Talented Genius

Chapter 535: Who stabbed whom?

Chapter 535: Who Stabbed Who?

In the evening, Shishangfei restaurant in Baishizhou, it was just about the meal, people came and went, Shishangfei and the two waiters were busy.

Bowls of warm noodles are taken out of the cauldron, mixed with meat sauce, chili, etc., and then delivered to the dinosaurs, big dogs and bobcats.

Three people fill the entire small restaurant, because 80% of the restaurant’s business is takeaway.

In the history of the boss, Fei was a little curious. Dinosaurs used to order takeaways to eat in the Ryubu office, which was more spacious and more comfortable.

Moreover, I can also help to take a look at the monitoring while eating, so today the three of them walked for a five-minute walk to eat, and flying in history is really puzzled.

However, he is a businessman and he is puzzled, but he still greets him with a good service attitude, and the noodles he cooks for the three of them all add 20% more ingredients.

After all, three hundred Longbu security guards are the main consumer of the restaurant.

"Boss, two more pork knuckles, fatter."

The big dog took a few bites of noodles with his chopsticks, and immediately shouted to Shi Shangfei: "Put some coriander."

"Okay, come right away."

Shi Shangfei quickly put two plates of pig's feet for the big dogs and three more marinated eggs: "Three brothers, take it easy."

The big dog picked up a piece of pig's foot and bit it down, his mouth filled with oil, and he gave a thumbs up: "Cool."

The dinosaur glanced at him, and knocked on his chopsticks angrily: "Why do you order so many dishes, if you can't finish it, wouldn't it be a waste?"

Lynx also echoed: "Yes, you really thought we were going out to eat, it was a waste, be careful Long brother beat you."

The big dog patted his head and apologized: "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, but there should be time to finish eating, right?"

The Lynx snorted: "I haven't heard the oriole news. I'm in trouble at any time. Let's go fishing, but it's not here to enjoy it. [Zero↑9△小↓say△net]

"Then I will eat quickly."

The big dog quickly stuffed the pig's feet into his mouth, swallowed it after a few chews, and then picked up another pig's feet and chewed it up.

There was a trace of oil and water flowing at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't even wipe it, just burying his head and eating, like a starving ghost.

Lynx scanned the outside environment and asked the dinosaur: "Brother Long, you said, when can our big brother come out?"

The dinosaur took a bite of noodles in his mouth and exhaled his heat:

"When he went to the clubhouse to deal with Kong Polang, he sent me a text message, ranging from three days to five days before he could get out of it."

The big dog raised his head, pinched his fingers and counted: "Now is the next day, that is to say, he will be back tomorrow as soon as possible."

"Yes! I can come out as soon as tomorrow. Big brother usually doesn't say anything unsure. He must be confident to say that."

The dinosaur ate the noodles: "Big Brother firmly controls the overall situation and leads the Kong family by the nose. We can't be too incompetent."

"Let's not hold back Big Brother, and also, be very careful these days."

He exhorted them: "Tonight will continue to be the same as last night, with double the number of guards and doubles."

Big Dog and Lynx nodded: "Understood."

There is a glimmer of light in the eyes of the dinosaurs, as well as unspeakable longings: "As long as we survive this time, the eldest brother will become famous and the dragon will be shining. [Zero↑9△Small↓Said△Net] "

"At that time, we will have more business and customers will have more confidence in us. Within three years, we will be able to buy a house here."

Big Dog and Lynx also got excited: "Brother Long makes sense."

No one thought about the problem that Ye Tianlong could not get out.


Just as the three happily ate the noodles into their mouths, a van suddenly drove up to the door, the door opened, and six men in windbreakers got out.

All of them looked indifferent, with trembling cruelty.

Shi Shangfei found that they looked at the three dinosaurs. They were very fierce and murderous. He was experienced and told the waiter to let them into the room.

He also grabbed a kitchen knife in his hand.


Before Shishi flew forward to greet these guests, the dinosaurs shook their ears with Bluetooth headsets, and immediately burst into flames.

He threw half a bowl of noodles at the six windbreakers, then flicked it out of the stool under him.

The Big Dog and Lynx stopped for a second, and then they made the exact same movements as the dinosaurs, and the porcelain bowl and bench were drawn out.

"Boom boom!"

As soon as the six men in the windbreaker put their hands on their waists, they saw the porcelain bowl and the bench smashed over, frowning, and using both hands and feet, they all swept away.

It's just this gap, the dinosaur and the big dog have rushed out from the side door, panicking and rushing to an alley not far away:

"Boss, settle the account another day."

The faces of the six men in the windbreaker changed, but they didn't have much expression. They moved their steps and chased them out extremely fast.

No one cares about the history of holding a kitchen knife to fly.

On the way, the six men in the windbreaker also flashed a military thorn in their hands, and the bloodletting groove was very eye-catching.

"Swish swish!"

The six figures are like the six sharp arrows, jumping over several obstacles to narrow the distance between the two sides...

Shi Shangfei looked at the mess outside, smiled, didn't say anything, just squatted down to clean up slowly, there was no alarm, and no worries...

Three minutes later, six men in windbreakers blocked the three dinosaurs in an old alley, with a wall at the end, five meters high, and the dinosaurs had no way to escape.

The eyes of the six men in the windbreaker flashed a ray of light, grinning grinningly and going forward to bleed the dinosaurs.

Big dog waved his hand and shouted: "Six big brothers, I don't know where to offend you, how about letting us go?"

The Bobcats also took out their wallets: "We give you all the money we have and give us a way out?"

A one-eyed man snorted coldly: "Let you go? Who will let Kong miss a horse? Don't blame me, blame it, blame you for knowing Ye Tianlong."

He tilted his head slightly and issued an instruction to his companion: "One person has three swords, and one sword is no less."

"Sure enough, it's Shao Kong's person——"

The dinosaur's face was full of mockery: "Very well, we are waiting for you."

"Third brother, don't talk nonsense with them, quickly abolish him."

A man in a windbreaker shouted to the one-eyed man: "Second brother, they are afraid to complete the task, we should also hurry up."

The one-eyed man nodded, and a stab led him forward.

Six men in windbreakers knocked on the ground with their leather shoes, and the army dazzled their eyes, showing their strong self-confidence and killing.


The dinosaur tilted his head to the lynx, and the lynx immediately blew a whistle. Following the whistle, the six men in windbreakers felt all dark.

It's really dark, it feels like dark clouds covering the sun.

They turned their heads together, and suddenly saw nearly a hundred members of the Dragon Division show up. One team blocked the road, and the two teams were surrounded by sides. They approached like a torrent.

Everyone has a shield, an electric baton, and a steel fork...

It is completely the equipment of the explosion-proof unit, and the faces of all six people have changed. How to fight this? No need to fight.

This was not over yet, just when the man in the windbreaker was about to make a **** road, the dragon members in front suddenly squatted down, revealing a row of people behind.

Three large hunting nets shot from their hands, directly covering the six men in windbreakers...

"Ah!" "Ah!"

The alley first made a sound of fighting, then a few screams, and then calmed down.

It didn't take long for the police car to arrive.

When they arrived in the alley, they saw six men in windbreakers **** with five big flowers, broken hands and feet, bruised noses, swollen noses, half of their teeth, and three stab wounds on their bodies...

They wanted to stab the dinosaur three times, but they were stabbed three times.

The dinosaur handed a cell phone recording to the police: "They are people sent by Confucius, and they want to stab us three times to let blood."

"You take them back and deal with them properly. By the way, I have posted their confession on the Internet, and it will spread soon."

The dinosaur looked aggrieved: "Uncle Police, you must call the shots for me."

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