Talented Genius

Chapter 942: Zhao Ditian

Chapter 942

Lu Yuanjia and Zhan Qinglou personally led Ye Tianlong. Compared with the sight of no one in the front yard, the back yard was much stricter, with three steps, one post, five steps and one guard.

The five-tier yard, one layer is deeper than the other layer, each layer is guarded, and there are doctors and nurses on standby.

When they saw Lu Yuanjia and Zhan Qinglou leading the way, there was a touch of surprise on their faces. At the same time, there was a light in their eyes, which was hope.

"Little brother, promise me one thing."

On the way forward, Zhan Qinglou whispered to Ye Tianlong: "Lao Zhao's illness, whether you can do it or not, please give him a glimmer of hope."

Lu Yuanjia wanted to say something, but smiled bitterly in silence. He obviously didn't like lies, but he knew it was beneficial to the patient.

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Zhan Qinglou replied gratefully: "Thank you then, Dr. Ye."

After speaking, she continued to lead the way.

Passing through the triple courtyard again, when you came to the last courtyard, what suddenly appeared in front of you was a loft standing proudly.

Around the attic, there are many similarly structured wing rooms, one by one, magnificent, wide and deep, giving people an unfathomable situation.

But Ye Tianlong locked his gaze on the tallest attic ten meters away, and intuitively believed that the patient was in the attic.

Because Ye Tianlong felt an aura of majesty and self-improvement from that attic.

At this moment, the sun was rising in the east, and the sun shone on the attic, reflecting a faint light, making the entire attic look like a white jade carving.

There is indescribable solemnity and solemnity.


As soon as the morning breeze blew, the trees around the attic shook lightly, very artistic, with a touch of poinciana.

Ye Tianlong rubbed his nose again. He was a little allergic to poinciana powder, and then put his hand in the air to feel the direction of the morning breeze.

Lu Yuanjia watched Ye Tianlong's movements curiously, but he didn't ask anything or say anything.

"Mr. Ye, here it is,"

When he reached this heavy yard, Lu Yuanjia stopped and said softly: "I'll wait for you here."

The patient didn't like being watched by too many people, and he didn't want to be seen by his cronies about his fragility, so Lu Yuanjia stopped following.

A smile bloomed in the Zhan Qinglou, leading Ye Tianlong to the attic: "Lao Zhao is in the attic, go, I will lead you there."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Thank you."

Zhan Qinglou smiled warmly: "I should thank you for it."

She had a better impression of Ye Tianlong, and it seemed that it was rare to see such a polite young man.

Passing through the corridor and the courtyard, the two came to the front of the attic, and the Zhan Qinglou respectfully shouted: "Lao Zhao, the doctor Ye is here."

When speaking, under the cold expression of Zhan Qinglou, there was a joy, a blur, and a respect.

No one in the attic responded, and the silence was like no one, but Ye Tianlong could feel that there was a trace of tenacious vitality inside.

It is like a spring bamboo shoot that is about to break the ground and tenacious.

No response was received, Zhanqinglou did not walk in, but did not leave either, just stood quietly at the door, waiting patiently.

Ye Tianlong didn't move either, rubbing his nose and waiting quietly.

For a long time, a sigh with vicissitudes of life came along with the low morning wind: "Why bother?"

Zhan Qinglou pursed his lips and squeezed out a sentence: "Lao Zhao, you have taught us that if there is a glimmer of hope in everything, we must do our best."

The vicissitudes of life sighed again: "You can't let me spend these last days quietly?"

Zhan Qinglou lowered his head: "I'm sorry, Zhao Lao, we can't do it, please give God Doctor Ye a chance."

She added the last sentence: "He is also a person highly recommended by Qin Lao. If there is no standard, Qin Lao will not let outsiders approach you."

"He is also a recipient of the Sun Medal, a guest of the 18th European royal family, Mr. Zhao, please trust him once."

After a moment of silence, the voice of the vicissitudes of life faded out: "Come in."

The war brothel spoke respectfully: "Yes!"

After that, she took Ye Tianlong into the attic, and as the steps deepened, the light became darker and darker, as if walking towards an endless abyss.

But Ye Tianlong didn't feel lost at all, because he felt a spiritual call, holding him like a thread.

"Hum, hum, hum!"

Three minutes later, Ye Tianlong and Zhan Qinglou came to the top of the attic. The black tiles, blue bricks, and white walls, simple tones gave people an endless tranquility.

This attic is fifty square meters in size, with good lighting. The golden sunlight filtered by the bamboo leaves shines through the clear windows and becomes soft and mottled.

There is only one bed, one table, and one chair in the house, and the thin sheets on the bed are folded into angular pieces of tofu.

There are a lot of books on a bookshelf beside the bed, the edges of which have been rolled up, it can be seen that they have been turned over many times.

And beside the window of the attic, there is a long and narrow rocking chair. On the rocking chair, lies a long and thin old man in Tang suit.

An extremely weak old man.

His sword-like eyebrows have lost their sharpness, his tall nose has also become dry, and the wrinkles on his face add a breath of death to him.

Ye Tianlong looked at him, knowing that Qin Tianhe and the others were helpless, and the old man was really in a state of desperation.

To be precise, the elderly, houses, accessories, furniture, and a piece of bamboo near the window all carry an unstoppable aging atmosphere.

Seeing him closing his eyes, Zhan Qinglou whispered, "Old Zhao."

She worried that the old man fell asleep again.


Hearing the call of the Zhan Qinglou, the old man in Tang suit moved his body to make himself a little more comfortable, and then slowly opened his narrow eyes.


That is to say, these eyes, these opened eyes, made Ye Tianlong's body instantly shook, feeling everything in the house shine.

A tenacious vitality opened up the gloom and opened up all the aging breath in the house.

Brick and tile, grass and wood, bed and chair, all dissipated the twilight, blooming with vitality, and a solemn sense of majesty.

They seem to suddenly have dignity and life, making people afraid to trample on them again. Ye Tianlong instantly paid tribute to the old man in Tang suit.

His eyes fell on a medal, it was a five-pointed star, and as the old man opened his eyes, it was particularly shiny.

This medal has white enamel as the background color, and it wears gold to cast a hammer and sickle. There are two golden wheat ears surrounding a red star, and the words are engraved on them:

"Guard China!"

On the other side of the medal, there is a number zero zero one, and a name: Zhao Ditian,

What a domineering name!

Ye Tianlong's heart shuddered: "This old man, eight achievements are Zhao Ditian."

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