Talented Genius

Chapter 771: conflict

Chapter 771

After coming out of the Grassland Restaurant, Ye Tianlong originally wanted to send Ning Caiwei back, but Ning Caiwei insisted on taking the subway home.

In addition to she didn't want Ye Tianlong to go around half a circle to give herself away, she also wanted to cushion the sultry kiss tonight.

Ye Tianlong couldn't help Ning Caiwei, so he could only walk with her to the subway station, watch her go in and then leave.

At about nine o'clock, the subway traffic was much less than usual. Ning Caiwei took out a rubber band and **** her hair to reveal a red face.

She is like a proud lark, humming the little tune of "Chengdu" and jumping forward with small steps, and she seems very happy.

The fact is also worthy of her happiness tonight. She appointed Sanjiu's pharmaceutical factory as a partner, and kissed Ye Tianlong again, which was very happy.

She doesn't think too much about whether there is a future. Ning Caiwei only knows that it is worth remembering tonight.

"You will pull my sleeves and I will put my hands in my trouser pockets..."

Ning Caiwei, who was humming the tune, took out a card and was about to punch through the subway station on the first floor. At this moment, her eyelids twitched.

She found an old Miao ethnicity, wet, standing in front of the automatic ticket machine, motionless, as if studying how to use it.

It seems that he has just come out of the mountain and has not yet fully adapted to the modern environment.

"Master, do you want to buy a ticket?"

Ning Caiwei, who has always liked to help others, turned and ran to the Miao old man, raised a bright smile and asked, "Do you want me to help you?"

Ning Caiwei's sudden approach made the Miao old man's body tighten instantly, and the wrinkled side of his face suddenly enveloped Ning Caiwei with indescribable Xiao Sha.


Ning Caiwei took a step back subconsciously, her pretty face instinctively showing a trace of fear.

Although the old man of the Miao nationality was shriveled and wrinkled on his face, he didn't know why, staring coldly at him, Ning Caiwei felt the goose bumps all over his body soaring, as if being stared at by some wild beast.

Ning Caiwei felt a kind of pressure, a kind of pressure that made her whole body cold, as if facing a tiger about to pounce, her heart trembled.

She squeezed her handbag subconsciously, and looked at the Miao old man in surprise: "Big... Uncle, can I help you?"

At this time, the Miao old man raised his head, his shriveled face trembled, did not speak, but wiped his finger on the station "Baishizhou".

With the movements of the Miao old man, the pressure disappeared, just like a ferocious beast, after letting out an unwilling roar, it retired.

The eyes of the Miao old man's eyes were as deep as a well, as if an inexplicable black fire was jumping and burning in it, but there was a slight relief on his face.

When a cold wind blew, Ning Caiwei realized that at that moment, her whole body was soaked with sweat, and the corners of her mouth moved.

why? Why did you feel that way just now?

Ning Caiwei asked what she was afraid of, and smiled along the fingers of the Miao old man: "Are you going to Baishizhou? The same train as me."

Then she looked at the empty-handed old man, and added empathetically: "Master, I have change, let me buy a ticket for you."

She took out a coin and bought a ticket neatly, and then took out another fifty yuan to the old man: "Uncle, you also take the emergency for these fifty yuan."

Ning Caiwei is usually used to helping people, and she feels good tonight, so she is more kind to the elderly.

The Miao old man did not push back, and took the ticket and money with his shriveled right hand, his eyes softened.

"Master, take a good ticket."

Ning Caiwei saw the other party's soft gaze, and quickly forgot the feeling of fear just now, and smiled and said: "Uncle, let's get in the car together."

"This way you don't have to look at the map again, and you don't have to worry about going the wrong way."

The eyes of the Miao old man returned to coldness, ignored Ning Caiwei, walked past her, and disappeared into Ning Caiwei's field of vision without looking back.

Ning Caiwei's mouth opened slightly, and she didn't expect the Miao old man to be moody and irritable. He was a little kind just now, and in a blink of an eye, don't get close.

However, she didn't pay too much attention to it, took out the card and dropped it, and then passed the checkpoint to take the 8th line.

Outside the yellow line waiting for the subway, Ning Caiwei saw a Miao old man standing alone at an entrance. He was wet and kept many people away.

She took out a pack of tissues from her handbag, ran to the Miao old man and stuffed it in front of her: "Master, you wipe it, or you will get sick easily."

The Miao old man glanced at Ning Caiwei, put the tissue into his arms, then silently entered the coming subway, and walked to another carriage.

As if far away from Ning Caiwei.

Ning Caiwei pursed her mouth: "What a weird person."

As the thoughts turned, Ning Caiwei's mobile phone vibrated. She opened it and saw that it was a WeChat message from Ye Tianlong, asking if she was on the subway.

Ning Caiwei's smile suddenly brightened, and she directly sent him a selfie to inform him that she was already on the eighth line.

She also teased Ye Tianlong, guessing that when she got home, Ye Tianlong was still halfway there. He should take the subway back to Baishizhou with herself.

Ye Tianlong sent a few depressed expressions, telling him that he was indeed detouring, and several roads were flooded, and he could only go back in circles.

Later, Ye Tianlong told Ning Caiwei to be careful on the road, call herself if she had anything to do, and asked her to call herself at home.


Ning Caiwei lowered her hair and uttered a word, and then she shook her body. She accidentally ran into a gray-clothed young man who had a shiny face and was invincible.

His face was still a little red, with a hint of wine, it was Huo Ziguang who had disputes with Ye Tianlong.

Ning Caiwei hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry!"

Huo Ziguang touched the bumped chest, and cursed unceremoniously: "I'm sorry your mother, are you blind in your eyes, or are you in the crotch?"

This morning, Huo Ziguang and his team lost to Ye Tianlong, which made the Gangcheng circle have to talk about it, and it also made Huo Ziguang and the others feel uncomfortable.

So after they came out of Cuihu Villa, they looked for a place to have fun and vent their emotions. A dozen of them got drunk and slept.

Huo Ziguang even vomited after drinking, but it was inconvenient to vomit in the wing, so as not to lose face completely, he ran to the empty room next door to vomit, and then fell drunk.

When he woke up, Lin Shaoqing and the others had already left, and his wallet and mobile phone were in Lin Shaoqing's handbag, and he was penniless.

In the end, he asked the manager for two yuan to buy a subway ticket back to the hotel.

Today's troubles made him look like a volcano. Whoever touched and erupted, so Ning Caiwei hit him, and Huo Ziguang was furious.

Ning Caiwei frowned: "How do you scold someone?"

"Bitch, what's wrong with scolding you? You hit me, can't I scold you?"

Huo Ziguang raised his head, his cursing stopped subconsciously, because he could see Ning Caiwei's beautiful face clearly, his eyes flashed with fiery heat:

"Tell you, here I'm sorry, it's useless. You hit Ben Shao and you must make up for it. Come and let Ben Shao kiss him."

After speaking, he staggered to Ning Caiwei.

Ning Caiwei hurriedly avoided, but even though she avoided his approach, the handbag she was holding was knocked out by him and landed with a snap.

Many people looked around, and the old Miao man, who was sitting next to the seat with his eyes closed and rested, also slowly opened his eyes and took a look.

At this time, Ning Caiwei's face was cold, and she tried her best to argue: "Why are you swearing and playing hooligans again?"

"I accidentally ran into you, and it wasn't intentional. I also said I'm sorry. You insulted me and played a hooligan. What do you want to do?"

She turned around and picked up her handbag, took out her mobile phone and dialed one and one zero.


Before Ning Caiwei could call the police, Huo Ziguang stepped forward, snatched the phone from her hand, and cursed:

"Want to call the police? Are your heads flooded? Do you know who I am? You can afford to provoke a serious rich or young?"

"Believe it or not, I'll slap you twice, the police won't say anything? People like you are the most annoying, low-minded and without self-knowledge."

He vented all his anger towards Ye Tianlong on Ning Caiwei.

Ning Caiwei said, "Give me back the phone."

"Here you are, you have provoke me."

Huo Ziguang slammed the phone to the ground, then stepped on it with one foot, and the phone suddenly fell apart, completely unrecognizable.

Ning Caiwei was so angry that she was about to cry: "You bastard--"

Many passengers around were watching this scene, but no one stepped forward to discourage or preside over justice, all of which were irrelevant.

This made Huo Ziguang even more arrogant. He pointed his finger at Ning Caiwei and cursed: "Tell you, don't think of challenging me, all the people who challenge me are going to die..."

At this time, the subway arrived at one station, the door opened, and it ticked.

Huo Ziguang stretched out his hand to grab Ning Caiwei's hair: "Get me down, Ben Shao doesn't want to see you."


Before he finished speaking, a figure slammed into Huo Ziguang's body like a rainbow. With a loud noise, Huo Ziguang fell out of the car door.

The whole figure seemed to be pulled by a steel wire, his hands and feet flew over ten meters away, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed on the way.

Three seconds later, Huo Ziguang fell to the ground, before he had time to say a word, he fainted with his head tilted.

Ning Caiwei and the others were taken aback and watched this amazing scene in surprise. Then, as the car door slowly closed, they all looked at the shooter.

Ning Caiwei recognized that it was an old Miao.

It's just that after he hit Huo Ziguang, he left indifferently, passed through several carriages, and disappeared into Ning Caiwei's vision...

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