Talented Genius

Chapter 3019: Dangerous breath

"Wei Anxin, the daughter of Stone King Wei Wangsheng."

After Ye Tianlong separated from Xuelang, he got into the jeep where the oriole was, and then slowly left near the university and went to the other end of the city to rest.

As he leaned on the seat, a briefing came into Ye Tianlong's hands:

"Wei Wangsheng was once a well-known industrialist in China. The group's assets are about 400 billion yuan, his personal property is 50 billion yuan, and he donated more than 5 billion yuan."

"Five years ago, he moved his focus from China to England. The reason was that China's tax was too heavy and he was suppressed by the Jin family."

"At that time, the media also wrote an article "Wei Wangsheng ran away", which once became a hotly searched figure in China."

"After he came to England, he once fought a lawsuit over the workers' overtime wages, and even sued several inefficient logistics companies."

"However, he finally got his foothold and became the king of stones in England. Eighty percent of the stones in the houses in England came from Wei Wangsheng's company."

"It's just that Wei Wangsheng has lost the high profile of the past in the past two years, and he no longer bombards China with exorbitant taxes and taxes. The occasional appearance is also a charity party.

The oriole told Ye Tianlong of the collected information: "Wei Wangsheng is a contradiction."

"He donates one billion yuan to China every year, but his luxurious life is well-known among the Chinese."

"There are ten housekeepers, one hundred servants, one hundred bodyguards, and the whole house of Moutai, vodka, fifteen top luxury cars and yachts."

The oriole added: "So many people can't see what he is thinking."

"I didn't expect Wei Wangsheng to be so interesting?"

There was a gleam in Ye Tianlong's eyes. He thought it was an ordinary wealthy businessman or upstart. Who knew his temper was so contradictory and extreme.

The oriole smiled and nodded, and then continued the topic: "Wei Anxin is his daughter and the only legal heir."

"Although there are many beautiful women around Wei Wangsheng, and many of them secretly gave birth to children for him, he only recognizes the daughter of Wei Anxin."

"Because Wei Anxin was born to his wife."

"His wife died five years ago, so Wei Wangsheng was more considerate to Wei Anxin and made a will to designate her as the heir."

"It can be said that if ordinary people win Wei Anxin, they will definitely have less struggle for 50 years."

The Oriole joked: "Ye Shao can actually take her down, so that we can have one more antenna in England."

Ye Tianlong leaned back in his chair and smiled, "Do you think I am Rong Shengli? Stepping on the four wives to raise his height?"

"Don't say that I have no interest in Wei Anxin. I really like her, and I won't focus on Wei's wealth."

He tapped his finger on the car window: "50 billion, only half of Megill's compensation..."

The oriole also became gossip: "Ye Shao doesn't give her an idea, so why do you check her details?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "She helped me twice in a row. I thought she had a purpose, maybe it was a **** of Yingqing, so she came to contact me specially for good."

"It seems that she really has no intention to save me, I'm afraid it is the reason she said."

He touched his cheek: "I look so much like someone..."

Then he remembered the words of the oriole: "You said just now that Wei Wangsheng came to England. In addition to the heavy tax burden, the Jin family suppressed it?"

The oriole nodded: "Yes, the Jin family also has a stone industry, and once competed with Wei Wangsheng, the Jin family used environmental protection tools to give him a hand."

"But Jinjia Stone Industry did not emerge in the end, it was too far from Wei Wangsheng's management."

He added the last sentence: "It's just that Wei Wangsheng is frustrated and feels that Huaxia is too insecure, so he finally came to England."

"That's it."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "I can't think that this world is so small, far away in England, I can still hit the enemy of the three gold coins."

Huang Que sighed: "In any case, Wei Wangsheng is also a character, after all, he can survive the suppression of the Jin family and retreat from Huaxia."

"It makes sense..."

Ye Tianlong also nodded, then narrowed his eyes, staring at a van passing by.

The van was dilapidated, with black smoke, the windows could only be half closed, and even the lights were very weak, but Ye Tianlong still saw the inside of the car.

There were seven or eight people in the van, four of them were young children who robbed his mobile phone a few days ago, and three were mixed-race youths who were secretly pressed.

There is another one, Wei Anxin.

Although it was only a glance, Ye Tianlong could feel that Wei Anxin seemed to be in danger, leaning softly on the seat, trying to struggle but powerless.

Ye Tianlong has confidence in Wei Anxin's skill, let alone fight three mixed-race youths, even ten can be sure of victory.

But adding a few poor children is different.

"Stop the van!"

A cold light flashed in Ye Tianlong's eyes, and he straightened up and shouted to the oriole: "Wei Anxin is on it."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, the oriole stepped on the gas pedal and chased the van with a swish.


There were cars coming and going on the long street. The Cardinals drove a jeep without honking the horn, but shuttled through the cracks of the traffic like a ghost, gradually overtaking the van.

The van spotted someone pursuing it, and after running for more than 100 meters, it made a sharp turn and drove into a broken path.


The oriole waited for the opponent to drive to a remote place. After all, it was not convenient for people to come and go, so they followed up quickly.


However, the van was obviously also prepared. Before the oriole was blocked, it stopped at a broken repair shop, blindfolded with black smoke.


The van door opened and three mixed-race youths emerged, one holding a steel pipe in one hand, one holding a dagger in one hand, and one holding a revolver.

At the same time, more than a dozen dirty western men from the repair shop, with big waists and round waists, chewing gum, full of vicious faces,

The momentum is scary.


A young man with braids threw a steel pipe and smashed the jeep into sparks, and then shouted at Ye Tianlong and Oriole who came down:

"Follow us on dog days? You are looking for death!"

With a hideous face, he tilted his head slightly and motioned for a dozen friends to surround him.

Although the incident was revealed and was still being overtaken by others, the braid youths were not afraid at all. They believed that stepping on Ye Tianlong to death was the same as stepping on ants.

"help me……"

At this moment, Wei Anxin leaned on the car window, weakly squeezing out: "They prescribe medicine..."

Before she finished speaking, she was dragged back by several children.

"Leave them to me, and I won't make it difficult for you tonight."

Ye Tianlong ignored the opponent's weapons and kept calm and said, "How?"

"How about your sister?"

The young man with dreadlocks grinned: "Nosy woman, if I don't play with her, how can I dominate England in the future?"

"Oh, yes, I think of you."

"You are the square boy. You came just right. You didn't **** your phone that day, so I took the initiative to hand it over tonight."

"There are wallets, clothes, pants, well, the car is left."

"You dare to say nothing, I will kill you tonight."

He stared at Ye Tianlong fiercely and raised the steel pipe in his hand.

A group of companions also raised swords and guns.


At this moment, two more commercial vehicles drove over, silently leaning toward the door of the repair shop, and the light directly hit the face of the young man with braids.

Not only were Ye Tianlong and Oriole instinctively sticking to the car door, but the young people with braids also stared at the ghostly business car.

The hard-working sense of smell in the rivers and lakes makes the braided youth smell dangerous.

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