Talented Genius

Chapter 519: Head down

Chapter 519

Tu Feiguang and their movements stopped, everyone's eyes were staring at the knife!

An indescribable chill spread in Tu Feiguang and their hearts, Lin Chenxue was stunned, unable to react for a while. [Zero↑9△small↓say△net]

When Wolverine was holding his throat, Ye Tianlong stood up and sat up with a bright smile: "Pretending to be a grandson for so long, just to be the second uncle."

His clothes split in two, but the silkworm protective clothing inside was intact.

Wolverine stared at Ye Tianlong, very angry and unwilling. He didn't expect that he would capsize in the gutter.

"Don't refuse."

Ye Tianlong coughed slightly, tied a knot in the torn clothes, then rubbed his chest and said, "You really think I have no strength to kill you?"

"I just don't want to waste too much time, lest my family Xue'er suffer too much damage, so the sword went slanting and killed you."

"A battle that can be solved in ten minutes, why should I fight you for half an hour?"

"You can't blame me for being cunning, who told you to be too arrogant?"

Ye Tianlong walked slowly in front of Wolverine: "In the battle at Wangjiang Tower, I felt that I was exhausted and President Lin was abused. I felt that I was upset. I was hit by you a few times and felt that I was internally injured."

"Especially the last cut. It is estimated that in your heart, I have broken my stomach, and I have no strength to fight back at all?"

Wolverine, who was swaying to fall, stared at Ye Tianlong's emperor silkworm protective clothing. There was a bit of aggrieved eyes in his eyes. He should think of armor.

He had armor on himself, and Ye Tianlong would inevitably have it on his body, but the battle was so smooth that it was so smooth that Wolverine ignored these.

"Do you think I can't avoid your cut? I just deliberately didn't avoid creating an illusion for you to make you underestimate the enemy even more so that I can take action."

Wolverine, who was fighting to the sky like a beast, his eyes began to lose his fierce and murderous look, and his body was no longer as straight as before.

"The truth is that you, as I expected, came over and chopped off my head unsuspectingly and took off the armor from your neck."

Ye Tianlong's hand has been put on the handle of the red knife: "To be honest, if you don't lose this piece of armor, I can only take your life 80% of the time."

"After all, I don't know what material it is made of, but if you throw it away, I will be ninety-nine percent sure of getting it through."

He looked at his opponent whose vitality was gradually dying out: "Wolverine, look around, get acquainted, and you will be buried."


After speaking, Ye Tianlong gently pulled out the red knife, wiped it clean and put it back in his sleeve.


With this pull, Wolverine's body finally shook, and the whole person fell backwards and smashed heavily on the deck, all with blood.

The audience was shocked, and it was unbelievable to watch this scene. They didn't expect that Wolverine was dead, but Ye Tianlong was alive and well.

Several Orientals were even more stunned, and their whole bodies were cold. They all knew Wolverine's position in the East, and they knew his sturdy skill.

That's the master who can start a sect in the East. In fact, Ye Tianlong was beaten all over to find his teeth just now. Why suddenly Wolverine died?

No, how could Wolverine hang up?

They couldn't accept this fact, staring at Wolverine's corpse for a long time, waiting for Wolverine to stand up, and then critically hit Ye Tianlong.

Tu Feiguang rubbed his eyes and yelled hysterically, "Impossible, impossible."


In this gap, Ye Tianlong kicked a rope, slammed it out and wrapped it around the railing, and then with a few kicks, he turned to the second floor.

"Block him, kill him!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong coming up, Tu Feiguang hurriedly took out his gun and hijacked Lin Chenxue to take a step back, and also issued a kill command to the three companions.

Three Dongyang people hurriedly drew their guns, trying to shoot at Ye Tianlong who came up, but saw that Ye Tianlong first flashed an ivory pistol in half a shot.

"Pump pound!"

Three dull gunshots sounded, and the three Toyo people shook their bodies and their heads bloomed, and then they landed on the deck, extinguishing their vitality.

Ye Tianlong held the ivory pistol without the bullets: "Let's release Mr. Lin!"

"Ba Ga! Ba Ga!"

Seeing that three of his companions had their heads headshot, Tu Feiguang woke up, put a gun against Lin Chenxue's head, and shouted hysterically:

"Ye Tianlong, don't come over, or I will kill Lin Chenxue, I will kill Lin Chenxue."

He was like a sleepy beast: "It's a big deal, let's take two shots, back, back, throw the gun to me, and the gun to me."

Lin Chenxue, whose neck was stuck by him, snorted, her cheeks flushed and it was difficult to breathe.

Ye Tianlong smiled, threw the ivory pistol to the deck, and stepped back two steps cooperatively:

"Okay, I'm back, I'm back, the soil is fertile, don't mess around, I advise you, you'd better let President Lin go, otherwise you will end badly."

He exhaled a long breath: "As long as you let President Lin go, I will not kill you today and let you undergo a fair trial by the judge."

Tu Feiguang was on the verge of emotional breakdown, Ye Tianlong didn't want to irritate him, lest he missed and hurt Lin Chenxue: "What do you think?"

At this moment, the cargo ship was moving slowly, but Tu Feiguang didn't notice it, and his attention fell on Ye Tianlong:

"Not very good. The judge will try. I have to sit for at least 20 years, and I may be killed by you in prison. I will not surrender.

"Lin Chenxue is released? Don't dream anymore."

Tu Feiguang clearly knew his situation, and he yelled at the guts: "Ye Tianlong, you killed Wolverine, I won't let you go."

"I order you now to mutilate one hand immediately, or I will explode Lin Chenxue's head."

He had a gun in his hand, but he dared not shoot Ye Tianlong, not sure, and worried that Ye Tianlong would kill himself as soon as the muzzle left.

"Ye Tianlong, don't listen to him, if you have an accident, I won't have a good end."

Lin Chenxue struggled to squeeze out: "He didn't dare to kill me..."

"To shut up!"

Tu Fei bare his arms and forced back Lin Chenxue's words, and the muzzle poked her head with all his strength, like a madman:

"Bitch, do you want to die? Do you want to die?"

He yelled to Ye Tianlong hysterically: "Immediately cut off his hand."

"Okay, I chop off my hand."

Ye Tianlong picked up a samurai sword from the ground, looked at Tu Feiguang and said coldly: "Did I cut off my own hand, you just let Lin Manager."

He glanced at the cockpit, then at the shore, and then at the missing oriole, there was a spectrum in his heart.

Tu Feiguang did not respond directly, but roared with a bitter face: "Quickly cut it down, quickly cut it down, or I will kill President Lin."


At this moment, the front end of the cargo ship slammed into the dock, and the whole cargo ship shook suddenly.

Tu Feiguang's center of gravity was unstable, and his body and muzzle were also half an inch away from Lin Chenxue. Tu Feiguang screamed badly, and wanted to move back to the muzzle and shoot a bullet.

It's a pity that everything is too late for the action, a white light shines in the sunset,

The katana cut through the air, and with a screaming cry, it pierced the fleshy face of Tu Feiguang.

At this moment, Tu Feiguang's eyes condensed, seeming to be frightened by the light of the thunder, and his blood was cold.

The muzzle was halfway, and the katana was pierced into his chest by half a beat before he pulled the trigger with his finger.


A splash of red blood burst out.

Ye Tianlong didn't let go of his strength, but still firmly held the samurai sword in his hand, and severely stripped Tu Feiguang's whole body away from Lin Chenxue.

Afterwards, he lifted his foot and kicked the dirt away.


Tu Feiguang fell on the deck, his mouth and nose spurted blood on the spot, and he left a breath. Just when he lifted his unwilling head, the oriole appeared.

One knife fell.

The soil was bare and the head fell.

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