Talented Genius

Chapter 785: Rush to kill

Chapter 785

Just now, Song Zhu and the others were given a chance to get out. They just wanted to smash, and now their hands were stained with blood, the Miao elders naturally wanted to kill them.

Seeing that the Miao old man was going to kill him, Song Zhu's expression changed drastically. While retreating to the commercial vehicle, he shouted to them:

"Block him!"

Although they were afraid of the Miao elders, Song Zhu commanded them to be more deterrent. They roared and brandished a sharp knife to block the rushing old man.

Ning Caiwei watched this scene nervously, her palm involuntarily squeezing Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath and squeezed out a soft sentence: "Don't worry, he will be fine."

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to scan Han Qinhu and the others, only to find that the mobile phone was broken at some point, dark and unresponsive.

Ye Tianlong smiled bitterly. It was really bad luck tonight, but he didn't care too much. While cohesive, he watched the fight in front of him.

But I don't know why, Ye Tianlong always feels that he has missed something. He seems to have overlooked something. After thinking about it carefully, there is no answer.

At this moment, the Miao old man was evading the three cut knives and putting himself in the encirclement. This time, he did not use the steel wire and the snake.

But with bare hands.


In the chaos, the old Miao elder bullied himself and approached him, knocking on his knees, knocking a big man over several somersaults and tripping a whole group of people.

Then he rushed into the crowd arbitrarily, waving his hands.

For a time, the gloomy building site was filled with unstoppable shadows of fists, like tornadoes raging and roaring.



Screams, crashes, and panic shouts became the main melody, and the scene was chaotic to the extreme.

Some people fall, some bleed, and some people make up, as if moths are fighting the fire.

The Miao old man who tore open the encirclement leaned over indifferently, his domineering sweeping legs overturned the three of them, and then bounced again, elbowing fiercely and condescendingly.

The white dysentery attacked from the side, even with a knife, directly withered to the ground, convulsing all over.

Destroyed, mighty and invincible.

The corner of Song Zhu's mouth couldn't stop moving. Obviously, he didn't expect the old Miao man to be so arrogant. He originally thought that he could fight the opponent when he was not injured.

Looking at it now, he was at his peak, and he couldn't beat the old man in front of him. This guy's skill was definitely above Rank 8.

Later, Song Zhu turned the commercial vehicle around, took out his mobile phone, took a few photos of the old Miao man and sent it back, ready to let people find out the origin.

Then he took out the police gun again.

The old guy ruined his good deeds tonight and forced him to be so embarrassed that it would be hard to vent his hatred without a shot.


In less than a minute, more than a dozen people spurted blood to death, either their heads were blown out, or their chests were trampled down, and the Miao elders brutally broke the game.

The white diarrhea struggling to get up, looking at the beast-like old man in horror, unable to control it anymore, pulled out the police gun behind his backhand.


It was just that before he pulled the trigger, the Miao old man had already hit him with a loud noise, and the white diarrhea fell like a broken kite.

During this period, the bones crackled and blood spurted out uncontrollably, and when he landed, his body was shaken even more.


It's just that the white dysentery who fell on the ground didn't even feel the pain. The old Miao nationality had already exploded and hit his head with one foot.

The blood spurted from the Qiqiao, and the white diarrhea was extinguished.

Ning Caiwei, who sneaked a glance at the scene, instantly hugged Ye Tianlong, her limbs tense as if she had just experienced the pleasure.

Ye Tianlong's mouth was also slightly open. This old man is really cruel. This construction site is too awkward. Find such a person to look after him.

"Be careful!"



When the white dysentery died cruelly, Ye Tianlong's eyes condensed and he screamed a warning. At the same time, the mobile phone in his palm was thrown out.

In the field of vision, the business car that had turned around suddenly dropped down the window, protruding a firearm, and pointed at the old Miao ethnicity facing sideways.

Pull the trigger!

The bullet did not hit the Miao old man, but banged straight on the mobile phone thrown by Ye Tianlong. There was a muffled noise, the mobile phone shattered to the ground and the warhead rolled out.

The Miao old man's eyes cold, one rolled away from the spot, and at the same time grabbed a corpse...


Song Zhu didn't hit the Miao old man with a single shot, and was so angry that he wanted to shoot again, but found that he was no longer there.

He has seen how powerful the Miao elders are, and he dared not waste any more time, even if he shoots Ye Tianlong and steps on his right foot, the car bursts out...


It was almost ten meters from the car, a corpse hit the trunk like a cannonball, the iron sheet instantly collapsed and the glass shattered...

Song Zhu's eyelids twitched, but he didn't even look at the situation behind him. He stepped on the accelerator, and the commercial vehicle rushed out of the gate with a whimper and rushed onto the road.

He knew very well in his heart that as long as there was a slight delay, the old man would catch up with him. At that time, either the wire would kill him or the snake would bite his throat.

He didn't want to die in this man's hands.

Moreover, Song Zhu believes that only by leaving here alive can he avenge the dead brothers, otherwise they will all die in vain.


Almost the commercial vehicle had just rushed out of the gate, and the Miao old man stood at the door like a cannonball, only half a meter away to catch the commercial vehicle.

He was very sorry to look at Song Zhu who was leaving, and at the same time decided that he would spend a few more days in the city and adapt to various environments.

As soon as he came out of the dark place, whether it was his senses or hearing, he found that he had not recovered to the previous level...

He turned and walked back to the construction site.

When Ning Caiwei saw Song Zhu leave, they were all dead again, her pretty face shouted with joy, "Old man, thank you."

The Miao old man didn't respond, but looked at Ning Caiwei coldly, then turned and walked towards the back door, where he was about to leave.

After killing so many people, he naturally knew that this place should not stay long.

He didn't watch Ye Tianlong from beginning to end, in other words, Ye Tianlong didn't mean anything to him, and there was no need to waste energy.

However, when he saw Ye Tianlong's phone shattered by bullets, his deep eyes were filled with waves, and he knew that Ye Tianlong had also saved his life.

But he quickly returned to indifference.

"Thank you!"

Although Ye Tianlong felt that the old man had a weird temper, he somewhat saved his life, so he softly thanked him.

But the Miao old man didn't respond. He glanced at Ye Tianlong, who was covered in blood and mud, and left the construction site with indifference.

It seemed that there was nothing he was interested in.

"Big Brother, Big Brother—"

When the Miao old man disappeared into the night, several BMW cars drove outside the door, the lights shook, and then the voice of Han Qinhu came:

"Big brother, where are you?"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand weakly: "Here..."

Before the words fell completely, Ye Tianlong fell into Ning Caiwei's arms, and fainted softly...

Han Qinhu quickly ran over...

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