Talented Genius

Chapter 917: Keep you seductive

Chapter 917

Dai Hulang directly made Ye Tianlong the focus of the Qin family, and the responses of Qin Bu and other veterans showed that Ye Tianlong was supported.

Although Dai Hulang still has many hidden powers in his hands, San Shu and Qin Bu's statements can still establish Ye Tianlong's position in the Qin Family.

Ye Tianlong didn't expect that Dai Hulang would push him so fast and decisively to push him to the top, so they were slightly taken aback when they heard Qin Bu's response.

He wanted to say something but shut up quickly. At this time, he couldn't play humility and concession.

In that way, not only will people feel that they don't have a tacit understanding with Dai Hulang, but it will also make people feel that Dai Hulang's declaration is too childish.

This will weaken the authority of the two.

Therefore, after the voices of Qin Bu and others fell, Ye Tianlong stepped forward under the eyes of everyone, turned to Dai Hulang, and knelt down on one knee:

"Don't let King Qin down! Three years later, I will definitely make the Qin family proud of me!"

At this time, Ye Tianlong no longer called Dai Hulang his uncle, nor did he call Mr. Dai. Instead, he called King Qin as his heir.

Dai Hulang's face was very pleased, and he stretched out his hand to pat Ye Tianlong's shoulder: "Very well, I believe you will not let us down."

Ye Tianlong bowed again, then turned around, looked at Qin Bu and San Shu, and bowed slightly to everyone: "Thank you for your support and affirmation!"

"From today onwards, the Dragon Gate is of the Qin Family, and the Tianlong is the Qin Family. The two sects are connected by blood and flesh, and when there is difficulty, we share the same blessing."

He exudes a powerful aura: "Your enemy is the enemy of Tianlong, and your relatives are relatives of Tianlong."

"Your pain and joy are also the pain and joy of Tianlong."

Every word fell to the ground with a sound, shaking the hearts of the audience: "I will fight side by side with you, and I will never leave and die until I die."

Ye Tianlong's outstanding figure was as straight as a javelin, and it was so dazzling and conspicuous in the lights of the chamber.

When the voice fell, more than twenty people including Qin Bu and Sanshu shouted together: "Never leave, never give up, never stop until death."

Dai Hulang looked at Ye Tianlong, who was in control of the overall situation, with endless warmth and relief in his eyes. He had no worries about the future...

De Mingzi also smiled beautifully, her eyes were moist, and an inexplicable move lingered in her heart, with an urge to cry.

She also shook her fist secretly, she must study hard with Aunt Wa, grow up early, and digest all the secret power that her father gave to her.

In this way, in the future, I can better help Ye Tianlong and share greater and more difficult pressure.

In the next hour, Dai Hulang took Ye Tianlong to get acquainted with Qin Bu and other veterans, and made Auntie Wa a liaison between Ye Tianlong and the Qin family.

If Ye Tianlong wants to use the resources of the Qin family, he only needs to call Aunt Wa, and she will report to Ye Tianlong for any important matters in the Dai family.

After Dai Hulang finished what he was supposed to do, he got up and went back to the study to read the news, while leaving enough room for Ye Tianlong and Qin Bu.

Ye Tianlong talked with Qin Bu for more than half an hour, the atmosphere was very harmonious, and then they arrived at the dinner table, and everyone ate in the hall together.

After this long time, the relationship between Ye Tianlong and Qin Bu and other old officials of the Dai family was very hot, which made Dai Hulang very applauded and sighed secretly:

"That's how it is to have children."

After eating and drinking tea, Ye Tianlong instructed Qin Bu and the others to go back to the room and rest early, and then went to the basement chamber of Dai's house alone.

He was still holding a tray in his hand, on which there was a dish of stir-fried vegetables, a cup of soup, and a bowl of rice. It was warm, and it made people appetite.

Ye Tianlong came to see Shangguan Xiaozhi. After the woman was taken down, she was detained in this well-guarded and heavily organized underground chamber.

In this place, there is almost no possibility of escape and rescue.

Ye Tianlong passed through three hurdles, passed six organs, and finally opened a stone gate, stood on a row of railings, and appeared in front of Shangguan Xiaozhi.

This is a 30-square-meter secret room with a bed, dining table, toilet and bathroom, but there is no sun or freedom.

The stainless steel railing with a diameter of ten centimeters firmly locks Shangguan Xiaozhi inside.

"Are you still used to living here?"

Ye Tianlong, who was near the railing, saw Shangguan Xiaozhi sitting on the floor at a glance. Although the clothes were still bloody, she still couldn't stop her beauty.

The secret room is a bit deep, but her existence gives birth to a bit of beauty.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Shangguan Xiaozhi slowly opened her eyes, her original cold face, when she saw Ye Tianlong became gentle, she smiled faintly:

"I said I'm not used to it, will you improve my condition?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked the Dai's guard to open the three locks, and then walked in with the tray: "No."

"Then you are asking nonsense?"

Shangguan Xiaozhi, who has shackled hands and feet, has no killing intent or resentment in his eyes. On the contrary, there is a kind of calmness like resignation, her red lips lightly open:

"And for me, it's already God's kindness to be able to live to this moment. How can I ask for anything else?"

Although she was sitting cross-legged on the spot, her body was very straight, fully showing the curve of her slender waist, and she felt soft and delicate when she looked at it.

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "You are wrong, you can survive, not for God's mercy, but I didn't kill you."

One of the Shangguan Xiaosuan Xiu laughed and said, "Yes, you are my god, how about it? Would you like me to promise to repay you well?"

The charming eyes are soft and lightly dyed with spring.

Ye Tianlong put the tray in front of her, looked at that delicate face up close, and smiled playfully: "I'm afraid of pain."

It seemed that the answer was unreasonable, but Shangguan Xiaozhi knew in his heart that Ye Tianlong meant that she was scorpion-hearted and would be bitten by her accidentally.

"Many times, it is better to have pain than no pain."

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled: "At least you will remember me. When you kiss someone, you will also think of me and the lips I bitten."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "It makes sense."

Then finger the food on the tray: "Knowing that you haven't eaten anything from morning until now, so I got you some food and eat it while it's hot."

Although Ye Tianlong regards Shangguan Xiaozhi as a strong enemy, he has to admit that this woman has a strong psychological quality, and she is desperate but does not abandon herself.

Replaced by the rest, lost everything in one day, fell from the sky to the abyss, and became a prisoner. If you don't seek life or death, you will be full of resentment.

However, the Shangguan Xiaozhi in front of him not only has no resentment, but also can't find anger or unwillingness. The success and failure are vividly reflected in her.

His appreciation from the bottom of his heart.

Shangguan Xiaozhi didn't know what Ye Tianlong was thinking. He just looked at the food and sighed quietly: "Compared to these food, I want you to give me a bottle of wine."

"It doesn't make sense to use alcohol to dissipate sorrow."

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "Could it be that if you are drunk, the ending can be changed? It will only be a dream, and waking up will be more painful and sad."

"It's better to have a good meal and enjoy the happiness on the tip of your tongue."

Ye Tianlong looked at the steaming food: "You have to know that the ultimate ideal of many people is to be able to eat such a meal every day."

He thought of the people in the mountains of China and the children in Africa, with a sense of melancholy in his eyes.

"Although your words are very hurtful, but I have to say that it is true. Okay, I will eat this meal."

Shangguan Xiaozhi thought for a while, picked up the rice in front of him, took a bite with the chopsticks, eating very carefully, and then she said softly:

"Ye Tianlong, what is your intention to keep me?"

Her eyes flashed a ray of light: "Do you want to torture me and humiliate me and make me worse off than death, or do you want to dig something out of my mouth?"

This is a smart woman. She knows the consequences of what she has done. She has killed so many people and destroyed the cemetery. Dai Hulang will not spare her.

Even if the Dai family treated her with thousands of swords and swords, Shangguan Xiaozhi was not surprised. The reason why she kept her must have other calculations.

It's just that she can't figure it out for a while.

At this moment, her eyes flashed with a hint of light, with a bloodthirsty and cold cold: "If so, give me a good time."


Ye Tianlong gently shook his head: "I just want to keep you, raise you, and watch you..."

"Let you be like a flower, blooming slowly, it will make me seductive."

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