Talented Genius

Chapter 907: Murderous

Chapter 907


Ye Tianlong's eyes were quick, and he raised Dai Xiaolong's wrist, the bullet shot through Qin Bu's head with a bang, and broke a branch with a click.

Han Xiaolong missed a shot and became angry: "Ye Tianlong, what are you doing? Do you want to protect the rape?"

"Of course I will not cover up the rape."

Ye Tianlong still held his wrist firmly: "But Qin Bu is definitely a loyal minister. You can't see him desperately protecting his uncle just now, I can."

Qin Bu expressed his gratitude to Ye Tianlong.

He can argue that he is not a traitor, but his cronies just assaulted Dai Hulang, and he had to discount everything he said, and he was indeed negligent.

Han Xiaolong still yelled: "That's a bitter trick. Don't be blinded by him. Your subordinates kill people and save them yourself, but you just leave a way out."

"In eventful autumn, I would rather kill than indulge in it!"

He stared at Qin Bu sharply: "The people who followed him attacked Mr. Dai. He couldn't escape the responsibility. It's not wrong to kill him."

"For Mr. Dai's safety, all dangers must be stifled."

Ye Tianlong tit-for-tat: "It's because of the troubled autumn that I can't kill people indiscriminately, which chills the hearts of my brothers."

"Qin Bu just fought for life, killing three crazy monkeys and one goshawk, wounded more than a dozen on his body, and was poisoned."

"If it wasn't my antidote, or if I shot it in time, he would be a dead body now."

"If he is a bitter trick, it is a bitter trick with water in his head. I even hope that more people will use this bitter trick."

Ye Tianlong stared at Han Xiaolong and asked, "How many opponents did you kill? How many injuries did you get?"

Qin Bu and other veterans showed appreciation, Ye Tianlong's reaction, Ye Tianlong's marksmanship, and his current dealings with others all gained their favor.

"You must be one of them."

Han Xiaolong roared: "Come here, take Ye Tianlong down too."

"Little dragon, put down the gun."

Dai Hulang coughed softly: "Tianlong's words are reasonable. You can't kill people indiscriminately now. Once infighting, the situation will be more turbulent."

Han Xiaolong whispered: "Mr. Dai——"

"Stop talking, listen to Ye Tianlong."

Dai Hulang made the final decision: "And from now on, everyone will follow Ye Tianlong's command until the storm ends."

San Shu and Aunt Wa responded in unison: "Yes!"

Qin Bu and other veterans of the Dai family also said in unison: "Follow Mr. Dai's instructions."

The corner of Han Xiaolong's mouth moved a bit. He wanted to say something, but when he saw Dai Hulang's unquestionable expression, he gritted his teeth and lowered his muzzle...

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

"The killer rushed over with a group of monkeys. They had bombs in their hands."

"Mr. Dai, we have to evacuate as soon as possible. There are many enemies."

At this moment, seven or eight injured Dai Jiarui rushed towards the door, their clothes in tatters, blood stains on their faces, and dust on their hands.

The shoulders and abdomen of the two of them were still bleeding, and their expressions were very painful.

Looked at the people who had gone through a brutal fight.

Qin Bu's complexion changed slightly, and they didn't expect the resistance in front of them to be defeated.

Many Dai guards instinctively stepped forward to support these injured people.


Ye Tianlong had already jumped out with a stride, and shrank in front of him. The next second, he raised his hands and shot bullets from two muzzles.


The body of the injured person who rushed to the front was shocked, and then he let out a heart-piercing howl, which was creepy.

Then, he clutched his chest and fell to the ground, humming twice, and there was no movement.

Qin Bu and the others were taken aback for a moment, unclear why Ye Tianlong made the move.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong took a step forward again, kicking the fallen corpse, and the latter's huge body smashed backwards like a cannonball.


The three wounded who rushed at full speed from behind were unable to escape. They were hit by the corpse of their companion and fell to the ground, their mouths falling out of teeth.

A smear of blood still splashed on the other companions.

Many people were stunned by the sudden change.

Seeing this, the wounded all changed their faces, their eyes shot with hatred, and almost simultaneously raised their hands, the crossbow arrows in their sleeves flashed with cold light.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong didn't shoot them almost, the trigger kept pulling, and the gunshots were loud.

The six people were caught off guard, and their screaming and avoiding actions were faster than Ye Tianlong, which was almost a slow motion in the movie.


The six wounded were shot and killed by Ye Tianlong in a pool of blood.

Without waiting for a lively struggle to get up, Ye Tianlong leaned forward, pulled the trigger, bang bang bang, headshot directly, the means were harsh.

Han Xiaolong's eyes were bloody: "Ye Tianlong, why did you kill them?"

The others also had sharp eyes, staring at Ye Tianlong for an explanation.

Ye Tianlong asked back: "Do you know them? Your own?"

He waved his hand and asked the two Dai Jiarui to use instruments to check whether the corpse contained explosives.

After confirming that the corpse was not in danger, Ye Tianlong stepped forward and touched the face of the lead wounded, removing the blood stains on it, revealing a face with Chinese characters.

Ye Tianlong asked again: "Who knows them?"

Qin Bu and they all shook their heads.

Ye Tianlong looked at Han Xiaolong and said, "Han Xiaolong, you will arrange the guards of the cemetery, and you will also arrange the front blockers."

"In other words, you should all know the Dai family who can appear in the cemetery. With your caution, you won't let strange guards come here."

His eyes became sharp: "So, do you know these people now?"

Han Xiaolong's eyelids jumped, thinking for a while and replied: "I don't know."

"That's not right, everyone doesn't know, neither do you, do you think these are Dai's family?"

Ye Tianlong leaned over and tore off the clothes on the injured person, took out a tube of poisonous needles and a small bottle, which contained an unknown liquid.

Then, Ye Tianlong tore off the clothes of several people. Everyone found that the blood was real, but the wounds were fake, and the skins were intact.

It seems to be using other people's blood to pretend to be injured.

Seeing these things, and when no one knew it, Qin Bu and San Shu knew that this was a killer pretend.

"These **** are too cunning."

Han Xiaolong scolded bitterly, and then looked at Dai Hulang: "Mr. Dai, let's withdraw, otherwise the enemy will be surrounded and we will be in trouble."

Before Dai Hulang could respond, Ye Tianlong shook his head without hesitation: "No hurry!"

"Not urgent?"

Han Xiaolong's face is ugly: "If you don't go anymore, you will be surrounded into dumplings by the other party, and you won't be able to go if you want to."

Several old officials also nodded: "Yes, we must withdraw from this place quickly."

Ye Tianlong asked faintly: "Whose site is West Lake?"

Qin Bu was taken aback, and subconsciously responded: "Of course it is the Dai family site."

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked again: "Do we have many manpower and firearms?"

The third uncle looked around: "Although there was a hard fight and dozens of people were killed or injured, we still have 50 brothers and more than 30 guns."

I didn't answer how many knives there were, and a handful of manpower was indispensable.

Ye Tianlong looked at the door: "Can the phone get through?"

Aunt Wa responded quickly: "Everyone's mobile phones are disturbed, but the two satellite phones on my Sanshu and I can be used."

The corner of Han Xiaolong's mouth couldn't stop moving, and then he asked, "Ye Tianlong, what are you talking about?"

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, glanced at everyone and said:

"There are more than 30 guns and more than 60 people. This is still the site of Dai's family. Satellite phones can call for rescue, and the police will come."

He added faintly: "We can defend and attack, we have the advantage, why should we run?"

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