Talented Genius

Chapter 787: Last moment

Chapter 787

When Sister Feng talked about Liang Xiucai, Han Qinhu and the others became silent. It was inconvenient for them to talk more about the Feilong Gang.

Ye Tianlong knew what Feng Sister meant. Over a dozen brothers were killed last night, and their lives were hanging by a thread. Among them, Liang Xiucai had a blood debt.

With Sister Feng's character and style, she must turn her face with Liang Xiucai this time.

Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while, then looked at Sister Feng and asked in a low voice: "By the way, how is the Flying Dragon Gang?"

When Ye Tianlong and the others were about to talk about business, Ning Caiwei smiled: "Tianlong, I guess you are hungry, I will cook noodles for you."

After speaking, she left the room with a smile, Ye Tianlong's eyes softened, she was really a sensible woman.

"I haven't contacted my cousin yet."

After Ning Caiwei left the room, Sister Feng let out a long breath: "Song Zhu escaped, she will definitely inform Liang Xiucai that we are still alive."

"In the style of Liang Xiucai, knowing that we are not dead, and can not find us for a while, they will secretly monitor Zhu Gouli and them."

"Once I contact them to inquire about the situation, Liang Xiucai may lock my position through positioning."

She has the caution of a quack: "At that time, I am afraid that you will be killed, and several old brothers will become accomplices and be implicated."

"So I didn't even turn on my phone, and I'm going to wait for you to wake up before discussing it."

Sister Feng still has another worry that she didn't say, that is, she doesn't know whether she should trust her cousin now. In these years, interest can change many people.


Ye Tianlong exudes a hint of approval: "Thinking deeper, Liang Xiucai not only monitors your mobile phone, but may also put someone in to your entrance."

"When things get to this point, he won't let you survive."

He saw it thoroughly: "Not to mention that you blocked him so much money before."

"Ye Shao, after surviving this time, I have figured it out. No matter what the outcome is, I will go back to the Flying Dragon Gang."

Sister Feng looked at Ye Tianlong with a sense of determination: "More than 700 brothers, although good and bad, they are also a force."

"I don't know if Ye Shaoken will not accept us? Rest assured, we can feed ourselves by ourselves, and it won't increase Ye Shao's pressure."

She took a step forward: "I hope Ye Shao can accomplish it."

"Ye Shao, a complete organization needs red flowers like Han Qinhu and dinosaurs, and green leaves like me and Zhu Fa-fa."

"After all, using backbone forces like Han Qinhu and dinosaurs in everything is a waste and unnecessary."

Sister Feng whispered to Ye Tianlong: "Use a sledgehammer to kill a cow, and a chicken knife to kill a chicken. This is more efficient."

Han Qinhu laughed loudly and praised Sister Feng with a thumbs up: "Praise me like this, how can I not speak for you?"

He turned his head and smiled at Ye Tianlong and said, "Big Brother, Sister Feng is actually right. Sooner or later, Mingjiang will change the sky. Why don't we sit up by ourselves?"

"Don't worry, I won't leave you behind."

Ye Tianlong looked at Sister Feng to make a promise: "But now there is no need to incorporate it. I take the entire Flying Dragon Gang, why should you go out independently?"

Sister Feng was taken aback, and then overjoyed: "Understood."

Ye Tianlong smiled, then frowned: "If you were Liang Xiucai and things got like this, what would you do next?"

"Walk all the way to the dark!"

Sister Feng straightened slightly: "Anyway, I have offended you and me. Although we have no substantive evidence, the cracks already exist."

"If I were Liang Xiucai, I would definitely clear out dissidents as soon as possible, and take refuge in the Dai family so that I could have a backer and let myself control Mingjiang."

Han Qinhu also laughed and said: "That is, I have done everything, and I will work hard to the end. It is better than acting crazy and selling stupidly."

"Furthermore, if you don't quickly control the Flying Dragon Gang, if Sister Feng goes back to stand on her own, Liang Xiucai will be greatly damaged and there will be one more enemy."

"So, if I were Liang Xiucai, I would definitely get rid of the noise before Sister Feng rebelled and take the entire Flying Dragon Gang to join the Dai family."

Han Qinhu squeezed out a cigarette, revealing two big golden teeth: "In this way, Liang Xiucai can have more capital in front of the Dai family."


Sister Feng thoughtfully: "However, after Ye Shao's analysis last night, Eagle and Fu Dabiao both expressed their willingness to join forces with the Axe Gang to fight against the Dai family."

"Liang Xiucai wants to reverse their attitude and be the running dog of the Dai family. This move is a bit difficult. I have been thinking about this, but it has never been achieved."

She frowned: "I don't know what way Liang Xiu will take."

Ye Tianlong's body shook, as if thinking of something, he immediately asked: "What time is it?"

Han Qinhu glanced at his watch: "Twelve thirty."

Ye Tianlong asked Sister Feng again: "When will the Feilong Gang negotiate with the Axe Gang?"

Sister Feng was taken aback, and then replied: "Twelve o'clock."

"Something will happen!"

Ye Tianlong issued instructions to Sister Feng and the others: "Contact the Eagle or Baliangjin immediately and tell them to withdraw from the negotiation immediately."

Han Qinhu and Sister Feng were all startled, not knowing what happened, but they quickly took out their mobile phones, opened them, and contacted Eagle and Baliangjin.

Soon, Han Qinhu replied in a low voice: "Big Brother, Baliangjin and two of his trusted friends cannot get through on the phone."

Sister Feng also looked nervous: "Ye Shao, Eagle's cell phone is not in the service area, and Zhu Gaoli's uncle and nephew can't be contacted. Even Liang Xiucai is also turned off.

"It stands to reason that you shouldn't be unable to get in touch. Even if Liang Xiucai and Baliangjin need to be quiet for negotiation, the Eagles should not shut down."

Han Qinhu also squinted his eyes and asked, "Brother, will something go wrong in the negotiation?"

"If you want to eliminate the noise in the Flying Dragon Gang against you, you must reverse the cooperation between Fu Dabiao and the Axe Gang..."

Ye Tianlong saw the essence of the problem at a glance: "If you want the Feilong gang children to turn to Dai's family, the noon negotiation is the best entry point."

"Think about it, if the eighty-two gold and the eagle all hang up at noon, will the Feilong Gang no longer oppose Liang Xiucai?"

Ye Tianlong quickly struggled from the bed: "Will the other hall masters hate the Axe Gang and turn into the arms of the Dai family?"

"And when they die, the axe gang, the elites lost, will it be easier to annex them."

Sister Feng and Han Qinhu were all shocked, thinking deeply, and shuddering: "How can Liang Xiu be so poisonous?"

"Remnant hands!"


"Inform the oriole and try to find out where Liang Xiucai and the others are negotiating."


"Sister Feng!"


"You take thirty elite tiger masters and return directly to your hall to remove the nails Liang Xiucai placed in your hall."


"Han Qinhu!"


"You take fifty brothers, ready to go, and once the oriole returns, go straight to the negotiation site."




"You go to the main hall of the Feilong Gang, don't give Liang Xiucai a chance to go back alive!"


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