Talented Genius

Chapter 598: Do you mind changing one?

Chapter 598 Do you mind changing one?

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Qin Ziyi's expression was startled, and he didn't answer directly, just looking at the distance and driving forward.

Ye Tianlong didn't speak any more, just looked at Qin Ziyi quietly, catching the entanglement on her pretty face.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Ziyi suddenly bit his red lips, and said with difficulty: "I am a policeman, I hope to bring him to justice."

"Do you know how many people died because of drugs outside the rich?"

"Do you know how many families have scattered because of his drugs?"

She was depressed: "The anti-narcotics policemen who die on the frontline every year cannot count their hands and feet. Several of my comrades in arms also died at the border."

Ye Tianlong took out a bottle of water from the drawer, twisted it and poured it in a big mouthful, but still did not respond to Qin Ziyi.

Qin Ziyi drove the car towards Baishizhou, her pretty face depressed: "My biggest wish is to destroy the Fu Group."

"Give those who were killed by him and my comrades-in-arms an account, so that the entire Huaxia will be drug-free."

"It's just that I know in my heart that my abilities are limited, the wealthy people are cunning and vicious, and I have official protective clothing on my body. I want to take down his fantasy."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and shook Qin Ziyi's hand: "I understand your mood, and I hope your wish will be realized."

"I just want to tell you that without the rich, there will be kings and Li. As long as there are benefits, drug dealers will not be extinct."

"Don't talk about killing the wealthy and destroying the Fu's clique, which means eradicating the entire Golden Triangle. Drugs will still exist."

"I'm not saying that your ideals are not good. I just want to give you a vaccination and pull out this malignant tumor outside the rich. The situation will not change much."

Ye Tianlong reminded Qin Ziyi: "Maybe it will become more chaotic because of the lack of a leader, and more people will die."

He has another plan in his mind, that is, he hopes to reduce the amount of drugs flowing into China by controlling or controlling the wealthy.

The direct removal of the wealthy members and the Fu Group can temporarily weaken the influx of drugs, but once the market craving breaks out, the situation will be more chaotic.

Rather than the flames, it is better to control the wealthy outside the stove.

However, Ye Tianlong knew that this would definitely be opposed by Qin Ziyi and even the international police, and he might even consider himself an accomplice of the rich.

He didn't want two million dollars to be taken by the police.

"Of course I know that China Drug Free is not achieved by eradicating a few drug dealers, but it is better to remove a cancer than doing nothing."

Qin Ziyi looked at the Baishizhou archway ahead: "The rich are too cunning. We have sent twelve undercover agents in these years, and ten have died."

"The two who are alive have little effect. They are either on the periphery, or they don't get his trust, and sometimes he instigates them to kill."

She told Ye Tianlong the police secrets, showing her trust in Ye Tianlong: "There is really no way above."

"By the way, I also received a message that Mingjiang's drug market was originally handed over to the crow agent by the rich."

"But after the death of the crow, the axe gang was messed up, and even threatened to give the sword that killed the crow a lot of fire, and the rich wanted to replace them."

Ye Tianlong asked: "Who is it for?"

Qin Ziyi squeezed out a sentence: "Mingjiang has three gangs, wearing tiger wolves, crows, and flying dragon gangs. The crows are dead, and the axe gang plummets."

"The Flying Dragon Gang is another mob. It collects protection fees and engages in drugs. Liang Xiu's ability is limited."

"What's more, the Flying Dragon Gang has friendship with the Seven Wolves, and the Seven Wolves are powerful foreign rivals, so the Flying Dragon Gang cannot be a collaborator."

Ye Tianlong's mind flashed through Liang Xiucai's harmless smile, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously evoked a curve, and then the conversation turned: "Dai Hulang?"

Qin Ziyi nodded lightly and took the topic softly: "Yes, according to intelligence analysis, the wealthy outsiders want to cooperate with Dai Hulang."

"This is also one of the main reasons why he has stayed in Mingjiang since he was released. He hopes to find Dai Hulang to talk about the drug trade."

She whispered: "I heard that he is willing to give Dai Tiger Lang a 20% discount on the terms of the Axe Gang."

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed: "I've heard people say that the fierceness and greed of the crows make the axe gang's purchase price from outside the rich have been very low."

"At least 20% lower than the rest of the agents. Now that the rich are not paying 20% ​​to Dai Hulang, isn't it the price of cabbage?"

Qin Ziyi nodded lightly: "It is indeed the price of cabbage, but Dai Tiger Wolf's network and strength are not comparable to Axe Gang and Crow."

"When the crow was at its peak, he cut the sky and the ground and cut the air. Even the deputy mayor's car who had taught him dared to pretend, but he didn't dare to challenge Dai Tiger Wolf."

"Some people say that he is not only the underground king of Mingjiang, but also a decision-maker of the underworld in the Yangtze River Delta. This shows the strength of Dai Hulang."

"Although the wealthy people are supplied at the price of cabbage, as long as they can use Dai Hulang's network to shop, the sales volume will definitely double."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Small profits but quick turnover."

"Yes, as long as the sales go up, the profits are just as good."

Qin Ziyi nodded: "What's more, on board the big ship Daihulang, the wealthy people outside the Mingjiang market are as infallible and can radiate the Yangtze River Delta cities."

Ye Tianlong had a hint of interest in his eyes: "I started to be interested in Dai Hulang."

At this moment, the car had stopped at the big banyan tree in Baishizhou, Qin Ziyi pulled on the handbrake, he hesitated, turned to look at Ye Tianlong and asked:

"Then have you made a decision?"

Qin Ziyi's red lips slightly opened: "Would you like to cooperate with the police?"

Ye Tianlong did not answer directly, but gently greeted the woman's gaze: "You don't need to ask my attitude, as long as you let me go, I will go."

Qin Ziyi was slightly startled, and looked at Ye Tianlong in amazement. What kind of answer is this? But this answer made her heart warm again, and she couldn't tell the difference.

Wu Sangui rushed to the crown as a beauty, is this **** willing to go through fire and water for himself?


Ye Tianlong kissed Qin Ziyi's pretty face, and then pushed the car door to go out: "Team Qin, give you three days, and then tell me the answer."

"If you want me to go, I will go, no matter how dangerous it is."

He gave Qin Ziyi the decision.

Qin Ziyi reacted, not caring about being kissed, and not the slightest joy, on the contrary, there was a trace of confusion in his heart...

Ye Tianlong waved to Qin Ziyi, then turned and left the car.

He didn't want to take the thankless muddy water, but he didn't want Qin Ziyi to feel that he was unjust, so he left it to Qin Ziyi to make a decision.

After sending Qin Ziyi away, Ye Tianlong turned and went to the canteen to buy a few bottles of herbal tea. He was about to pay and leave when a pleasant fragrance blew over him.


Before Ye Tianlong looked back, a pair of jade hands covered Ye Tianlong's eyes, and at the same time a sweet and crisp voice rang in his ears:

"Handsome guy, was the police flower your girlfriend just now?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, smiled and replied: "Yes!"

"Mind if you change one?"


"Mind if you have one more?"


Ye Tianlong grabbed the hand from his eyes and looked sideways. Dai Mingzi came into view, with bright eyes and bright teeth, a beautiful smile, as tender as a leaf...

Quiet years!

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