arms, and shouted aggrievedly:

"Uncle San, you must avenge me."

He added fuel and jealousy: "Look at me, a few teeth have been knocked out, and he still doesn't put the Jin family in his eyes and insult us..."

"Don't worry, your third uncle will help you get it back."

Jin Guanxi patted Jinyinshan's head: "No matter who he is, if he bullies the Jin family, I will let him die."

"Uncle San couldn't enter Beijing before and couldn't help the family. If I have the opportunity to come back this time, he must crush those who oppose the Jin family."

"Including your brother Xuejun's enemies, I will trample them to death."

His tone is not fierce, on the contrary it is very soft, but there is a gloomy sound, especially those words, which make people shudder.

"The third child, don't mess around."

Jin Tingfeng frowned slightly, then stepped forward and told: "This is an extraordinary period, and your identity is very sensitive, so you shouldn't have extra troubles."

"Moreover, Ye Tianlong is not very offensive. He is a 9th-Rank master, and I will suffer even when I see him."

"You'd better follow Big Brother's instructions and complete the tasks assigned to you well, otherwise you will go back to the grassland to feed your sheep."

He didn't want a good game to be disrupted by Jin Guanxi.

Jin Guanxi smiled when she heard the words, patted the back of Jinyinshan, asked him and the beautiful woman in yellow clothes to treat the wound first, and then squeezed out a cigar, lit it and laughed:

"Second brother, don't worry, although I'm a bit rough, I still have a sense of measure."

"Revenge Ah Shan, don't delay me doing business."

"No, Moth sent me a message just now, telling Wang Gobi that he has secretly left the hospital and went to the primeval forest park of the Great Wall."

"She also sent me a location. I hope we will send someone to support it. It is estimated that the Tianyao base will be locked."

He turned on the phone, and a red dot flashed on it, showing the location of the moth.

Jin Ningfeng's eyes brightened when he saw this, and he took his phone and glanced at it: "The Great Wall Forest Park? Yes, yes, ninety-nine percent of the base is here."

"Although the Great Wall spans hundreds of miles, the virgin forest park is still vast and sparsely populated, and even many places are no-man's land."

"It's perfect for Tianyao base to be set up in primeval forest."

He issued an instruction: "The third child, you immediately send additional manpower to fully support the moths. Once the Tianyao base is locked, the main force will take it."

"The chameleon has led the team over."

Jin Guanxi smiled softly: "Their ability, even if they can't lay down the Heavenly Medicine base, they can still lock up the waiting army."

"But it also needs the cooperation of the second brother's city guards, and try to keep an eye on the Rong family's every move, and don't let the Rong family elite support the base."

He smiled without a smile: "Only in this way can we win the base at the least cost."

Jin Nicholas showed confidence: "Don't worry, I will order the card to be set up and watch the Rong family's actions to death."

"Furthermore, Rong Shengli and Rong Guang are dead, the Rong family has no elite, and the remaining shrimp soldiers and crabs are not a concern."

He took out his mobile phone: "I will let people act now."


The voice fell, and there was another thunder outside, shaking the sky...

An hour later, a train team arrived at the Great Wall Administration Office. After stopping the car, 24 men in raincoats with guns and live ammunition got out.

They moved the whole team neatly, then checked some equipment, and after confirming that there was no omission, they entered the forest under the leadership of a bald man.

They followed the position of the moth. Although their steps were not hurried or slow, they carried a stern and brutal force, which made Yukong a little bit colder.

After walking for a full hour, they arrived at the location where the moths emitted.

In an open circular place, there are three **** corpses piled in the middle, and seven or eight trees are lying down on the corpses, as if to cover the corpses.

The bald man gestured, and six of his men rushed up with guns. After confirming that they were their own companions, they began to move the trees to find out.

At this moment, the bottom of the removed tree suddenly swished and shot a sharp bamboo arrow, and the four of them couldn't avoid being shot over on the spot.

At the same time, a large plume of thick smoke dissipated, and that thick, even rain could not dissipate for a while.

In the blurred vision, the surrounding air sank, swishing and shooting out countless bullets, turning the bald men over.

Blood on the floor.

The bald-headed man was fine, a few dodges abruptly avoided the vital points, only being shot in the shoulder and bruised on the thigh, showing his extraordinary quality.

It was just that when he hid behind a tree and gasped, he stabbed him in the back with a single knife, nailing him and the tree fiercely.

"Damn! You can jump so well, why don't you become a frog?"

The oriole drew the knife from his back, and couldn't help but cursed, and then stabbed a few more vigorously, completely reviving the bald man.

The bald man's eyes protruded, very angry and suffocated, and then his head crooked and died.

The oriole shook the blade of blood, and then made a gesture.

The twelve children of Quetang quickly flashed out, relentlessly filling their guns at the injured enemy.

"Pump puff—"

There was another low and dense gunfire, and after the gunpowder smoke filled, the forest returned to its former calm, as if nothing had happened.


Ten minutes later, a photo flooded into Jin Guanxi's phone.

Jin Guanxi opened, her smile instantly gloomy.

completely annihilated.

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