Talented Genius

Chapter 915: End (five shifts)

Chapter 915 Ending (five more)

When Ye Tianlong appeared in the cemetery again, the man in gray had already used a shield to compress Shangguan Xiaozhi in the west corner.

The gray-clothed man got instructions from Dai Tiger Wolf, so he didn't shoot them any more, but stared at them with murderous aura.

At the same time, waiting for the arrival of Ye Tianlong.

These gray-clothed men were like statues, standing there without feeling, their bloodthirsty eyes shocked everyone.

The shield was held forward, the sword and gun were laid flat. Although he didn't say a word, it exuded a murderous aura, which made people feel irresistible.


The last Toyo warrior, unable to bear this depressive atmosphere, roared, brandishing a samurai sword and rushed towards the man in gray.

The gray-clothed man did not shoot directly, and the six people changed their bodies and moved their steps. Two shields clamped the stabbed samurai sword.

Four shields locked the body of the Toyo Ninja. Before the latter struggled out, four sabers stabbed through the gap, and four streams of blood burst out.

As soon as the shield was loosened and released, the Oriental portrait was like a folded-winged bird, and it fell to the ground with a ‘pop’.

Seeing this simple but brutal scene, Shangguan Xiaozhi and the others did not move anymore, and Si Koujing looked desperate.

Ye Tianlong appeared, and nearly a hundred people scattered and scattered, giving up a passage so that Ye Tianlong could go to the forefront.

Ye Tianlong scanned Shangguan Xiaozhi and the others from a distance, and found that there was no figure of Yanhuang. He glanced around the corpses around him, but he couldn't identify them for a while.

He looked a bit complicated, not knowing whether he hoped that Yan Huang was dead or alive, and then recovered his calm, shouting to the superior and the others:

"Kneel down!"

Ye Tianlong walked in one step, with a body that was as straight as a gun, with a thousand auras. He looked at the remaining six people and faintly said:

"Kneel down if you want to survive!!"

This was said with a smile, but the smile looked more like a fire, with a trace of unspeakable violence.

Si Koujing and the others, under this murderous gaze, they all felt like a frog stared at by a poisonous snake, their mouths dry.


Shangguan Xiaozhi suddenly threw his saber, and gathered three thousand green silks in his hands, as always, happily: "I lose, I will kill and I will do it with you."

She also tore off a piece of clothing and bandaged the arrow wounds on her arm and waist. No one was intact with the arrow rain and bullets just now.

"Just to kill me, just give it a go."

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled to Ye Tianlong: "It's considered to be taking care of beautiful women, okay?"

Although she had a seductive smile, she was as bright as a vixen, and didn't seem to care about life or death, but Ye Tianlong could still catch her sadness.

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Don't worry, I will give you a happy one!"

"Come on, kill me."

Shangguan Xiaozhi walked in front of Ye Tianlong and said softly, "I admit it."

Her beautiful face still maintained a cool, clean and elegant face, but her eyes, which were usually as cold and sharp as mysterious, were already a touch of despair.

The siege of Dai Hulang failed, her life savings were exhausted, and the rebellion was unsuccessful. Faced with the anger of Dai Hulang, the senator would also regard her as an abandoned son.

Shangguan Xiaozhi knows the rules of the game. If she loses, she will lose her whole life, herself, and her life, so she doesn't want to struggle meaninglessly.

Si Koujing was very angry: "Madam——"

She wanted to step forward to stop, but knew that she couldn't advise at all, and no one could change Shangguan Xiaozhi's decision.

Si Kou Jing still knew in her heart that the general situation was gone, but she could not be slaughtered.

Han Xiaolong's breathing kept getting thicker, his hands holding the knife, blue veins protruding, and endless pain in his eyes.


The woman closed her beautiful eyes, and the three thousand green silks were a little messed up by the cold wind, and her red lips lightly said: "Dragon, can you tie my hair?"

"I want to die pretty."

"it is good!"

Ye Tianlong handed the saber into the hands of a man in gray, and then tore a corner of his shirt to make a rope, gently binding up the blue silk for Shangguan Xiaozhi.

The messy hair became docile in Ye Tianlong's hands, and the fragrance came in, it smelled very good, and it made people feel the scent of cherry blossoms in full bloom.

Soon, Ye Tianlong tied the blue silk that Shangguan Xiaozhi had scattered into a beautiful bunch.

He also wiped off the blood stains on Shangguan Xiaozhi's face. That gentleness made people feel inexplicably warm, and also made people feel sorry.

While Si Koujing and others felt this absurd scene, Han Xiaolong's eyes were blood-red like the devil, and his right hand was full of strength.

"thank you."

Shangguan Xiaozhi still closed his eyes, and when Ye Tianlong's hand left his hair, he said softly: "Tianlong, does the bite you bite still hurt?"

The smell in his nose is a faint fragrance, and the sigh of Shangguan Xiaozhi in his ears, Ye Tianlong's heart does not know why, but a faint feeling arose in Ye Tianlong's heart.

He shook the saber back and let it go.

"Ye Tianlong, go to death!"

When Ye Tianlong held his mind to kill Shangguan Xiaozhi, Han Xiaolong suddenly roared and rushed over with a samurai sword.

With a sharp arrow pierced through his shoulder, he wanted to hold Ye Tianlong and die together.


Ye Tianlong slapped Shangguan Xiaozhi with a palm, and greeted him with a saber.

The two sides quickly moved closer, and their footsteps were as if they were rushing forward. When they approached a distance of two meters, Han Xiaolong's throat roared of encountering violence.

It seems that only in this way can he maintain the courage to charge.

Ye Tianlong greeted him without hesitation.


At the moment when the two sides were about to cross, Han Xiaolong suddenly gathered all his strength and pierced the katana fiercely against Ye Tianlong's heart.

At this moment, he saw a blade of light, a ray of light like the moon pouring down during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The brightness of the knife light makes people close their eyes subconsciously.


Han Xiaolong roared as if he was dead, but the shouting stopped in the next second, and the two passed by like shooting stars.

Many people felt that their eyes dazzled, and they didn't even see what was going on. They only heard the whistle of a sword like a golden ming, and the lingering sound spread.

Han Xiaolong still maintained a brave posture of rushing, but stopped screaming after rushing more than ten steps away.

The head is different.

The blood is pouring down.

Han Xiaolong's head curled on the ground, wore an expression of struggle and hatred when he was dying.

The wind in the cemetery became more and more piercing, and everyone, at this moment, couldn’t help feeling a gloomy chill.


Seeing Han Xiaolong fell to the ground, Si Koujing couldn't help it either, she swung a knife and rushed towards Ye Tianlong, and the remaining few people also charged frantically.

They did not choose to kneel and live, it would be better for them to die.

Ye Tianlong didn't retreat, but rushed towards Si Koujing and the others with a sharp knife.

He knew very well in his heart that Dai Hulang let himself come out to clean up the mess in order to make himself stand up, and he could be regarded as the terminator of this rebellion.

He was good at protecting Dai Hulang, rescued Qin Bu and other veterans, detoxified the third uncle and aunt Wa, and committed suicide to kill Si Koujing and the others to end the rebellion...

Who dares to disrespect the Qin family? Who dares not accept?

In this round, Dai Hulang gave it too much meaning, so Ye Tianlong didn't want to let it down.

The body was spinning quickly, and the blood-stained saber made Ye Tianlong look like an angry dragon passing by, very tyrannical.

The powerful killing intent inspired by Ye Tianlong alone was even stronger than the combined killing intent of Suo Si Kou Jing and the others.

The two sides slammed into each other like two equally turbulent waves. After the waves dispersed, Si Koujing and the others fell to the ground.

And Ye Tianlong also staggered, covered in blood, but he was still alive, and then he mercilessly made a knife in Si Koujing's throat.


Si Koujing, who wanted to struggle, shook his body, and his head fell in a pool of blood, his vitality extinguished.


Ye Tianlong stood in front of Shangguan Xiaozhi again, and his saber stabbed several places, making Shangguan Xiaozhi no longer able to counterattack.

He left Shangguan Xiaozhi, because she had the last point of value.

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