Talented Genius

Chapter 937: Yuanjia Road is narrow

Chapter 937

At 7:30 in the morning, Ye Tianlong's car stopped at the entrance of a manor.

In the parking lot opposite the entrance, there are already more than a dozen vehicles of various kinds, all with license plates, and they are quietly waiting for the owner at this moment.

After Shen Tianmei got out of the car, she pulled Ye Tianlong to the gate. There were no guards at the gate, not even dogs, only two stone lions.

Moreover, these two stone lions are a bit shabby, and you can see some ages by looking at them.

However, a lot of grass and trees have been planted around and inside the manor, which is lush and green, giving it a feeling of deep courtyard.

Ye Tianlong glanced around the manor, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes: "The man who laid out this manor is a master of Fengshui."

The forward Shen Tianmei stopped slightly, then raised a smile: "You still know Feng Shui? And you can see it without entering the door?"

"The house wants people to be at ease, plant peach willow and elm in the east, green plum and red dates in the south, and apricot flowers in the north."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "This is the motto in "The Notes of Gems". Look at the surroundings of the manor, does it exactly match the planting?"

He also looked at a poinciana tree in the middle of the north and south. He did not know how many years it had been planted. This poinciana tree was extraordinarily tall, with a horizontal canopy, covering the sky.

A gust of wind came, Ye Tianlong's nose twitched a few times, and then he touched the tip of his nose to make himself more comfortable.

Shen Tianmei looked around, then sighed quietly: "Brother, sister really likes you more and more."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly: "Remember my maid suit and sailor suit."

Shen Tianmei squeezed Ye Tianlong's waist: "Not serious."

Ye Tianlong grasped a woman's little hand: "A man is too serious, how can a woman love him?"

Shen Tianmei patted Ye Tianlong's hand away: "Okay, let's not talk about it yet, let's go in, Qin may be waiting in a hurry."


Shen Tianmei came to the door, did not reach out to knock on the door, but directly pushed open the heavy door, and walked in slowly with Ye Tianlong.

She also closed the gate with her backhand. There were still no guards and servants inside. In the sight of the small garden, a rockery, and a corridor, no one was seen.

The whole house was quiet and empty, as if no one lived, but Ye Tianlong could feel the anger in it.

One grass and one tree, one stone and one water, all have the vitality of not surrendering, not admitting defeat, not bowing their heads, very mysterious, but it can make people feel it.

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he scanned a few key places in the courtyard again. Soon, the corner of his mouth was curved.

He saw something.

Afterwards, he curiously whispered to Shen Tianmei: "What is this place? Why is there no one alone?"

Unless he knew that Shen Tianmei would not get lost, Ye Tianlong would think he had gone the wrong way.

The people who can make Qin Tianhe and many famous doctors come to Beijing for treatment are absolutely rich or expensive. How can there not even be a gatekeeper?

Could it be that this owner is not afraid of gangsters coming in to rob?

"I'll see people later."

Shen Tianmei led Ye Tianlong onto the corridor, the tenderness on her face gradually became solemn, and the clothes on her chest were also fastened with paper clips:

"But there is really no one in this place, because the whole house has only one owner, one servant, one cat, and one bird."

She whispered: "To put it simply, this mansion that can live in three hundred people, only two people live permanently."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly: "Damn! What a waste."

Every inch of land in the capital is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, but there are two people living in a three-hundred-man mansion.

If you rent it out, one thousand monthly rent per person, 300,000 yuan a month, 3.6 million yuan a year, and a little bit more, 4 million...

The more he calculated this account, Ye Tianlong felt more emotional: "Prodigal son, prodigal son."

Shen Tianmei asked curiously: "What are you talking about?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It's nothing, it just feels so big here, I'm like Grandma Liu."

Shen Tianmei smiled upon hearing the words: "Can a yard with a size of three hundred people be small? It was built by the master ten years ago by the master and spent a lot of money."

Ye Tianlong nodded to express understanding, and then looked at the poinciana tree not far away. Compared with the far view at the door, it is now more intuitive and really tall.

It is like a sun umbrella, spreading around, except that the sun umbrella only covers two or three people, while the poinciana tree covers more than a thousand square meters.

The existence of this poinciana plant reduced the temperature of the entire yard by two points, which was indescribably cool and refreshing.

Walking to the middle of this manor, Ye Tianlong still didn't see anyone, as if no one lived at all.

It's just that although this place is not popular, it's still quiet in the mountains and old forests, but I don't know why, the more you go inside, the more exciting it is.

Ye Tianlong felt that the air he breathed into his lungs was jumping. I don't know why, but there was an unspeakable vitality radiating vigorously.

At the same time, there is a coercion radiating, making people feel that this place is sacred and inviolable.

Ye Tianlong raised her head to look at Shen Tianmei, she also looked solemn, and she couldn't find the coquettish look like a fox again.


After passing through the long and narrow corridor and walking a long section of pebbles, Shen Tianmei finally brought Ye Tianlong to a building, the five-story courtyard.

At the entrance of the courtyard are two stone lions. There are a lot of green bamboos on both sides, lush and slender, and they look very beautiful when the wind blows.

"The muscles of this wrist are a little atrophied compared to the last time."

"The old army stab wound on the back began to show signs of tearing."

"The bullet in the head was also squeezed and moved, and if it moved another three centimeters, it would be troublesome..."

The door of the small courtyard was not closed, it was completely open, and there were human voices coming out, but it was small, like whispering.

Shen Tianmei walked in with Ye Tianlong, his vision became richer, and there were three long tables that could accommodate sixteen people in a hall.

Sitting on the long table, dozens of highly respected medical experts, one by one, dignified and professional, are gathering together to study the results of various examinations.

However, although they are all doctors, they are very distinct, with Chinese medicine on the left and Western medicine on the right.

They discussed very intensely, but their voices were extremely low, their expressions were solemn, and there was a sense of anxiety, and they were obviously worried about the patient's condition.

Around the hall, there are more than a dozen men and women in black, looking like soldiers, standing in silence, providing all the doctors present.

Ye Tianlong also discovered that among the western medical practitioners, there was another white-clothed old man, in his fifties, with a radiant face and a sense of superiority on his face.

His appearance is six points like Qin Tianhe.

Shen Tianmei and Ye Tianlong appeared, but only attracted a few people to look at them, and then hurriedly lowered their heads to study the information in their hands, not even the beautiful women looked at them.

There is no doubt that their minds are all on the patient.

But a pair of eyes fixed on Ye Tianlong, stubbornly, bitterly, and with a hint of resentment, Ye Tianlong looked back at him as if he was inductive.

A playful smile on his face: Qin Ai'ai!

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