Talented Genius

Chapter 747: Leaning on the building, listening to the wind and rain, watching Jianghu Road indiffe

Chapter 747

Hearing De Mingzi's yelling, Ling Xiao and the others instantly shook their bodies. They looked at De Mingzi in surprise, unbelievable.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of Ling Xiao and others, Dai Mingzi once again discovered that she was really wayward before, and she should thank her father for his painstaking efforts.

A year ago, when she became an adult, her father began to let her take responsibility. He asked her to read the files in the study, and even locked her inside for three days.

Those three days have been characterised by Demingzi as the suffering days in his life, but now it is worthwhile and meaningful.

Although the father-daughter contest ended in a hunger strike to force her to get out of the house, she still saw something at the time.

For example, the organization's structure in Mingjiang, such as the master list.

The few files that De Mingzi read included Ling Xiao's photos and information. The reason he looked at him more was that his attire was too elegant.

Long hair, spears, not dazzling.

It's just that De Mingzi didn't expect that he would meet the characters on the dossier in this way of life and death. There was irony and luck.

When there was a gleam of light in Ye Tianlong's eyes, Dai Mingzi took another step forward and screamed:

"Ling Xiao, you are a child of the Qin family, but you are still attacking King Qin. Do you want to rebel?"

Although De Mingzi is a young lady in the image, and her stern face still remains three-pointed immature, what she said still impacted Ling Xiao and the others.

They never thought that the target of the action that Dai Wanli would eliminate at any cost would be Dai Tiger Wolf's daughter.

Ling Xiao wanted to believe it or not, but De Mingzi's words and familiarity with Ling Xiao let them know that there is no water.

Except for Dai Wanli and a few high-ranking Dais, few people know that the long-haired young man is Ling Xiao, and his external name is Dai Xiaohua.

Although Ling Xiao and the others belonged to Dai Wanli's group, they were always under the control of the Qin Clan. This way of besieging Dai Mingzi was really a rebellion.

Ye Tianlong's head is also turning, the Qin system? King Qin? He felt a little confused in his mind, as if traveling back to ancient times, or Dai Mingzi talking nonsense.

But seeing Ling Xiao's solemn look, Ye Tianlong knew that this was not a joke, and he also smelled a touch of rebellion.

He couldn't see through, so he watched the changes. Tian Mo was also standing behind Ye Tianlong. There were sporadic screams in the forest. Obviously the oriole was cleaning the last enemy.

At this moment, Ling Xiao's eyes were contradictory, and he stared sharply at De Mingzi: "Are you really from the Qin family?"

De Mingzi didn't respond directly, but just read out one sentence: "Listen to the wind and rain by the building, and watch Jianghu Road indifferently."


Ling Xiao's hand holding the spear tightened instantly, his eyes condensed in surprise.

The twelve men in red around him also stepped back. This sentence completely confirmed the identity of De Mingzi.

De Mingzi took the opportunity to take another step forward: "Ling Xiao, you still don't put down your weapons? As one of the six masters of the Qin family, are you still unfaithful?"

The corner of Ling Xiao's mouth moved, and the hand holding the spear was slightly loosened, and the tip of the spear dropped slightly. Obviously, he recognized Demingzi's identity...

His face was a bit bitter, but he did not expect that he had been dormant for so long, and his first mission was to kill the daughter of the big boss.

Ling Xiao didn't know whether Dai Wanli knew, but he knew that he and the people around him were destined to suffer.

Ye Tianlong looked at him with great interest, this strange-looking guy seemed to have such a bottom line.

"Ling Xiao, what are you doing? Are you going to surrender?"

A man in red grabbed his arm: "Although she is the daughter of King Qin, she is just a girl after all, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Let's go together and kill them all, there may be a way to survive tonight."

"If we don't act now, we will run for our lives now, and we won't survive tomorrow morning. Team Leader Dai will also be affected by us."

The man in red was almost forty years old and had followed Dai Wanli for almost ten years. He was naturally a diehard loyal among his loyalties. He yelled:

"Don't forget, you are from the Qin family, but you are even the leader of Dai."

"If it weren't for him to rescue you in the river, you would have drowned in the water to feed the sharks."

There was a fierce look in his eyes: "There is no room for this matter. You can only go one way to the end."

"Rather than lay down our weapons and let others slaughter them, we might as well let go of a fight, maybe, just like that."

The other eleven men in red also nodded together, the fear and dignity of the moment gradually faded, and there was more desperate madness in their eyes.

Things have reached this point tonight. If you kill Demingzi, you will die. If you don't kill Demingzi, you will die tomorrow. Dai Hulang will definitely investigate to the end.

None of them can run, the left and right are dead, it is better to struggle to death.

A terrible murderous intent filled and raged, and the mountain road was enveloped by the majestic murderous intent, which made people panic.

Ling Xiao didn't have the same light in his eyes, and there was a trace of struggle and pain on his face. There was no doubt that he still had a bottom line in his heart.

When De Mingzi saw their murderous intent skyrocketing, his pretty face couldn't help but change: "You--"

"They are crazy."

Ye Tianlong pulled Demingzi behind him: "This is called evil grow to the gall."

Tianmo stepped on without a sound, his eyes were as calm as the level.

At this step, the twelve red-clothed men's willingness to fight was immediately suppressed without mercy.

Some people are simple and unpretentious, but as long as those who are willing to look at him seriously, it will be hard to leave him. ..

Tianmo is such a person.

Regardless of his appearance or clothes, Tian Mo was ordinary and a little childish, but I don't know why, Ling Xiao's eyes were attracted by him.

Tianmo is like a knife, a knife that can't be crushed by the cold and heat, blooming its own tough charm.

While Ling Xiao's face was solemn, the blood couldn't stop boiling.

Seeing Tianmo blocking the way, seven red-clothed men rushed out, on the side of the long knife, the rain rushed and the murderous intent bloomed, and one of them shouted: "Get out!"

Tianmo did not move, like a mountain, standing indifferently in the middle.

"court death!"

Seven men in red rushed up with long knives, and the muddy water under their feet kept flying, leaving a series of clear footprints.

The mountain road is also two lanes, and seven people rush to fill the road immediately.

The seven red-clothed men took nine steps in a row, pressing towards Tianmo like a rainbow, their feet were arrogant and powerful, and the place where they stood was like a galloping army.

"Swish swish!"

Knife lights flew out obliquely, like lightning in the sky, like meteors breaking through the sky.

The entire mountain road also seemed to sway, giving people a spirit of breaking apart.

Ye Tianlong dragged De Mingzi back more than ten meters quickly to avoid being attacked by the five people who looked at him.

Looking at Tianmo, who was doing one sword at a time, and the wind and rain all over the sky, Ye Tianlong remembered that similar **** night:

It has been four years, and I don’t know, has the blood in the palace been washed away...

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