Talented Genius

Chapter 528: It's warmer there (six changes)

Chapter 528

In the Linjiang Garden, the morning breeze is sent, and there is a touch of moisture from Mingjiang

It was already seven o'clock in the morning, and although there was still a bit of early morning chill, the sun was already shining in every corner of the garden.

An elegant young man in white clothes is doing Tai Chi in an open area, one by one, with all the flow.

Every movement is displayed without any hindrance.

Pleasing to the eye.

Ten minutes later, the elegant youth moved slowly and gracefully, exhaling a long breath, and the airflow around it seemed to have eased.

Standing on the open grass, even if he is restrained, his outstanding temperament is enough to awe the common people.

As he took a step forward to admire the scenery of the lake not far away, a tray was handed over from behind with hot towels and hot tea on it.

The elegant young man took the towel and wiped his hands, and then threw it back on the tray. He served the hot ginseng oolong tea, and enjoyed it very comfortably.

"Jin Shao, Ye Tianlong was arrested."

At this time, a beautiful shadow appeared in front of the elegant youth, Wu Lingshuang, who was wearing a black outfit with a cold breath, looked at Jin Xuejun and spoke softly:

"He stabbed the hole to break the wolf."

Today's Wu Lingshuang's dress has completely changed from a different style, and the beauty he showed is even worse.

Faint eye shadow, just right blush, eye-catching red lips, and black clothes reveal the curves of the body and the charm of women.

Jin Xuejun smiled at Wu Lingshuang, very brilliant. This is the first time he has seen Wu Lingshuang put on makeup. A woman is a pleasing face. It seems that he is starting to melt this iceberg beauty.

Afterwards, he took the topic softly: "I knew last night, that kid is a ruthless character, which surprised me."

He made no secret of his praise of Ye Tianlong: "He did what I always wanted to do but didn't dare to do. I admire him from the bottom of my heart."

"Young Master Jin, I didn't come here to hear you praise him."

Wu Lingshuang's pretty face flicked helplessly: "I have come to you to discuss countermeasures and see how to get him out of prison."

Jin Xuejun sighed: "It seems that he is very important to you, otherwise why would you be so nervous about him? Are you in love with him?"

There was a trace of melancholy in his eyes, and at the same time he suspected that Wu Lingshuang's makeup today was for showing himself, or was it for Ye Tianlong to make beauty?

"How can I like him? The distance between him and me needs three generations of him to fill, and it is too absurd to talk about feelings."

The corner of Wu Lingshuang's mouth moved, and she replied softly: "He helped me and saved me, how I should help him once, otherwise it would be too ruthless."

For some things, frankness will only cause disaster to Ye Tianlong, so Wu Lingshuang has also learned white lies.

Hearing these words from Wu Lingshuang, Jin Xuejun's expression eased a little, and then he waved for Wu Lingshuang to walk towards the woods ahead:

"I just said casually, Ling Shuang, don't take it to heart. After all, it's the first time I saw you care about an outsider so much."

Then, he added the last sentence: "In fact, it is not difficult to get Ye Tianlong out of prison. The existing evidence is quite beneficial to him."

"The difficult thing is, how to pass the Kong family pass, how to pass the ghost gate of the Kong family?"

Jin Xuejun said faintly: "The Kong Family will never let him go. Let Ye Tianlong live is to embarrass the Kong Family."

"So if you save him or don't save him, the end result is the same. If you really want to say it is different, it is that you offend the Kong family."

He already knew the news last night, and thought about helping Ye Tianlong, but after weighing the pros and cons, he finally chose a wise path:

give up!

Wu Lingshuang frowned slightly: "But I can't just die, it's not fair to him, and it will become a shadow in my heart."

Although Ye Tianlong is a strange flower, every time Wu Lingshuang is crazy, and she has squatted under her skirt to peep, but she still wants him to live.

She looked at Jin Xuejun: "Kong Polang didn't die after all, right? If he didn't die, there was room for maneuver. You should say hello to Confucius, you should..."

Jin Xuejun interrupted the woman: "Ling Shuang, I know that you are a loving and righteous person, and I also know that he has helped you when you are in distress."

"But no matter how great the favor is, there is a limit. Ye Tianlong's attack is too cruel this time, and the Kong family will never let him go."

"Kong Polang did not die, but the Confucian family lost their face. You know, for our aristocratic families, face is more important than life."

"I have received a gossip that Confucius issued a killing order. Ye Tianlong must die. Whoever intercedes will turn his face."

He reminded the woman softly: "Even if you get involved, it will not stop the Kong family from suppressing it, but will make you and the Wu family enemies of the Confucian family."

"It's unwise for you to return Ye Tianlong's favor at this time, because it is simply useless."

Wu Lingshuang sighed faintly: "This is not a question of wise or unwise, but whether there is guilt in my heart."

Jin Xuejun softly advised Wu Lingshuang: "Don't think too much, if there is a chance in the future, I can help, it's not too late."

Wu Lingshuang bit her lips slightly: "I'm afraid there will be no future."

Seeing Wu Lingshuang's somewhat lonely expression, Jin Xuejun gently shook his head and said, "He is dead, you can return it as well."

"Give Ye Tianlong a better coffin, and choose a better cemetery to give him a good home."

He comforted softly: "Or help him take care of the people around him, I think Ye Tianlong will only be grateful to you, there will be no complaints."

Wu Lingshuang bit her lips slightly: "He is considered a friend of mine. I can't see my friend die and I don't do anything."

"Ye Tianlong is also my friend. I invited him to drink, eat, and help. We are also friends."

Jin Xuejun took a few steps forward, pointing his finger at the flowers: "Look at this garden, the chrysanthemums are gone, there are plum blossoms, the plum blossoms are gone, and there are peach blossoms..."

"Since there are flowers to be rewarded all year round, why waste time to regret the flowers and trees that are destined to wither?"

Jin Xuejun showed Wu Lingshuang the idea of ​​the superiors: "If the flowers are thanked, they no longer have any value and are no longer worthy of consideration."

"The same is true for people. I never sympathize with dead people, and never grieve for dead people."

"I don't feel sad for people who are destined to be destroyed, because people become worthless when they die."

He turned his gaze back to Wu Lingshuang's face: "This friend Ye Tianlong is dead, as well as Zhao Tianlong, Huang Tianlong, Li Tianlong..."

"We don't need to worry about the worthless Ye Tianlong. We should focus on Zhao Tianlong and Huang Tianlong."

Wu Lingshuang didn't speak any more, just turned and walked towards the gate.

Jin Xuejun was taken aback: "Ling Shuang, where are you going?"

Wu Lingshuang didn't look back: "I'm going to Mingjiang Prison!"

Jin Xuejun's face changed slightly: "Where are you going?"

Wu Lingshuang's footsteps stagnated slightly, thinking of Ye Tianlong's face, her pretty face was softer: "It's more..."


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