Talented Genius

Chapter 754: Give some interest

Chapter 754

"Team Qin, these are the things Qiumenshan found."

At 7 o'clock in the morning, in the conference room of the police station, Uncle Jiu and a few police officers put the objects that had just been brought back from the scene on the table, and then asked Qin Ziyi to come and take a look.

Qin Ziyi drank the hot soy milk while scanning the things on it. In the past more than an hour, she had already identified the things in the picture.

The unique dagger of the Flying Dragon Gang, the critical armor, a few VIP lighters from the Flying Dragon Gang, and a safe coin from the Flying Dragon Gang.

"These are unique items of the Flying Dragon Gang."

Uncle Jiu pinched out the copper coin: "Especially the safe talisman copper coin, which is used to wear by the Flying Dragon Gang. I heard that it can guarantee safety."

Qin Ziyi snorted noncommitantly, "If you can really keep it safe, you won't be cut off by someone."

"This is nothing more than Liang Xiucai's brainwashing tactics, just like Bailian Sect's invulnerability, flickering his subordinates is not afraid of death when charging."

The corner of Qin Ziyi's mouth evoked a trace of joke: "In my eyes, Liang Xiucai is more shameless than the crow. The crow is bad in the face, and Liang Xiucai is sluggish."

"Team Qin, there is no need to comment on them now. You judge, did Liang Xiucai and the others do the siege last night?"

Jiu Shu is grateful to Ye Tianlong, so he is very worried about his safety: "If yes, we must remind Ye Tianlong quickly."

"Ye Tianlong has always used the Flying Dragon Gang as his friend, if he is not careful, he will be overcast."

There was a dignified look on his face: "I now suspect that Liang Xiucai didn't kill Dai Mingzi last night, but rushed to Ye Tianlong."

The rest of the police nodded one after another: "Yes, the battle of nearly a hundred people last night did not look like killing a rich girl."

"Then what was Liang Xiucai's motive for killing Ye Tianlong?"

Qin Ziyi lowered his head and drank a mouthful of hot soy milk:

"You said they were friends. Ye Tianlong didn't stand in the way of the Flying Dragon Gang and didn't harm Liang Xiucai's interests. On the contrary, he helped the Flying Dragon Gang many times. No matter how bad Liang Xiucai is, he shouldn't kill Ye Tianlong. People from the Flying Dragon Gang..."

"How can there be any Feilonggang objects left on them?"

Qin Ziyi frowned: "I feel that this 80% is a blaze for blame."

"Hard to say."

Uncle Jiu was still very cautious: "Maybe this is Liang Xiucai's advancing and retreating, and deliberately not removing all the items of the Flying Dragon Gang, which makes people feel that they are blamed."

"Didn't you say that he is sluggish? This kind of person is terrible to look overcast."

"I think, whether it's the Flying Dragon Gang or not, you should find the Flying Dragon Gang to investigate, and then ask Ye Tianlong."

Uncle Jiu added softly: "Ask him if he had a falling out with Liang Xiucai, or listen to his opinion, by the way, Qin team, has Tianlong gone back?"


Qin Ziyi suddenly remembered something when Jiu Shu asked if Ye Tianlong had gone back, put the soy milk cup on the table, and ran back to the office.

She found that she had left Ye Tianlong in the bathroom for too long, without clothes, no heating, and the power supply was turned off by herself...

"Tianlong! Tianlong!"

Qin Ziyi first turned on the power outside, then opened the locked office door, and rushed to the bathroom very fast: "Are you still there?"

no respond!

Qin Ziyi hit a shock: Could it be frozen to death?

Afterwards, she thought of Ye Tianlong fighting a fierce battle last night, still recording a few hours of confession, did not eat much, and was thrown into the bathroom by herself...

She was a little panicked, and hurriedly opened the bathroom door, the glass opened with a splash, and a cold breath came to her face.

Qin Ziyi shuddered, then turned on the light and scanned the ground, and found that the ground was curled up like a big cooked lobster.

It was the bare Ye Tianlong.

"Tianlong, Tianlong, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Ziyi hurriedly knelt on the floor, too flustered to make her ignore the water marks on the ground, and while taking off her coat, she kept shouting at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong still did not respond.

When Qin Ziyi put on Ye Tianlong's coat, he touched his body skin, feeling extremely cold, and his heart became even more flustered.

"Tenlong, Tianlong, sorry."

Qin Ziyi put his hand on Ye Tianlong's nose again, still breathing, but very weak, she pinched people while calling for help.

Then, she lowered her head to give Ye Tianlong artificial respiration, but all this was useless, Qin Ziyi panicked and tore off the clothes outside.

She unbuttoned the two buttons of her underwear and directly used the temperature of her body to warm Ye Tianlong.

She continued to use her hands, wishing to transfer all the body heat to Ye Tianlong's body.

She yelled a few more times to save people, but her voice was weakened by the two doors, plus the noise in the hall, no one showed up to help.

Being overly nervous, Qin Ziyi forgot and moved Ye Tianlong to the sofa...

After posting it for a while, Qin Ziyi felt that Ye Tianlong's face was a little red, and his body seemed to be warmer, thinking that the heat transfer was working, and he was overjoyed:


Ye Tianlong still did not wake up, so Qin Ziyi unbuttoned the last three buttons, took off his trousers and shoes, and pressed his whole body.

The beautiful collarbone, the proud upper body, and the smooth lower abdomen were all exposed and pressed to Ye Tianlong warmly.

Complete skin-to-skin blind date.

Qin Ziyi also felt the blood swelling all over her body, and Ye Tianlong's gradually regaining heat made her a little fascinated.

This was the first time in her life that she had a blind date with a man so intimate.

It's just that she quickly felt something was wrong, as if something was changing, and finally she felt uncomfortable. When she looked down, her pretty face suddenly changed.

Sullen, surprised, embarrassed... and unspeakable shyness, his cheeks instantly red, just like a mature peach!

uncle! Are there any reactions to coma? Qin Ziyi is also the daughter of Crane's genius doctor.

"Son of a bitch!"

Qin Ziyi was about to throw Ye Tianlong over his shoulder, but he didn't move yet. Ye Tianlong's original soft hands suddenly hugged her.

When he turned over, Ye Tianlong pressed Qin Ziyi under his body with a bright smile: "The clothes are all taken off, don't do anything, okay?"

After drying himself in the bathroom for several hours, how could Ye Tianlong not seek justice for his body?

This is also the main reason why he heard Qin Ziyi yelling for fashion death.

He looked down at the woman under him, and his voice was softer: "Why do you have to pay some interest?"

Attractive upper body, flat abdomen, slender waist, plump waist, and long elastic legs.

The characteristics of women are vividly revealed on Qin Ziyi's body, making people want to slide on the smooth and delicate skin like silk.

Qin Ziyi was shocked and ashamed: "Asshole, dare you—"

Ye Tianlong grabbed her top and trousers and threw them out the window...

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