Talented Genius

Chapter 590: he died

Chapter 590: He Is Dead

At nine o'clock, Yard No. 10 of the Prairie Restaurant, where Tutuhachi and Ye Tianlong were newly transferred.

The police cordoned off the scene of the fight just now, the injured bodyguard was also taken to a nearby hospital for treatment, and the horse-faced man was arrested.

This storm was fierce, but it went fast. Tutuhachi, who was unpredictable, didn't care and still banqueted Ye Tianlong in the grassland restaurant.

More than a dozen guards and companions were injured and sent to the hospital. Tutuhachi transferred more than 20 people to protect, so the courtyard was still very lively.

Outside, there are many policemen walking around, strangling all dangers.

"Brother, this is fifty million!"

At the wide dining table, Tutuha wrote ten cheques, then pushed to Ye Tianlong with a smile on his face: "You take it."

Then, with a light wave of his finger, another new black travel bag was placed, and the zipper was opened to reveal the colorful dollars.

"These are the dollar bills you dropped on the scene. I have someone pick it up for you. Except for a dozen of them that were burnt, the rest are here."

Ye Tianlong smiled instantly on his face, put the fifty million cheque into his pocket, and put the black travel bag at his feet: "Hachi, thanks."

He gave a thumbs up: "You really are the eagle's son, you are a great promise. If you have such a good thing in the future, remember to notify me."

He also took out a business card and handed it over: "Longbu Security Company undertakes global security services. If you or your relatives and friends need it, remember to help."

"Hahaha, brother, you are really interesting, I like you more and more."

Tutuhachi picked up Ye Tianlong's business card and glanced at it. The head of Huayao's business minister was written on the front and the title of Longbu general manager was written on the back.

He never thought that Ye Tianlong was a salesman and security guard, but this frankness made Tutuhachi admire:

"Brother, the business can definitely be introduced to you, but the problem is that you have to have the strength to eat."

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked, "What kind of strength do you want?"

Tutuhachi thought for a moment, and raised a finger to speak: "Each order is worth over 100 million yuan, can you afford it?"

"My remarks are by no means perfunctory. Although our Hungarian and Mongolian country has only a population of more than five million, it has abundant resources and a superior location."

Tutuhachi worried that Ye Tianlong felt he was bragging, so he straightened his chest and patted a few times: "The most important thing is money."

"One more thing, although it has a small population and a small territory, it is always a country with all the rights it deserves."

"Don't look at me like a barbarian, I still enjoy all kinds of diplomatic immunity and generous treatment."

He picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass for Ye Tianlong: "So I will get you business. As long as you can eat it, it will definitely be a big deal to scare people."

The larger the order, the higher the amount, which means the greater the security risk, and the stronger the opponent.

Ye Tianlong laughed when he heard the words. Tutuhachi was telling the truth. He squeezed the glass and smiled leisurely: "Mr. Hachi, please come if you have a list."

"If you dare to come, I will dare to eat it, and I will give you a bottom line. I received an overseas contract six months ago, two hundred million, US dollars."

Ye Tianlong raised a finger: "The deadline is one month."

Tutuhachi was slightly startled when he heard the words, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and re-examined Ye Tianlong in front of him: "Brother, are you kidding me?"

One month of protection, 200 million US dollars, this is the protection price of the exiled president.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "I don't seem to have the need to deceive you."

Hachi laughed again, patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder and said, "Okay, Brother Ye has this kind of strength, I will introduce it to you when I have business."

"I don't need a ten-point introduction fee. I only want you to buy me a few drinks and eat a roasted whole lamb."

Ye Tianlong also laughed: "Then thank Mr. Hachi first, no, it is Prince Hachi."

"Don't be called a prince, it's too embarrassing. You don't look like a prince when you wear a dragon robe. It's a barbarian like me."

Tutuhachi waved his hand honestly, and then waved his hand to bring the two legs of lamb up. The leg of lamb was browned and smelled, and he held up the wine glass:

"Brother Ye, you saved my life tonight. If it weren't for you, I would have been killed by that guy. This cup, to you."

Ye Tianlong smiled while holding the wine glass: "50 million have already toasted to me, so don't be too polite for others."

"Money is money, love is love, your life-saving grace, no amount of money can kill it."

Tutuhachi said solemnly: "Brother Ye, I did it, you are free."

Ye Tianlong held the wine glass and touched it hard: "Let's do it together."

Tutuhachi did not speak, but drank it clean in one sip, Ye Tianlong also saw the bottom, and then both sides drank two more cups and ate a few slices of mutton.

After the three drinks, Tutuhachi looked a little more solemn, and said in a low voice: "Brother Ye, I have a question to ask you."

He hesitated, and seemed worried that Ye Tianlong would refuse: "If it is convenient, I hope you can give me some information."

Ye Tianlong knew exactly what Tutuhachi asked himself. He stuffed a piece of mutton into his mouth and smiled: "You ask."

"You have no traces of running horses, horse riding, horse-stopping whistle, and eagle-wrapping masters. Where did you learn these prairie-characteristic things?"

Tutuhachi stared at Ye Tianlong with piercing eyes: "You are not from the prairie, so you know these, I feel very curious."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, drank a sip of strong wine, and calmly greeted Tutuhachi's gaze: "A friend taught me."

"When I was in Africa, I met a man on the grassland. We came to chat very much. I taught him to shoot. He taught me to ride and wrestle."

"I don't conceal you either. He taught me to run Wuhen, horsemanship, horse-stopping whistle, and grappling hand."

Ye Tianlong sighed with emotion: "He is a man who grew up on horseback, a genius, and one of my best brothers."

Tutuha's naked body shook: "What's his name? Is it Tutuhudu?"

"Tutu Sudden?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It sounds like it has something to do with you, but when we were in Africa, we never asked each other's origin or real name."

"So apart from knowing that he is a prairie guy, I don't know the other information."

He sighed: "By the way, the name he gave us is Aru Khan."

"Aru Khan?"

Hearing this name, Tutuha stood up sharply, with shock and joy on his face, grabbing Ye Tianlong's arms and shouting:

"Aru Khan is Tutuhudu's nickname. He is my own brother and the seventh son of my father."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: Damn! Are you really from the Tutuhachi family? Is this world too small?

"He is really my brother, I can show you the photos."

Tutuhachi quickly turned on his phone and called up a photo for Ye Tianlong, a prairie man with handsome features, tall and mighty:

"Aru Khan you are talking about, is this the person?"

Ye Tianlong examined it, nodded silently, and then squeezed out: "Ninety percent of them are similar, with a little less beard."

"Then 100% is my brother. The family was forced to marry him. He ran away in anger. He didn't see a trace for five years, and there was no news on how to find it."

Tutuhachi looked happy: "We all thought he had an accident, and I even suspect that he died in an accident."

"I didn't expect to go to Africa, let alone know his whereabouts in this way."

He stared at Ye Tianlong and said, "Brother Ye, tell me where is Tutuhu? I want to get him back and take him back to reunite with his family."

"he died!"

Ye Tianlong ended Tutuhachi's joy: "To save me died."

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