Talented Genius

Chapter 555: dizziness

Chapter 555

After Qi Jiaojiao left, Ye Tianlong leaned back on the seat, took out a bottle of clean water and drank it, then set his eyes on the wide horse field.

In the field of vision, Ning Hongzhuang went against the tradition, curled up long and matched with a tough men's suit, wearing big sunglasses, and heroic.

Soft as water, strong as fire, nothing more!

At this moment, the glamorous glamorous woman was leaping on the horse whip and hunting in the wind. It was a beautiful scenery on the horse farm. Xu Donglai suddenly whispered:

"I understand now why you are sleeping with her, this woman is indeed a stunner, with a different charm from Chenxue."

After speaking, he immediately realized that he had made a mistake and slapped himself: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin is not what I should call."

Ye Tianlong didn't care about Xu Donglai's actions, but just whistled to Ning Hongzhuang in the distance: "Tweet!"

Ning Hongzhuang heard the movement and glanced at Ye Tianlong, then circled the horse towards Ye Tianlong.

As the distance gets closer, Ye Tianlong feels that Ning Hongzhuang is a beauty.

Her delicate cheeks and attractive red lips made her heart beating when she saw her. Her long hair was coiled behind her head, only one or two strands scattered in her ears.

This also makes her look more charming, and under her is the British Royal Race horse, Andalusian horse breed.

"Ye Tianlong, are you here?"

Ning Hongzhuang leaped lightly from the horse, took off the sunglasses on her face, revealing a well-maintained face: "Is it so late, are you sure?"

"You lose, but you lose money and lose, don't you work hard for yourself?"

Before Ye Tianlong could respond, Xu Donglai snorted: "Tianlong can't even ride a horse. Are you sure?"

Ning Hongzhuang lightly joked: "Does it have anything to do with me? He can not accept this horse race."

"Tenlong, you still don't want to play, I don't care about going to jail."

Xu Donglai grabbed Ye Tianlong and gave his final advice: "You don't know how to ride a horse. It's easy to fall to death. Just listen to me once."

He was worried: "If you have to play, I will hit the wall now..."

"I am in a good mood today. Come, I will teach you two laps. You will learn soon."

Seeing Xu Donglai emotionally advising Ye Tianlong, Ning Hongzhuang worried that Ye Tianlong would really retreat, so he glanced at it and said:

"Don't listen to Xu Donglai's nonsense. Although horse racing skills are important, the most important thing is courage. You can let go."

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. You should understand this truth."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Understood, I will give it a go and win this game with my life, but I lost my life and Wangning always let Xu Shao go."

"Not as serious as losing one's life."

Ning Hongzhuang took the whip and waved it: "Let's go, there is still some time. I will teach you how to ride a horse."

Ye Tianlong looked embarrassed: "Isn't this bad? Whether men and women give or receive kisses..."

When Xiao Wu almost died of anger, Ning Hongzhuang's pretty face coldly shouted: "Don't mother-in-law, go!"

Although she hoped that Ye Tianlong would lose the game, she was worried that Ye Tianlong could not see any hope, or suspected that she had deep calculations, and ignored Xu Donglai's life and death, which would waste her careful layout.

So she was willing to pay a little at this time, boil the frog in warm water and boil Ye Tianlong to death.

The woman turned on her horse, her charm appeared: "Aren't you going to sleep with me? You must know how to ride a horse before you have a chance to win the game."

Ye Tianlong was very helpless: "Well, in order to sleep until President Ning, I will give it up."

He hurriedly climbed onto the horse's back, and said ‘Ouch’ before he could sit still.

Then, Ye Tianlong grabbed Ning Hongzhuang's thighs with both hands, tightly, and didn't let go: "Mr. Ning, this horse is too shaky, how can you sit?"

Xiao Wu's face changed, and he shouted: "Asshole, let go, let go."


Ye Tianlong moved his hands from Ning Hongzhuang's thighs, but the next second he shouted while the horse was swaying, and hugged Ning Hongzhuang sideways.

His head was buried in Ning Hongzhuang's chest: "Why does this horse move so often? I can't sit still."

Xiao Wu rushed a few steps forward and shouted again: "Get up, get up for me."

Ning Hongzhuang gave a hum, shy and angry, and at the same time a touch of ease. Ye Tianlong really doesn't know how to ride a horse, which means that he will lose today.

Afterwards, she sterned again: "Let go, sit firmly."

"Good, good."

Ye Tianlong slowly turned around and carefully grasped the reins: "Mr. Ning, you ride slowly. I'm afraid of fast and high."

As he spoke, he pushed his back twice, and Ning Hongzhuang was very embarrassed.

One horse and two people, wantonly hire in the sun.

Xiao Wu looked at the scenic line that drew in front of him, and Ye Tianlong's chest bumps from time to time, his fists clenched, and his teeth were bleeding.

His cronies did not receive such treatment, but his opponent Ye Tianlong was enjoying Yan Fu. This really made him feel heartbroken and could only comfort himself:

Ye Tianlong's Yanfu is at the price of life.

Xiao Wu's thoughts are also those of Ning Hongzhuang.

After sitting right away, Ning Hongzhuang tried her best to lean back to avoid sticking to Ye Tianlong too tightly. She didn't want to be taken advantage of by Ye Tianlong.

However, although Ning Hongzhuang avoided Ye Tianlong with all his strength, the free time of a horse's back was really limited. Not to mention the inevitably friction between the arms holding the ropes, even the upper body and the man's back were in constant contact.

Ye Tianlong also screamed a few times from time to time, either yelling, I'm afraid, or holding her and shaking.

"Oh, why am I a little dizzy?"

When approaching the end point, Ye Tianlong suddenly shook his body and fell off his horse, leaning half of his body. Fortunately, he pulled the rein on the way, and he didn't fall to the ground with all his feet.

This is so, his body staggered a few times, this time, he did not eat Ning Hongzhuang tofu from start to finish.

Everyone can tell that he really fell this time.

Xu Donglai rushed down from the stands and shouted, "Ye Shao, what's the matter?"

There was a trace of fierceness and pride on Xiao Wu's face.

"what happened to you?"

Ning Hongzhuang's mouth flashed with joy, then recovered calm, and jumped off his horse: "Did you turn too many circles and dizzy?"

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head and squeezed out with difficulty: "Maybe, I just feel a little dizzy."

"It's okay, just take a rest. When I was learning to ride a horse, I was in the same situation as you, and I almost vomited."

Ning Hongzhuang comforted Ye Tianlong: "You are not vomiting now, you are much better than me, go, go to the stands and rest for a while, I will let you get some sugar water."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "Thank you, Mr. Ning."


At this moment, the gate of the racecourse suddenly opened with a loud noise.

More than a dozen horses galloped in, screaming loudly and aggressively, giving people a suffocating pressure.

Xiao Wu's expression changed: "President Ning, Tutuhachi is here."

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