Talented Genius

Chapter 944: Grievances

Chapter 944

Three months?

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Zhao Ditian's face was not surprised, nor sad, as always, showing his open-mindedness towards life and death.

"You are very direct. No one has ever told me like this. They all said that I don't need to worry, my condition is under control and my health is improving."

Zhao Ditian's eyes fell on Ye Tianlong's face: "Your words are cruel and true, but I like them."

"With this three-month timetable, I can calmly arrange the funeral, without hanging up without warning, leaving a lot of regret."

He reached out and picked up a cup of tea next to him: "Moreover, your diagnosis is equivalent to giving me a sentence and let me let go of the heart that has been hanging for many days."

"For a person sentenced to death, the most fearful thing is not knowing when to die, but never knowing when to die."

Zhao Ditian retakes Ye Tianlong twice, without struggle or pain on his face, he is still calm and calm: "Thank you."

"Lao Zhao, I've only said half of what I just said, and I haven't finished half of it."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "In the eyes of other doctors, you only have three months, but with me, you have at least five years of life."

"I can treat all the internal injuries of your body, but it will take a while."

His voice was filled with confidence: "If you are willing to trust me unconditionally, I will surely let you survive this difficult time."

"Can you let me last for five years?"

Zhao Ditian stagnated the tea cup in his hand and looked at Ye Tianlong with a smile: "You didn't mean to make me happy? Did Yuan Jia or Brothel let you say it?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "No!"

"Well, tell me, what is my real fatal root cause?"

The old man smiled warmly: "They checked for a long time, but there is no final conclusion. If you can tell me the deadly root of the disease, I will trust you."

Ye Tianlong didn't hesitate, watching the old man calmly and told him: "Lao Zhao, you have two real deadly roots."

"It's not the visible injuries on your body, nor the internal injuries they checked out."

He made a judgment: "One is that you have chronic toxins, and the other is that your body is overdrawn."

Zhao Dingtian narrowed his eyes and smiled and said, "It sounds like a little docile, but can you be more specific?"

"Of course, the genius doctor, without the strength, how can he deceive the world? No, he practice medicine.

Ye Tianlong let out a hearty laugh: "I can be more specific, but it's not the time yet, wait until I get rid of your erythema first."

"Lao Zhao, Tianlong, steamed buns and dough are here."

Ye Tianlong almost fell, and Zhan Qinglou, Lu Yuanjia and Qin Tianhe appeared.

Lu Yuanjia held a basin with dough in it, and Zhan Qinglou held a steamer with ten cabbage buns on it, which was warm.

Qin Tianhe was empty-handed and his eyes were full of curiosity. There is no doubt that he was watching the excitement: "Tianlong, what do you want a bun for?"

Lu Yuanjia also looked at Ye Tianlong curiously, he dared to come over only after he got optimistic news.

"Doctor Ye, the buns and dough are here. I made them by myself. The quality is guaranteed."

There was a layer of crystal on the forehead of Zhan Qinglou, which obviously took a lot of effort. She looked at Ye Tianlong and asked eagerly, "What is the next step?"

Although the three of them had different forms, they all caught a common situation, that is, Zhao Ditian's condition was much better, and he obviously had a good conversation with Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong smiled at Lu Yuanjia: "General, you have a strong hand and knead the dough into thirty balls."

Lu Yuanjia didn't talk nonsense, put down the basin, washed his hands, and kneaded the viscous dough into one ball after another...

"Tianlong, what do you want dough for? What does Lao Zhao's illness have to do with this?"

Qin Tianhe was confused: "Is there still this steamed stuffed bun? Medicine Yin, or physical therapy?"

Ye Tianlong asked Zhan Qinglou to put the steamer on the table, then washed his hands and lifted the white cloth, directly picked up a bun and took a bite in his mouth:

"Buns, of course, are for eating."

Ye Tianlong took a hint of complaint: "I flew to the capital overnight, and then rushed here without stopping. I haven't had breakfast in the morning."

"You don't ask me if I am hungry, just let me see the doctor for Mr. Zhao, and I am embarrassed to say that I am hungry, so I have to steam a few buns.

"The taste is good, the skin is thin and the meat is fresh, the brothel sister really has worked hard."

He also gave Zhao Ditian one: "Lao Zhao, you can eat one too, to increase your physical strength."

Zhan Qinglou and Lu Yuanjia almost hit the wall collectively, damn! After working for so long, why is it so mysterious that this kid wants to eat breakfast?

Qin Tianhe, who poured his own tea, almost squirted tea.

It's just that Zhao Ditian didn't get angry at all. Instead, he laughed and took the buns happily: "Ye Tianlong, you are a real life treasure."

Then, he looked at the Zhan Qinglou and they smiled and said, "Yuan Jia, Brothel, you are eager to save people and understand, but you must also take care of the doctor and eat."

"Those doctors outside, shouldn't they have anything to eat? Let them stop and go to the dining room to eat some food."

Zhan Qinglou respectfully responded: "Yes!" She took out the phone and quickly transmitted the instructions.

Although it was a bit depressed by Ye Tianlong, seeing Zhao Ditian so happy, Zhan Qinglou was also very happy.

Lu Yuanjia looked at the flour in the basin and asked, "Then these..."

"When Mr. Zhao eats this bun, you will use these noodle **** to roll the red spots on Mr. Zhao well."

Ye Tianlong took a bite of the buns: "Use one noodle ball in one place, you can't reuse it."

Lu Yuanjia hurriedly kneaded the remaining flour into a ball. A general with a fighting spirit and blood, at this moment was as meek and obedient as a sheep.

Five minutes later, Zhao Ditian finished the steamed buns, drank half a cup of tea, and smiled calmly: "Come on, look at the tricks of the little genius."

Qin Tianhe touched his bald head and said, "Although I don't know his intentions, I still think he is reliable. Let me help."

Qin Tianhe and Lu Yuanjia moved quickly, following Ye Tianlong's instructions, holding the face ball, rolling over the red spots...

Zhan Qinglou stood at the door to avoid, with a somewhat agitated expression. At this moment, a phone rang in her arms and she put on earplugs and whispered: "Hey!"

A soft voice came from my ear: "How is Elder Zhao's situation?"

Zhan Qinglou whispered: "It's being treated, it looks like there is hope."

The other end of the phone hesitated and asked, "Is he here?"

Zhan Qinglou did not hide: "It's him!"

Then she added: "Don't worry about family matters, I will take care of it, and you will complete your tasks well."

The other end of the phone hummed, then hung up, and Zhan Qinglou sighed quietly:


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