Talented Genius

Chapter 579: Second half

Chapter 579: Second Half


At this moment, the dinosaur had retreated to the edge of the sentry box. Unable to retreat, he raised his fist and blasted out at Old Ghost Li.

The two fists collided with a muffled noise, and then the two separated backwards, and Old Ghost Li took three steps, and the dinosaur hit the wall, very uncomfortable.


Before the dragging old ghost rushed up again, a roar sounded from the dinosaur's mouth, kicking the wall with his left foot, and flashing to the side of the old ghost.

The right hand blasted the latter relentlessly.

No one can underestimate the palm of the dinosaur, and Old Ghost Li did not dare to let it bombard him. He could only raise his palm to seal the fist of the dinosaur.

A touch of surprise flashed across the glamorous woman's eyes, as if she didn't expect the dinosaur to fight back.


Another dull sound blew up, and the two retreated once again.

Although both of them didn't seem to have much damage, the painful expressions on their faces made it clear that they had been injured just now.

It's just that the dinosaur didn't slow down. When Old Ghost Li kicked the cane and held it in his hand, he also grabbed the baton in the dog's hand and slashed it up.

"Interesting! I underestimated you."

Old Ghost Li suppressed the tumbling blood, his pale face became more intense, and his eyes were cold as he watched the thunder baton that the dinosaur struck again.

He didn't show the slightest retreat, but a calm smile appeared on the corners of his lips: "Little Baishizhou, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger."

The dinosaurs also ignored Old Ghost Li's emotions, and both sides fought to this point and said nonsense was a waste of time.

His figure floated forward, and the distance between the two was reduced to nothing in an instant!

At this time, the big dog and more than a dozen dragon guards also dispersed, while driving away passersby watching the good show, while blocking all retreats.

The cannon fodder must also have a cannon fodder attitude, and if they know it is difficult to help them in the past, they will do all kinds of siege work.

Someone called Ye Tianlong.

At this time, the dinosaur and the old ghost Li had already fought fiercely.

Snobbing, the air flow rang violently, between the electric light and flint, Old Ghost Li's crutch touched, and the dinosaur kept spitting murderous batons.

After several weapon confrontations, the other hand started close combat again, and the air flow between the two sides violently stirred up dust on the ground.

After three rounds, Old Ghost Li's lips curled up with a smile. After the fierce battle, he didn't stop at all and waved his right arm lightly.

The crutches pressed down on the dinosaur with a vigorous momentum.


With a loud noise, the dinosaur's baton was instantly pressed against the wall, and then Old Ghost Li's left hand accurately slapped the dinosaur's palm.


The dinosaur's wrist pained and the watch shattered and flew, and then Old Ghost Li walked in with his left hand and patted the dinosaur's arm.

The body of the latter was suddenly hit by the hammer of the gods, and the whole person retreated like a kite.

In the next second, Old Ghost Li bullied the dinosaur into the arms of the dinosaur. He slammed into the dinosaur with a bow and a bounce on his back.


A stream of blood was sprayed directly from the mouth of the dinosaur, and at the same time, the whole person flew backwards and fell to the grass seven or eight meters away.

"Very beautiful!"

Wang Xiaotiao screamed, as excited as the Chinese New Year. Several Chinese men and women also held up cellphone videos, preparing to give a close-up of the failure of the dinosaur.


When the dinosaur fell into the air, a figure swished past. Then, the back of the dinosaur was patted with one hand, and the falling flight stopped instantly.

The dinosaur took the opportunity to twist his waist and land steadily on the ground. Then he straightened his waist with the blood from the corners of his mouth, his eyes cold.

Temporary failure does not mean failure.

"Are you okay?

When Old Ghost Li looked at the shooter, he saw Ye Tianlong holding a bowl of rice in his left hand, holding a pair of chopsticks, and placing his right hand behind the dinosaur.

Wang Xiaotiao immediately shouted: "Ye Tianlong, are you turtle finally out?"

Several companions immediately blew out their whistle, expressing contempt for Ye Tianlong, apparently treating him as a tortoise with a shrunken head.

The dinosaur looked at Ye Tianlong's honesty and shook his head slightly: "Brother, I'm fine, don't need to rest, I haven't lost yet."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded, picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of rice in his mouth: "That's good, you continue, I will eat while watching the show."

The dinosaur nodded: "We must not let you down."

At this moment, the road to and from this gate was blocked by the guard of the dragon department, and many curious spectators were also dispersed, and the venue was empty.

"Ye Tianlong, are you finally out?"

Old Ghost Li stared at Ye Tianlong fiercely, and shouted word by word: "I thought you were a tortoise with a shrunken head, so you dare not come out to see me."

"I'm here to ask for Guo Jingdan's blood debt. If you are a man, don't let your subordinates die. Come up and fight with me."

Ye Tianlong glanced at Old Ghost Li, and bit into his mouth: "Old fellow, you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense."

"It's better to show evidence that I killed someone, but I forgive you for no evidence."

Ye Tianlong snorted: "There is really evidence. It was not you who came to yell at your door today, but your master brought the police to arrest me, didn't you?"

Old Li's face was ugly, but he fell silent, and he was hit by Ye Tianlong.

After Guo Jingdan was shot and headshot, Confucius and the others thought that Ye Tianlong did it, but they were warned by Jin Xuejun when they were about to take Ye Tianlong down.

Wu Lingshuang had personal evidence from Ye Tianlong staying in the water and clouds. After inspection by the police, there was no moisture, and the warhead was also from foreign troops after inspection.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong was finally removed from the case.

Jin Xuejun and Bai Shuangshuang let them tell the Kong family, if there are real evidence that proves that Ye Tianlong killed people, they will not stop the police from arresting people.

But if they want to frame them for no reason, they will never agree, and they will definitely fight to the end with the Kong family.

The luck of these people made the Kong family unable to move without evidence.

The old ghost Li, who believed that Ye Tianlong was doing it, couldn't hold back this aggrieved one, so he came to Baishizhou to seek justice.

When legal forms and assassination forms were not feasible, Old Ghost Li directly challenged Ye Tianlong by quack, so as to stop everyone from committing crimes.

Now that Ye Tianlong pierced through, Old Li's face looked a little ugly, Wang Xiaotiao couldn't hold back, Niu Hong coaxed one step forward and shouted domineeringly:

"Whether it is or not, now Old Ghost Li challenges you, if you are a man, stand up and fight for life and death."

Ye Tianlong stuffed a piece of bacon in his mouth and replied: "I am not a man, I am not determined by fighting, and I don't need to fight to the death."

"You can try with me and you will know if I am a man."

He already recognized Wang Xiaotiao. Although he knew that the latter's identity was not simple, Ye Tianlong never let anyone bully him.

Wang Xiaotiao's pretty face changed and he was very angry: "Ye Tianlong, you dare to belittle me, are you looking for death?"

Several Chinese men and women were also filled with righteous indignation, wishing to rush forward and slap the security chief.

The coquettish woman squinted her eyes and examined the legendary Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders: "How can I be frivolous about you? I'm just telling you, I'm really a man, you can try it yourself if you don't believe me."

Wang Xiaotiao's willow eyebrows raised: "You--"

Before Wang Xiaotiao could finish his words, Old Ghost Li took a step forward with great momentum: "Ye Tianlong, you dare not accept my challenge?"

Ye Tianlong tapped Old Ghost Li with his chopsticks: "I am not interested in your challenge, but I don't mind. You finish the second half of the game with the dinosaurs."

"If you don't interrupt your leg, I'm afraid he will be too depressed to eat tonight."

Old ghost Li sneered: "What qualifications do your trash men have to fight with me? Besides, he can't do it. Didn't you see him vomit blood?"

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Then you are not qualified to challenge me, not to mention that I don't like bullying old people."

Wang Xiaotiao shouted: "I don't know how high the sky is."

Old ghost Li also laughed angrily when he heard the words, and then a murderous intent jumped in his eyes: "Okay, I will finish the second half with him."

"I don't believe it, you can still sit still when I mutilate him."

The dinosaur stood up, did not speak any more, just looked at Old Ghost Li, more silent than before, like a silent beast.

Old Ghost Li also looked at the dinosaur sternly, preparing to use him as his stepping stone.

The wind surged from the sky and passed by, and the two men were dressed in flying clothes, each with their mighty powers.

The eyes of the two collided, locked, and interlocked, and at this moment they saw the monstrous fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

Big Dog and Lynx looked nervous on their faces.


The dinosaur's left foot suddenly sank and fell with one step. The asphalt ground suddenly shattered, and gravel scum shot everywhere.

The glamorous woman's face changed dramatically: "Old ghost, be careful!"

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