Talented Genius

Chapter 2991: transaction

The day after Rong Shengli's burial, the weather in the capital was a little better. Although there was still wind, the rain fell a lot.

Ye Tianlong got up early, and after eating breakfast, he leaned on the green bamboo chair, flipping through the briefing on the tablet.

Rong Shengli died, he took control of the Heavenly Medicine camp, and resolved the grievances with the Rong family nephew, waiting for the opening of the black building.

Once the black building was opened and the materials mentioned by Wang Gobi and the others were obtained, Ye Tianlong would be able to beat them with the three gold coins calmly.

However, although Ye Tianlong hoped to open the black building quickly, he did not call Huang Gangqiang to urge him. He quietly waited for news from the latter.

"Tianlong Island has completed the third phase of construction, and the air defense system has entered the final commissioning."

"Thirty-six experts including Ogle, together with the Lan's elite, began to prepare for the construction of the dock, which will produce aircraft carriers as soon as possible."

"Helicopter production camp has been put into construction, and the first high imitation Huazhi will be produced by the end of the year."

"Malaysia's gold has all arrived at Tianlong Island, plus the tributes and purchases of the kings, the gold reserve is as high as 100 tons, ranking 30th in the world."

"Three thousand soldiers carefully selected by the Black Triangle arrived on the island at the end of the month. They will take on the security work of Tianlong Island..."

Ye Tianlong, who looked at the latest developments of Tianlong Island, was very pleased with the gradual formation of the entire island, and everything went as he planned.

Compared with other camps or settlements, Tianlong Island is Ye Tianlong's top priority and his biggest foundation. He will always stare at it.

He also thought about setting up another Tianyao camp, which would not only allow Tianyao to develop freely, but also solve the medical problems of the personnel on the island.

"Ye Shao!"

At this time, the door of the room was knocked gently, and then the oriole came in: "There was an accident in the prison last night, and the golden rose killed the moth."

Ye Tianlong turned off the briefing in his hand, raised a smile and looked at the oriole: "Is nothing left out?"


The siskin smiled: "According to your instructions, put the moth that has been given a half-stroke of heaven medicine into it just before Golden Rose goes to bed."

"Everything is as you expected, moths are killed with a knife, it's not fierce."

"I started to worry that the moths were not enough for the Golden Rose to raging, and gave Golden Rose a glare in his eyes. As a result, the moths almost slashed and killed the Golden Rose."

"I'm almost going to save people."

"Fortunately, the sound of the sirens made the moths stunned and gave Jin Qiangwei an absolute counter-kill."

He added: "Don't worry, Jin Qiangwei won't have the slightest suspicion in the battle last night."

Ye Tianlong stretched his waist and stood up: "I don't have any doubts. The rest is just waiting for her to heal her injury and think about it."

The oriole whispered: "Although there are a lot of injuries, it is not a major problem, but we don't need to strike while the iron is hot and come to pick fire?"

"No need to."

Ye Tianlong walked to the table and held up his tea: "Jin Qiangwei is the captain of the city guard operation, a wise man, and a long-time master."

"The more she moves, the more she talks, the more she will doubt us and the more she can analyze the truth."

"So we must not stand in front of her at this time, let her think we have a calculation, and then guess my whole plan."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "The best thing we should do is to wait quietly, explain... let Jin Sanqian do it."

Ye Tianlong seemed to see Jin Sanqian's dilemma, and explained to Jin Qiangwei that the moth had been caught early and hit the Jin family a bit. After all, they seemed too incompetent.

And Jin Qiangwei might not believe what Jin Sanqian said.

But without explaining to Jin Qiangwei, it is easy for the latter to misunderstand, and the gap with the Jin family will grow bigger and bigger.

The oriole hesitated: "When will you wait?"

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Wait until she comes to us."

The oriole was surprised: "Will she come to us?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes were firm: "Yes!"


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated. He glanced at it and picked it up to answer. Soon Wu Lingshuang's voice came:

"Tenlong, good morning."

The woman is very gentle, but Ye Tianlong heard a touch of solemnity.

He stopped his warm thoughts and asked softly, "Ling Shuang, is it important to call me so early?"

"Yes, there is something very important to tell you."

Wu Lingshuang did not cover up: "Auntie and the others took down the vampire a few days ago and found some information when they were dealing with the end of their hands."

"It is true that the vampire came to the capital not for you, nor for the birthday banquet of Mr. Rong, but for the latest data of Tianyao No.1 with people."

She added the last sentence: "The vampire came to Beijing and brought a bearer bond worth 100 million US dollars."


Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "The latest data of trading Tianyao No.1?"


Wu Lingshuang did not conceal from Ye Tianlong: "According to the situation that my aunt knows, the vampires are engaged in the Rong family's **** medicine."

"Even vampires have signs of genetic mutations."

"It's just that the stability may be too poor and it has been unable to replicate in batches, so when they heard the breakthrough of Tianyao No. 1, they made up their minds."

"It's a pity that we thought that the vampire came to the capital to make trouble, and gathered people to destroy him too early, so we couldn't pinpoint who the trader was."

Wu Lingshuang's conversation turned: "However, we obtained information from the emperor's blood, and the person in charge of England did not give up on it, and another group of people sneaked in."

Ye Tianlong asked: "Who are these people?"

"I heard that he is the most proud disciple of the vampire, and the person praised by the Queen of England as the'Flying Sword No. 1'."

Wu Lingshuang gave a name: "Earl Dracula."

Ye Tianlong went through the name in his mind. Although he knew dozens of earls, there were hundreds of earls in Europe, and he didn't have any information on this person.

However, listening to Wu Lingshuang's description seemed a bit docile.

He asked: "Is there any information about him?"

Earl Dracula didn't enter Ye Tianlong's eyes, but he didn't want Heavenly Medicine to have any accidents.

Wu Lingshuang shook his head: "We don't have much information about him, or even a photo. We are now working hard to collect it with Emperor Blood."

"But I am not very worried about him. I believe you are better than him. I am only worried about Tianyao No.1."

"I heard from grandma that you have taken over Tianyao No.1. Right now is the chaotic period of power transfer. You must be careful of insiders stabbing knives."

"And you have to pay more attention to the core personnel. After all, the people who can sell the latest data must be important people in the camp."

Wu Lingshuang breathed out a long breath: "Let's join hands to completely crush their actions."

"More than an action to crush them?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes shone with cold light:

"This time, it was when I was bloodbathing England... even the queen was going to fall to the ground."

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