Talented Genius

Chapter 398: Laohuaren independence

Chapter 398

At the same time, commercial vehicles are appearing on the antique street.

This antique street has a long history and is more than 300 meters long. The front one hundred meters is almost full of fixed stalls, mainly selling new or high imitation handicrafts, and it is open every day.

In the middle 100 meters, there are illegible antiques. The stall owners come from all over the country.

Because the stalls are not fixed, first come first served, so many stalls have different faces every day.

Here is a collection of ancient and old things from various places, such as ceramics and jade, antique ornaments, stone carving, wood carving, new and old calligraphy and painting, four treasures of the study, and so on.

A hundred stalls are packed every day, which is a must-see for new and old players. One hundred meters later, it is an antique shop with clearly marked prices.

Ye Tianlong's car was parked in the front parking lot, so when he came out, he saw the long-awaited Canshou at a glance, and he strode past Meteor:

"Canshou, sorry, the company is a bit busy today, and it’s not until now."

Canshou smiled honestly: "It doesn't matter, I just arrived."

"By the way, I brought three friends here today, and they came to join in the fun."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to call the three women who looked around with interest, and then introduced them to Canshou one by one:

"This is the leader of our business department, Hua Ruyu, Chen Ling'er and Zhao Keke."

Then he pointed to Canshou and introduced to the three women: "This is my friend, honest man, Jun..."

Canshou waved his hands hurriedly, raising a faint smile: "Don't call Xiaojun, very few people call, just call Canshou."

He was a little restrained and restrained, so he didn't reach out to hold him.

Chen Ling'er enthusiastically stretched out her hand: "Canhand, I am glad to meet you, Minister Ye's friend, that is, our friend."

Hua Ruyu also smiled and said: "Yes, knowing is just a friend, and everyone will move around more in the future."

Zhao Keke also smiled brightly: "You are so strong, and there will be bad people bullying us in the future. You have to help the hero save the United States."

Hearing the words of the three women, seeing the smiling faces of the three women and the outstretched hands, the hand was slightly taken aback, and then it seemed to be infected and smiled.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally stretched out his mutilated hand and shook the three women politely: "It's nice to meet you."

The three women did not exclaim, nor did they make a difference. They shook hands generously, and there was a trace of warmth in the canal hands.

After the introduction, Hua Ruyu asked curiously: "Minister, this antique street is so big, how can you go for gold?"

"Do you really consider me to pan for gold?"

Ye Tianlong took out the list and handed it to Canshou with a smile: "We are here to retrieve things."

He looked calmly at the broken hand: "I thought about it. If the jade is traded, then forget it. If it hasn't been traded, then take it back. It doesn't matter if you pay a fee."

"It's better to keep the things left by your ancestors if they are not worth the money. As for the money you owe, don't worry, you will pay me back later."

Canshou whispered: "But I owe you too much--"

Ye Tianlong slapped his broken hand on the shoulder: "Don't say these offenses, I believe you can pay it off."

Canshou nodded, did not speak any more, just led Ye Tianlong forward.

It didn't take long for the group to arrive at the Donglaishun antique shop.

This antique shop occupies a large area, two thousand square meters can not run, the wide door, the quaint beams and pillars, you can see that it is lined up.

When Ye Tianlong and the others walked in, the hall was full of liveliness, and many people were chatting about antiques.

Among them, there are large statues of Buddha invited out for everyone to watch, and there are large pieces of porcelain. The Donglaishun Nei, which is like a big antique market, is very lively.

Chen Linger was surprised: "So many people?"

Ye Tianlong asked someone to ask, "Brother, what's the matter?"

The person who was caught replied impatiently: "In order to gather funds, Dong Lai Shun will make better purchases in the spring of next year, so it puts out a lot of good things for auction."

After speaking, he broke away from Ye Tianlong's pull, and squeezed forward desperately, as if he was afraid that he would be robbed by someone late.

Although every antique is very valuable, on-site auctions are more expensive and outrageous, but it is hard to buy for a thousand dollars, so the scene is very lively.

Ye Tianlong glanced around and found the antiques on display, including everything, paintings and calligraphy, Buddha statues, porcelain, ancient swords, jade...

Some of the collections are almost orphans, extremely rare. People on the scene continue to pay millions and tens of millions to buy things they fancy, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

Of course, there are also fakes. After recognizing them, they bought one hundred and eighty thousand and bought them to be arty. There are still some controversial things, and the competition is red.

"Canshou, you go and change the jade back."

Ye Tianlong handed the hanging book and three thousand yuan to Canshou: "I'll take a stroll here."

Ye Tianlong is here to see if there are any leaks to pick up. In case he finds a good baby, today's fare, gas, and meals are all back.

Canshou nodded and took the hanging book to get his jade.

The three women who came to the antique shop for the first time, although they were very excited to see the lively scene, they knew that the things here are very valuable. If you accidentally break them, you probably won’t be able to repay them. .

So the three women clung to Ye Tianlong to avoid accidentally causing trouble.

"Oh, boiling water is coming, boiling water is coming."

Ye Tianlong saw the most people gathered on the left, as if showing some painting, he immediately became interested and squeezed the three women into it desperately.

Before long, he took Huaruyu and they stood in front. Soon, Ye Tianlong saw a painting in his eyes, and Chen Linger also whispered:

"Xu Beihong's "Independence of Fallen Flowers"?"

Xu Beihong is a Chinese painter, and the "Eight Horses" is the most familiar to the general public.

However, in the 1940s, in Xu Beihong's life passages where the relationship between men and women was the most ups and downs, he once created some paintings of beauties with ancient poems such as "Independence of the Fallen Flower" as the theme, and each one was of great value.

Chen Linger said in a low voice: "Five years ago, Xu Beihong's famous painting "Nothing to Do in Jiuzhou" was sold at a sky-high price of 300 million yuan in Poly.

"It has refreshed the sales record of Xu Beihong's personal paintings and calligraphy works. Now this "Flower Fallen Independent", I am afraid it is also ten million."

The other ancient players were more familiar with what Chen Linger knew, so many people came around, and some old men even looked at it with a magnifying glass.

Painting and calligraphy, it doesn’t matter if you buy it expensive, it will appreciate sooner or later, but if you buy the wrong one, if you buy a fake, the money will be lost.

When everyone was happily watching, Ye Tianlong was stunned, staring at the painting, and shouting in his heart:


He greeted all the eighteenth generations of Prince Maimat's ancestors.

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